"中国好声音"走红藏族歌手自焚抗暴?藏人组织呼吁真相("Sing! China" popular Tibetan singer self-immolated to resist violence? Tibetan groups call for truth)
Radio Free Asia, March 7, 2022
"江苏访民遭截访死于非命 公民关注死因被刑拘(Jiangsu petitioner dies in police custody; citizen is detained for seeking cause of death)
Radio Free Asia, March 8, 2022
National security law: Hong Kong activist arrested on suspicion of violating bail conditions with online comments
South China Morning Post, March 8, 2022
違保釋條件遭法庭撤銷擔保 初選案余慧明還押候訊(Winnie Yu, one of 47 pro-democracy figures charged with subversion, remanded in custody awaiting trial after arrested for violating bail conditions)
Radio Television Hong Kong, March 8, 2022
Hong Kong protests: man jailed for 4 years over role in National Day riot in 2019
South China Morning Post, March 8, 2022
用艺术传递女性的力量 | 3·8海报设计展(Using art to convey the power of women: March 8 Poster Design Exhibition)
Matters, March 7, 2022