Hong Kong (香港)

Exclusive | Man who stabbed Hong Kong police officer left multiple suicide notes, said he was doing it for the city
South China Morning Post, July 2, 2021

Those who ‘encourage violence and incite hatred’ share blame for policeman stabbing, says security chief
Hong Kong Free Press, July 2, 2021

男子刀刺警|有市民帶白花到崇光百貨外 警員駐守(Citizens leave white flowers outside Sogo after policeman gets stabbed, but are warned by the police)
Ming Pao, July 2, 2021

【7.1刺警案】一日被警截查三次 被發 599G 告票 Emilia:佢哋話又見我(Police stop and search pro-democracy feminist Emilia Wong and issue ticket for violating public gathering ban)
Stand News, July 2, 2021

Hong Kong Tiananmen Massacre vigil leader Chow Hang-tung denied bail over banned 2021 vigil
Hong Kong Free Press, July 2, 2021

鄒幸彤稱還押時遭脫褲掀衣物摸胸搜身(Chow Hang-tung claims she was sexually assaulted when being searched in detention)
Ming Pao, July 2, 2021

Hong Kong protest slogan implies a government under enemy control, history professor says at city’s first national security law trial
South China Morning Post, July 2, 2021

涉和你Lunch掟磚 文員韓寶生認暴動囚30個月 官:警人身安全未受威脅(Clerk is sentenced to 30 months in jail for throwing bricks during 2019 "lunch with you" protest)
inmedia.hk, July 2, 2021

Hong Kong grants top honours to judicial and security figures, inc. Justice Sec. and 42 police officers
Hong Kong Free Press, July 2, 2021

Hong Kong protests film distributor has funding cut after arts council chairman says documentary ‘beautifies riots’, but denies decision linked to national security law
South China Morning Post, July 2, 2021

National security law: UN rights official calls on Beijing to allow fact-finding mission to Hong Kong
South China Morning Post, July 2, 2021

Activists urge UN officials to visit Hong Kong and investigate ‘disappearance of freedoms’ under security law
Hong Kong Free Press, July 2, 2021