Hong Kong (香港)

National security law: Hong Kong authorities freeze assets of Apple Daily media tycoon Jimmy Lai
Hong Kong Free Press, May 14, 2021

Hong Kong tycoon Jimmy Lai's Taiwan paper to stop print edition
Reuters, May 14, 2021

《台灣蘋果日報》紙本5月18日起停刊(Taiwan print version Apply Daily to stop on May 18)
Ming Pao, May 14, 2021

網媒《852郵報》宣布「暫別」 遣散六員工 創辦人游清源:擬立假新聞法是導火線(Digital news media "Post 852" suspends operation, dismisses all six employees in face of "fake news" law)
Stand News, May 14, 2021

Hong Kong protests: chef jailed for more than six years over ‘senseless’ knife attack on student near Tai Po Lennon Wall in 2019
South China Morning Post, May 14, 2021

Hong Kong internet radio host facing money-laundering, sedition charges denied bail over Taiwan connections, High Court judge says
South China Morning Post, May 14, 2021

National security law: retired Hong Kong judge says it’s ‘reasonable’ for Beijing to take jurisdiction in exceptional cases
South China Morning Post, May 14, 2021

元朗區議員司徒博文辭職 稱以曾身為香港人的議員為榮(Szeto Pok-Man resigns from Yuen Long district councilor post)
inmedia.hk, May 14, 2021

香港民研:六成人指國安法限制學術自由 教育界憂現逃亡潮(Survey: 60% think national security law restricts academic freedom)
inmedia.hk, May 14, 2021

“We Hongkongers Survey” press conference cum mini-policy forum about Academic Freedom
Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute, May 14, 2021