Monday, March 01, 2021

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong activists are charged with “inciting, procuring, inducing, causing” democracy
Quartz, March 1, 2021

Power for Democracy disbands in 'new political era'
Radio Television Hong Kong, February 27, 2021

Hong Kong democrats trial: Police cordon off area outside court, warn supporters that slogans may violate security law
Hong Kong Free Press, March 1, 2021

Senior U.S. Government Officials Condemn Detention of Pan-Democratic Candidates
U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong, March 1, 2021

National security law: Chinese University of Hong Kong’s new student union steps down after school cut it off citing possible legal breaches
South China Morning Post, March 1, 2021

Hong Kong’s electoral reform: is this the end of confrontational opposition, and who decides what’s a patriot?
South China Morning Post, March 1, 2021

夏寶龍指特區多個領域未真正形成穩固愛國者治港局面 (Head of Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office Xia Baolong says patriots-only rule has not been firmly established in Hong Kong)
Radio Television Hong Kong, March 1, 2021

Head of RTHK's Public and Current Affairs resigns
Radio Television Hong Kong, March 1, 2021

左報狙擊食衞新任常秘不符「愛國者」標準 聶德權:公務員宣誓體現「愛國者治港」責任 (Pro-Beijing media attack new Food and Health Bureau chief as not meeting “patriot” standard)
Stand News, March 1, 2021

理大衝突再多11人被落案控暴動 (11 more charged with rioting over PolyU protests in 2019)
Ming Pao, March 1, 2021