Tuesday, August 03, 2021

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong’s Carrie Lam says fall-out with biggest teaching union nothing to do with Beijing pressure
Hong Kong Free Press, August 3, 2021

【封殺教協】中學校長:失去平台聆聽教師聲音 未見有團體可取代(Secondary school principal: Teachers’ Union was a platform for hearing teachers' voices; no substitute in sight)
Stand News, August 3, 2021

Hong Kong ex-lawmaker fined for breaking aviation law outside Legislative Council with ‘release political prisoners’ balloon
South China Morning Post, August 3, 2021

端傳媒總部遷往新加坡 執總稱「不代表對香港失去關注」(Initium Media headquarters move to Singapore; executive editor says relocation doesn't mean Hong Kong no longer a concern)
Ming Pao, August 3, 2021

Ex-RTHK broadcaster and HKFP columnist Steve Vines leaves Hong Kong for UK citing ‘white terror’
Hong Kong Free Press, August 3, 2021

‘I demand 100% freedom’: Hong Kong political artist Kacey Wong leaves for Taiwan citing crackdown
Hong Kong Free Press, August 3, 2021

Hong Kong media outlet, broadcaster and artist all quit city
Radio France Internationale, August 3, 2021

【調查報道】7.21 影像分析:至少 235 白衣人涉施襲或持武器 兩年僅 48 被捕 8 被控(Investigative report: Analysis of footage of July 21, 2019 Yuen Long attack shows at least 235 white-clad men engaged in violent attacks or held weapons; only 48 arrested, 8 prosecuted in two years)
Stand News, August 3, 2021

【元朗 7.21 影像分析】 《立場》翻看 14 小時片段 揭至少 235 白衣人涉施襲或持武器(14 hours of video footage show at least 235 white-clad men involved in assault or held weapons)
Stand News, August 3, 2021