Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Hong Kong (香港)

‘They can’t speak freely’: Hong Kong a year after the national security law
The Guardian, June 30, 2021

117 people arrested in Hong Kong in a year under national security law
Reuters, June 30, 2021

Hong Kong’s national security law one year in: How the city’s legal foundations were shaken
Agence France-Presse, June 30, 2021

National security law: welcome mats by Britain, Australia, Canada lure thousands who feel Hong Kong is no longer home
South China Morning Post, June 30, 2021

Hong Kong: National Security Law has created a human rights emergency
Amnesty International, June 30, 2021

香港《国安法》一周年:电影审查设国安“红线” 引发业界对过度审查的担忧虑 (One year anniversary of Hong Kong’s national security law: the movie industry is concerned about NSL’s “red line” and excessive use of censorship)
British Broadcasting Corporation, June 30, 2021

‘A Form of Brainwashing’: China Remakes Hong Kong

The New York Times, June 30, 2021

大赦国际:国安法在香港造成人权紧急状态 (Amnesty International: Hong Kong National Security Law has created a human rights emergency)
Voice of America, June 30, 2021

Hong Kong: National Security Law has created a human rights emergency
Amnesty International, June 30, 2021

Hong Kong activist Chow Hang-tung arrested as police revoke bail
Agence France-Presse, June 30, 2021

Hong Kong Democracy Activist Still Pushing for Change
Voice of America, June 29, 2021

National security law: Hong Kong police officer denies using body as human shield against motorcyclist, court hears
South China Morning Post, June 30, 2021

Hong Kong July 1 democracy demo ban upheld; police to adopt ‘zero tolerance’ and reportedly deploy 10,000 officers
Hong Kong Free Press, June 30, 2021

防疫為由禁七一遊行 升旗及酒會獲豁免 民政署:慶祝回歸重點活動(July 1 demonstration is banned due to pandemic, but flag-raising ceremony and reception are exempted according to Home Affairs Department)
Stand News, June 30, 2021

職工盟等多個工會明擬設約十個街站 冀警方尊重勿阻撓(The Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions and several other trade unions plan to set up street booths, hoping that the police will respect and not obstruct)
Radio Television Hong Kong, June 30, 2021

流亡抗爭者製作遊戲眾籌 盼保存香港人記憶(Activist in exile crowdfunds for video game, hopes to preserve Hong Kongers’ memories)
Stand News, June 30, 2021

Hong Kong’s courts should reflect China’s will, says official
The Guardian, June 30, 2021

Hong Kong Philosopher Taught Life’s Meaning. Now He Visits Students in Jail.

The New York Times, June 30, 2021

Hong Kong parent company of Apple Daily to cease operations on Thursday, will still try to pay staff despite authorities not releasing frozen cash
South China Morning Post, June 30, 2021