新疆哈萨克族人被判刑19年 狱中患白血病官拒保 (Two years into 19-year sentence, Xinjiang Kazakh is denied medical parole after diagnosis of leukemia)
Radio Free Asia, April 2, 2020
Thursday, April 02, 2020
Xinjiang (新疆)
Access to Information (公众知情权)
武汉李文亮医生被“烈士”,“发哨人”艾芬医生疑失踪 (As Hubei authorities laud Dr. Li Wenliang as “martyr,” Dr. Ai Fen, who sounded the first alarm about coronavirus, is feared missing)
Voice of America, April 2, 2020
记者无疆界敦促中国大使们停止攻击媒体报道新冠病毒 (Reporters Without Borders urges Chinese diplomats to stop attacking media for coverage of COVID-19)
Radio France Internationale, April 2, 2020
China’s diplomats must stop attacking media over coronavirus reporting
Reporters without Borders, April 1, 2020
Government Accountability (政府问责)
China Concealed Extent of Virus Outbreak, U.S. Intelligence Says
Bloomberg, April 1, 2020
彭博:美国情报机构称中国蓄意隐瞒疫情 (Bloomberg: US intelligence agency says China deliberately conceals epidemic)
Deutsche Welle, April 2, 2020
ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)
Inside China’s controversial mission to reinvent the internet
Financial Times, March 27, 2020
Hong Kong (香港)
Hong Kong pan-democrat Howard Lam jailed after losing appeal against conviction in torture claim
South China Morning Post, April 2, 2020
42 Hong Kong civil servants suspended over protest arrests, even with ‘no guilt presumed’ and legal proceedings under way, authorities say
South China Morning Post, April 2, 2020
Hong Kong police win broader powers to search arrestees’ phones
South China Morning Post, April 2, 2020
無搜令不能查被捕者手機 警上訴得直須按條件 法庭重申禁警逼供手機密碼 (Hong Kong police can now search arrestees' cell phone without warrant; but Appeal Court stresses prohibition against forcing arrestees to hand over passcode)
Mingpao, April 2, 2020
Commentary (评论)
来自西方学者的观察:疫情之下如何反思世界 (Observations of Western scholars: How to reflect on the world in the epidemic)
Beijing News, April 2, 2020