Friday, October 15, 2021

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong lawmakers in race against time to push through bills after Typhoon Kompasu shuts Legislative Council
South China Morning Post, October 14, 2021

Hong Kong pro-democracy grassroots group allows members to stand in ‘patriots only’ legislative election
Hong Kong Free Press, October 15, 2021

Ousted Hong Kong district councillor told to repay HK$110,000 in allowances to government
South China Morning Post, October 15, 2021

Hong Kong security chief accuses media outlet of ‘demonising’ Article 23 national security legislation
South China Morning Post, October 15, 2021

Hong Kong protests: Polytechnic University scientist who tried to help protester shot by police jailed for a year
South China Morning Post, October 15, 2021

Security law: Ex-Student Politicism spokesperson granted bail, three others remain in custody pending trial
Hong Kong Free Press, October 15, 2021

Hong Kong national security law: teenage activist bailed ahead of subversion trial, but 3 other members of student group told they must remain behind bars
South China Morning Post, October 15, 2021

49歲男涉十一縱火燒國旗被捕 另一人在逃(49-year-old man is arrested for setting national flag on fire on National Day; police is pursuing another), October 15, 2021

4港大生涉宣揚恐怖主義 10.28轉介區院續准保釋(Court allows bail for 4 HKU students charged with "promoting terrorism" while case is transferred to District Court), October 15, 2021

高院同意為公眾利益將壹傳媒清盤 稱做法公正公平(High Court permits liquidation of Next Digital Limited for sake of public interest)
Ming Pao, October 15, 2021

3 前區議員被指違限聚令全部無罪 官質疑警證供 陳劍琴:為公民社會活動還公道(3 district councilors found not guilty of violating gathering ban as judge questions statement by police)
Stand News, October 15, 2021

More Hong Kong teachers to be tested on Basic Law, as schools face axe due to falling birth rate
Hong Kong Free Press, October 15, 2021

晚報:港府研官津校入職教師必經國安法考核,未來或擴至直資學校和幼稚園(Gov't considers compulsory National Security Law exam for new public school teachers, with possible extension to subsidized schools and kindergartens in future)

Hong Kong Continues to Hemorrhage People Amid Ever-Widening Political Controls
Radio Free Asia, October 14, 2021