Hong Kong (香港)

Beijing’s new chief diplomat in Hong Kong says battle against ‘foreign forces’ his top priority, dubs 2019 protests a ‘colour revolution’
South China Morning Post, June 2, 2021

Tiananmen vigil: Hong Kong police to put 3,000 anti-riot officers on standby, promising swift action against any unauthorised June 4 gatherings
South China Morning Post, June 2, 2021

‘Unreasonable’ to arrest Hongkongers wearing black or holding candles, says Tiananmen Massacre vigil organiser
Hong Kong Free Press, June 2, 2021

Tiananmen vigil organisers close June 4 museum after government launches licensing probe
South China Morning Post, June 2, 2021

Former Hong Kong student leader Owen Au jailed for 6 months over 2019 anti-mask law protest
Hong Kong Free Press, June 2, 2021

譚凱邦向法院申請保釋被拒 須繼續還押候訊(Roy Tam, one of the 47 pan-democrats charged under National Security Law, is denied bail)
Radio Television Hong Kong, June 2, 2021

‘No political story allowed’: Hong Kong broadcaster falls silent on sensitive subjects
The Guardian, June 2, 2021

記協憂電話智能卡實名制令公眾不敢向傳媒提供敏感資料(Journalists Association fears real-name SIM card system hinders public from providing sensitive information to media)
Radio Television Hong Kong, June 1, 2021

蔡展鵬涉光顧無牌按摩院 4人控管理經營賣淫場所准保釋 案情無提及蔡展鵬(Four from massage parlor patronized by National Security head Frederic Choi are prosecuted for vice; no mention of Choi)
Ming Paos, June 2, 2021

【閹割通識】公社科強制內地考察 教育局推「官辦」行程 必須包含中華文化元素(Education Bureau introduces compulsory "officially-organized" trips to mainland China in revamped Liberal Studies curriculum)
Stand News, June 2, 2021