美国驻华使领馆呼吁中国停止打压维权律师(U.S. embassy in Beijing calls on China to stop the crackdown on human rights lawyers)
Radio Free Asia, February 15, 2022
“广东著名人权捍卫者王爱忠案将于2022年4月12日在广州第31法庭开庭审理(Wang Aizhong, well-known Guangdong rights defender, will stand trial in Guangzhou April 12)
Weiquanwang, February 14, 2022
Hong Kong singer arrested on suspicion of acting with seditious intent and money laundering
Hong Kong Free Press, February 15, 2022
2 plead guilty to inciting others to cast invalid ballots in Hong Kong’s Legislative Council poll
South China Morning Post, February 15, 2022
城大學生會撤出校園 會長:時代不再容許學生會存在(CityU Students’ Union leaves campus; chairman: the time no longer allows the existence of student unions)
inmediahk.net, February 15, 2022
Ex-leaders of Hong Kong’s defunct Tiananmen vigil group see transfer of national security case to High Court delayed
Hong Kong Free Press, February 14, 2022