Thursday, July 07, 2022

Human Rights Defenders & Civil Society (人权捍卫者与公民社会)

Jailed Chinese NGO worker 'tortured' in Hunan's Chishan Prison, according to letters
Radio Free Asia, July 6, 2022

Tibetans skirt tight Chinese surveillance to mark the Dalai Lama’s 87th birthday
Radio Free Asia, July 6, 2022

涉5.24反國安法遊行 26歲侍應事隔兩年被控暴動罪 准保釋待轉區院訊(26-year-old waiter involved in 5.24 anti-national security law march is charged with rioting after 2 years, granted restricted bail pending transfer to district court), July 7, 2022

19個港人組織發起聯合行動 全球反中國「姊妹城市」(19 Hong Kong organisations around the world launch global campaign to “Sever Sister City Relationship” with China)
Radio Free Asia, July 7, 2022

自覺敏感 有書展商棄賣自家新書 貿發局拒評DQ 稱一直「溫提」書商為展品負責 (Book fair dealers abandon selling their new books in acts of self-censorship; HK Trade Development Council: It has only “gently reminded” booksellers of their responsibilities), July 7, 2022

8書院學生會組平台 欲重啟中大學生會 召集人:望有民意基礎下發聲 (8 college student union groups express desire to restart CUHK Student Union to ensure students can have a base for voicing “public opinions"), July 7, 2022

補習老師否認拆國旗棄於垃圾桶 質疑目擊證人記憶有誤、從沒向警招認(Tutor denies dismantling national flags and dumping in trash; defense questions that witnesses' memory was wrong and defendant never confessed to police), July 7, 2022