对专制极权说不 中国良心犯妻子宗教自由峰会发言(Say No to totalitarianism—wives of Chinese prisoners of conscience speak at religious freedom summit)
Radio Free Asia, July 1, 2022
Assimilation: China's Failed Strategy in Xinjiang
The Diplomat, July 1, 2022
习近平访港参加主权移交庆祝,香港当局限制媒体报道(Xi Jinping visits HK to celebrate handover of sovereignty; HK authorities restrict media coverage)
Voice of America, July 1, 2022
七一刺警案一年 大批警員SOGO外戒備截查 反恐警持槍巡邏 (On anniversary of stabbing of policeman, officers station outside SOGO en masse as counter-terrorism police patrol with guns)
immediahk.net, July 1, 2022
七一刺警案一年 地上現白花 有市民指被警告獻花或涉犯國安法(One year after policeman was stabbed on July 1, 2021, citizen is warned by police that offering flowers may violate National Security Law)
inmediahk.net, July 1, 2022
港警重兵部署 反對派疑遭跟蹤監視(In heavy police presence, opposition figures suspect being followed, monitored)
Deutsche Welle, July 1, 2022
【七一冇遊行】消失的街站 留下的團體 (No march on July 1: Vanished street stations, left behind groups)
immediahk.net, July 1, 2022