Friday, July 15, 2022

Human Rights Defenders & Civil Society (人权捍卫者与公民社会)

中国烂尾楼拒付贷卷风暴 陕西首酿上千苦主包围银保监局(A thousand owners of units in unfinished buildings surround Banking Regulatory Commission in Shaanxi to defend their rights)
Radio France Internationale, July 15, 2022

China’s Surveillance State Hits Rare Resistance From Its Own Subjects

The New York Times, July 15, 2022

【初選47人案】伍健偉被拒保釋 官指庭內多名支持者叫喊 (Hong Kong 47 | Ng Kin-wai is denied bail; judge: Supporters shouting in court signals he may not stop endangering national security), July 15, 2022

7 Hong Kong protesters jailed for 7 to 10 months over speedboat escape bid
Hong Kong Free Press, July 15, 2022

12.28「和你shop」 二人非法集結上訴遭駁回 官:向警叫囂「報仇」屬煽惑暴力 (Judge dismisses appeal against illegal assembly convictions, says shouting "revenge" at the police incites violence), July 15, 2022

Hong Kong protests: top court acquits first person jailed for carrying zip ties, rules items ‘not instruments fit for unlawful purposes’
South China Morning Post, July 15, 2022

醫生和你sing刑期上訴得直改判囚14個月 官稱原審裁「核心滋事分子」過於武斷 (Court of Final Appeal reduces sentence for doctor convicted of illegal assembly, calls lower court ruling that defendant was a “core troublemaker” based only on his clothing “too arbitrary”), July 15, 2022

Elderly Catholic priest begins three-day hunger protest outside Hong Kong prison
Radio Free Asia, July 14, 2022