Hong Kong media tycoon Jimmy Lai, Martin Lee and Albert Ho to appeal protest convictions
South China Morning Post, April 21, 2021
New Hong Kong elections rule allows postponement of contests in specific Legislative Council constituencies
South China Morning Post, April 21, 2021
Hong Kong government bars campaign spending refunds for legislative candidates investigated for national security offences
South China Morning Post, April 21, 2021
SPECIAL REPORT Hong Kong activists retreat as China-style justice comes to their city
Reuters, April 21, 2021
【專訪】夏博義:和平示威受阻或致暴力 民眾政權情緒續升溫 借鏡北愛歷史憂現冤假錯案(Hong Kong Bar Association chair Paul Harris says hindering peaceful protests may result in violence)
Stand News, April 21, 2021
Hong Kong police chief wants ‘fake news’ law as he ramps up attacks on newspaper he accused of inciting hatred
South China Morning Post, April 20, 2021
Hong Kong broadcaster RTHK rejects media award for TV doc about police handling of mob attack
Hong Kong Free Press, April 21, 2021
有文章稱入境條例修訂削出入境自由 保安局責失實誤導(Article says Immigration Amendment Bill reduces freedom to enter and leave Hong Kong; Security Bureau slams as false and misleading)
Radio Television Hong Kong, April 21, 2021
4.28「鎖港條例」一旦通過 必削港人出入境自由(Freedom to enter, leave Hong Kong will be greatly reduced if Immigration Amendment Bill is passed on April 28)
Stand News, April 21, 2021
保安局強烈譴責於網媒刊登有關《2020年入境(修訂)條例草案》文章內容失實及誤導(Security Bureau strongly condemns online media article as false and misleading)
HKSAR government, April 21, 2021
China's 'Oscar ban' draws attention to a film on Hong Kong protests
Deutsche Welle, April 21, 2021
Opposition-leaning Hong Kong union that screened protest documentary accused of violating national security law by pro-Beijing politician
South China Morning Post, April 21, 2021
美国众院压倒性通过支持香港民主自由130号决议案 (In landslide bipartisan vote, U.S. House of Representatives passes resolution to condemn China's violation of rights and freedoms of Hong Kong’s people)
Radio France Internationale, April 20, 2021
House votes to condemn Chinese government over Hong Kong
The Hill, April 19, 2021
H.Res.130 - Condemning the continued violation of rights and freedoms of the people of Hong Kong by the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
Congress.gov, April 19, 2021