Monday, March 02, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Coronavirus: mask shortage among city’s most vulnerable has wealthy Hongkongers taking matters into their own hands
South China Morning Post, March 02, 2020

「只影警不影暴亂群眾」 馬逢國批部分傳媒不持平 (LegCo member, Ma Fung-kwok, criticizes some media outlets for being biased)
Mingpao, March 2, 2020

《立場》向警提 10 宗投訴 半數涉警無理動粗 鏡頭展示記者身分證 警指待私隠署調查 (The Stand News has submitted a total of 10 complaints against the Hong Kong Police Force )
The Stand News, March 2, 2020

香港攝影記者協會 強烈譴責警方襲擊記者 (Hong Kong Press Photographers Association condemns the Hong Kong Police Force for attacking journalists)
The Stand News, March 1, 2020

In Pictures: Tear gas, pepper spray, 115 arrests during clashes in Mong Kok, as police officer pulls gun on protesters
Hong Kong Free Press, March 01, 2020

Hong Kong police fire tear gas as black-clad protesters return to streets
Reuters, February 29, 2020

Hong Kong police arrest 115 after biggest outbreak of protest violence since coronavirus crisis
South China Morning Post, February 29, 2020

拒設公眾「連儂牆」 食環署:令社會更分化 衍生違法事件損國際形象 (Islands District Council rejects plan for Lennon Wall in Tung Chung, cites concern over worsening social segregation and damage to Hong Kong's international image resulting from unlawful incidents)
The Stand News, March 2, 2020

美國國務院關注黎智英被捕 中國外交部︰粗暴干涉香港事務 促停止為反中亂港分子撐腰 (U.S. State Department is monitoring Jimmy Lai's arrest; China MFA: This is interfering with Hong Kong's affairs, stop supporting people who oppose China and stirring trouble in Hong Kong)
The Stand News, March 2, 2020

李卓人被捕後獲准保釋 批評警方「大算帳」(Lee Cheuk-yan released on bail)
Radio Television Hong Kong, February 28, 2020

香港每一千個年輕人就有四個曾經被捕 (4 in 1,000 of young people in Hong Kong have arrest records)
The Stand News, February 29, 2020

Hong Kong asylum seekers hit by Taiwan’s coronavirus travel ban
South China Morning Post, February 29, 2020