Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Commentary & Analysis (评论与分析)

Hong Kong: How Beijing Perfected Repression
Journal of Democracy, January 2022


“Hong Kong's comprehensive transformation reflects an effort, common to autocratic regimes, ‘to hollow out from within critical institutions safeguarding fundamental freedoms.’ . . .

“What we see in Hong Kong has wider implications. . . . Any effort by democracies to push back must articulate both the benefits of democracy and the limitations of the CCP model that the Hong Kong situation is now laying bare.”

#BeijingWinterOlympics: Your Quick Guide to China’s Human Rights Crisis
Chinese Human Rights Defenders, January 19, 2022

Contra a Billionaire Bro: Why We Should Care About China’s Rights Violations in Xinjiang
The Intercept, January 19, 2022

Commentary & Analysis (评论与分析)

每周时事分析:临近冬奥会的中国疫情(COVID in China on eve of Winter Olympics)
Financial Times, January 14, 2022

在面临新的病毒变异形势下,中国的疫苗和抗疫方式已经越来越难以适应新局面,中国的抗疫现状会成为今年中国外交的软肋。(Facing new COVID variants, China's vaccines and pandemic control are increasingly struggling to cope. China's current fight against COVID will become the Achilles heel of its diplomacy this year.)

Human Rights Defenders & Civil Society (人权捍卫者与公民社会)

Hong Kong democrat Owen Chow awaiting national security trial has bail revoked for violating terms
Hong Kong Free Press, January 13, 2022

Hong Kong national security law: first person jailed under legislation drops appeal against 9-year sentence
South China Morning Post, January 13, 2022

親北京媒體指《明報》刊「港獨學者」文章,質疑「想接過蘋果煽動角色?」(Pro-Beijing media accuses Ming Pao of publishing article by "pro-independence academic"; asks if it "wants to take over Apple Daily's seditious role?")
The News Lens, January 13, 2022

涉時代廣場向警掟鋼柱 女子罪成囚31個月 拒求情遭官斥:以為激情可贏得掌聲(36-year-old woman is sentenced to 31 months in prison for throwing metal pole at police in 2019 protest)
inmediahk,net, January 13, 2022

大陆著名人权律师王宇代理案件在苏州市姑苏区法院开庭后 在法院内遭暴力袭击(Well-known human rights lawyer Wang Yu is violently attacked inside Suzhou Gusu District Court after hearing of a case she is representing)
Weiquanwang, January 13, 2022

知名媒体人、记者、作家、“大病免费医疗 你我每日一呼”运动推广人胡新成遭山西太原警方逮捕(Hu Xincheng, well-known journalist and advocate of “Free Medical Care for Serious Illnesses” campaign, is arrested by Taiyuan police in Shanxi on suspicion of promoting terrorism)
Weiquanwang, January 13, 2022

女权人士李翘楚狱中病情加重(Feminist activist Li Qiaochu's condition worsens in prison)
Weiquanwang, January 13, 2022

湖南著名人权律师谢阳遭当局强迫失踪(Xie Yang, well-known Hunan rights lawyer, is forcibly disappeared by the authorities)
Weiquanwang, January 13, 2022

Thursday, January 06, 2022

Xinjiang (新疆)

Uyghurs in Turkey file legal complaint against Chinese camps
Uyghur Times, January 4, 2022

新疆:土耳其一律师团在伊斯坦布尔状告习近平等112中国官员 (Xinjiang: Turkish lawyers sue 112 Chinese officials, including Xi Jinping, in Istanbul court)
Radio France Internationale, January 5, 2022

Commentary (评论)

Crimes Ordinance Sedition versus Hong Kong’s National Security Law: different legal tools, same outcome?
The China Collection, January 6, 2022

The use of the sedition provision is also part of a larger strategy by the government to diversify its national security toolkit: the Stand News arrests show that the government wants to move away from using the heavy artillery of the NSL in all cases, and instead wants to use different legal and criminal tools for different circumstances.

This diversification of the national security toolkit will be a key part of the government’s strategy in 2022: Chief Executive Carrie Lam has made clear that Basic Law Article 23 national security legislation will be a key priority for the new year. Once that legislation is completed, the government will have an entire new set of national security laws that can be used to threaten, intimidate, or jail its political opponents. It can save the NSL itself for only the most high-priority targets.

Commentary (评论)

第四權 (The fourth estate)
Ming Pao, January 5, 2022

新聞自由的環境跟過去已大不相同,大家都心裏有數。太多的「不確定性」,令人如履薄冰,如果說新聞界沒有擔憂,相信只是自欺欺人。(The environment for press freedom is very different from the past, and everyone knows it well. Too much "uncertainty" is making people walk on thin ice. To say the press does not have to worry is, I believe, just deceiving ourselves.)

2022年的命運 (Our fate in 2022)
Ming Pao, January 5, 2022

躺平、沉默都會引來責難,看來這就是香港人在2022年的命運。(Even lying flat and staying silent will invite censure: this is the fate of the Hong Kong people in 2022)

Hong Kong (香港)

Tiananmen vigil: Hong Kong activist jailed for 10 extra months following second incitement conviction over banned June 4 gatherings
South China Morning Post, January 4, 2022

煽惑六四集結罪成 鄒幸彤:無論法庭如何審判我的文字 都不是停止寫作的理由 (Chow Hang-tung, convicted of inciting June Fourth assembly: How the court judges my words is not a reason to stop writing), January 4, 2022

Stand News closes, content deleted following arrests and police raid; Chief Sec. slams ‘evil elements’
Hong Kong Free Press, December 29, 2021

Hong Kong police chief says more Stand News arrests possible
South China Morning Post, January 1, 2022

早報:《立場新聞》鍾沛權和林紹桐申請保釋被拒,何韻詩等四人獲保釋(Stand News senior staffs Chung Pui-kuen and Patrick Lam are denied bail, four former board members are granted bail)
Initium Media, December 31, 2021

《立場》英國分社停運 楊天帥辭任分社主任(Stand News UK branch halts operations; UK officer Yeung Tin Shui resigns), December 30, 2021

《立場新聞》已移除網站及社交專頁內容(Stand News removes all website and social media content)
Radio Television Hong Kong, December 30, 2021

Hong Kong’s Citizen News to close citing fears for staff safety
The Guardian, January 3, 2022

《眾新聞》宣布後日停運:身在風眼,須確保船上人平安 (Citizen News announces suspension Jan 4: In the eye of the storm, we must ensure safety of people on board), January 2, 2022

How Beijing Has Muted Hong Kong's Independent Media
The New York Times, January 3, 2022

Hong Kong's Lam: Media closures unrelated to press freedom
The Washington Post, January 4, 2022

Hong Kong media tycoon Jimmy Lai and ex-Apple Daily journalists face additional charge over ‘seditious publications’
Hong Kong Free Press, December 28, 2021

Hong Kong protests: 5 convicted of rioting, resisting police during clashes on National Day in 2019
South China Morning Post, December 31, 2021

Lawmakers in Hong Kong new ‘patriots-only’ legislature sworn in by Chief Executive Carrie Lam
Hong Kong Free Press, January 3, 2022

New rule kicks in for Hong Kong schools to hold regular flag-raising ceremonies, some campuses seek training help from police
South China Morning Post, January 3, 2022

Pro-Beijing teachers’ group in Hong Kong granted vacant school premises to set up centre for patriotic, national education
South China Morning Post, December 28, 2021