Beijing approves resolution to impose electoral overhaul on Hong Kong
Hong Kong Free Press, March 11, 2021
全国人民代表大会关于完善香港特别行政区选举制度的决定 (Decision of the National People's Congress on Improving the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region's Electoral System)
Xinhua News Agency, March 11, 2021
How China Plans to Control Hong Kong’s Elections and Elevate ‘Patriots’
The New York Times, March 11, 2021
Hong Kong court grants bail to democrat arrested under security law rejecting justice dep’t appeal, revokes bail for another
Hong Kong Free Press, March 11, 2021
Coronavirus: eight Hong Kong opposition activists get suspended jail sentences over breach of ban on public gathering
South China Morning Post, March 11, 2021
Hong Kong activist Ted Hui welcome to campaign in Australia, says official
Channel News Asia, March 11, 2021
Hong Kong activists urge EU not to ratify new deal with China
The Guardian, March 11, 2021
【太空卡實名制】政府倡囚逾 3 年屬「嚴重罪案」 可毋需手令索資料 人權組織斥定義籠統(Real-name registration for mobile SIM cards: Gov’t suggests 3+ years’ jail term and warrantless search for “serious crimes”; rights group slams definition as too broad)
Stand News, March 11, 2021
Real-name Registration Programme for SIM Cards Consultation Paper
Commerce and Economic Development Bureau of HKSAR Gov’t, February 8, 2021