北京冬奥:习近平式的党国意在彰显专制的效力(Beijing Winter Olympics: Xi Jinping-style party-state aims to demonstrate the efficacy of autocracy)
Radio France Internationale, February 10, 2022
徐州八孩母亲案:背后的法律问题和妇女权益保障隐忧(Xuzhou eight-child mother case: Legal issues and hidden concerns over women's rights protection)
British Broadcasting Corporation, February 11, 2022
时事大家谈:中共要谷爱凌“为党争光” 体育政治真能分开吗?(Commentary: CPC wants Eileen Gu to "win glory for the party"—can sports and politics really be separated?)
Voice of America, February 11, 2022