Hong Kong (香港)

Beijing threatens to stop recognising Hong Kong BN(O) passports in retaliation for British offer to city residents
South China Morning Post, July 23, 2020

【稱違限聚令】警方自行定義「記者」票控網媒學生報 記協:無法律基礎 (Hong Kong Journalists Association: Police’s ticketing web media, student newspaper journalists for gathering ban violation lacks legal basis)
CitizenNews, July 23, 2020

港區國安法|德外長:將推出回應措施 如簡化港人入境限制及終止與港引渡協議等 (German Foreign Minister on National Security Law for Hong Kong: Countermeasures will include reducing entry restrictions for Hong Kong residents, terminating extradition agreement with Hong Kong)
Ming Pao, July 23, 2020

《港區國安法》爭議多 終院最資深海外非常任法官賀輔明勳爵:問題將需要回答 (Lord Hoffmann, Non-Permanent Judge of the Court of Final Appeal of Hong Kong, on National Security Law: Controversial questions will need answering)
The Stand News, July 23, 2020

歐盟香港報告憂國安法毀兩制 港府斥毫無根據 不認同區會選舉和平進行 (Hong Kong gov’t slams EU concerns over National Security Law’s destruction of “One country, two systems” as unfounded, disagrees with characterization of district council elections as peaceful)
The Stand News, July 23, 2020

Hong Kong 2019 Annual Report: an exceptionally challenging year
European Commission, July 22, 2020

國際工聯:香港勞權惡化與中國屬同級別 侵害勞權公司國泰榜上有名 (Int’l Trade Union Confederation: Worker's rights in Hong Kong has sunk to the same level as China; Cathay Pacific is listed as a violator of worker's rights)
inmediahk.net, July 23, 2020

2020 ITUC Global Rights Index: The World's Worst Countries for Workers
International Trade Union Confederation, June 18, 2020