Twitter whistleblower says security holes cause ‘real harm to real people’
Washington Post, September 13, 2022
Twitter前安全總監到國會作供,指控公司管理層無視中國特工滲透 (Twitter's former security chief testifies before Congress, accusing company management of ignoring Chinese spy infiltration)
Initium Media, September 14, 2022
China: Xinjiang Official Figures Reveal Higher Prisoner Count
Human Rights Watch, September 14, 2022
香港人排隊吊唁英女王 :「戀殖」與國安法下的「另類政治表態」(Hong Kong people line up to mourn the Queen: "Nostalgia for colonization" is an "alternative political statement" under the National Security Law)
British Broadcasting Corporation, September 13, 2022