Hong Kong (香港)

Missing Hong Kong protester Alexandra Wong 'was held in mainland China'
British Broadcasting Corporation, October 17, 2020

王婆婆公開內地被捕軟禁一年經歷 被參加「愛國之旅」迫拍片對國旗罰站 無懼在港坐政治監 (In press conference, Grandma Wong shares experience of year-long house arrest in mainland, including being forced to go on a “patriotic” tour, confess in video-taping, and reflect in front of PRC flag)
CitizenNews, October 17, 2020

National security law: Jimmy Lai takes Hong Kong police to court seeking return of materials seized in office raid
South China Morning Post, October 19, 2020

Too Soon to Concede the Future: The Implementation of The National Security Law for Hong Kong--An HRIC White Paper
Human Rights in China, October 16, 2020

國安法對香港互聯網的影響 (The National Security Law impact on Internet in Hong Kong)
The Stand News, October 17, 2020

全國人大通過修改國旗國徽法 譚耀宗:主要強化對中小學宣傳 港府應參考修例 (NPC passes amended National Flag and National Emblem Laws; Tam Yiu-chung urges Hong Kong gov’t to consider using them to strengthen PRC flag and emblem education in elementary, secondary schools)
The Stand News, October 17, 2020

芬蘭暫停與香港引渡協議 中方:堅決反對 不容外部勢力干預 (Finland suspends extradition agreement with Hong Kong; China: Strongly oppose, will not tolerate interferences from foreign forces)
The Stand News, October 17, 2020