Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Human Rights Defenders & Civil Society (人权捍卫者与公民社会)

世界精神卫生日:海外华人抗议中国当局维稳暴行 (World Mental Health Day: Overseas Chinese protest against Chinese authorities' brutality to maintain stability)
Radio Free Asia, October 10, 2022

二十大维稳极端化 安徽强拆户调解妥协后反被判刑 (China goes extremely in maintaining stability during the 20th CPC National Congress, relocated citizen in Anhui sentenced after mediation with the government)
Radio Free Asia, October 10, 2022

Hong Kong: five teenagers sentenced in first security case involving minors
Reuters, October 8, 2022

Hong Kong protests: young people jailed over unrest should be allowed to contribute to society on release, rehabilitation group says
South China Morning Post, October 11, 2022

羊村繪本案前言語治療師工會正副主席及秘書刑滿出獄 今早離開羅湖懲教所(In seditous children’s books case, former chairman, vice-chairman and and secretary of speech therapists union are released from prison after serving their sentences and left Luo Wu Correctional Institution this morning)
Inmediahk, October 10, 2022

被控暴動罪男生赴台後未回港受審 法庭充公其母3萬元保釋金(Student charged with rioting did not return to Hong Kong to stand trial after going to Taiwan; court confiscated his mother's HK$30,000 bail)
Ming Pao, October 7, 2022

被指撰文煽惑六四非法集結罪成 鄒幸彤提上訴 指到維園集會非唯一結論(Former HK Alliance vice-chairwoman Chow Hang-tung convicted of writing an article inciting an illegal assembly on June 4, appeals, pointing out the Victoria Park rally was not the only conclusion)
Ming Pao, October 11, 2022

羅健熙等5人否認理大外非法集結 被告舉手冀阻警開槍屬「文明互動」遭官質疑(5 including Democratic Party chair Lo Kin-hei plead not guilty to illegal assembly outside PolyU in the 2019 protests; judge questions defendant raised hands to prevent the police from shooting as "civilized interaction")
Ming Pao, October 10, 2022

8人涉理大衝突厚福街暴動罪成(8 found guilty of rioting in Tsim Sha Tsui during PolyU seige in 2019)
Ming Pao, October 10, 2022

理大衝突5被告認非法集結罪 4人判囚1人入更生中心(Among 5 defendants who pleaded not guilty to illegal assembly during PolyU seige in 2019, 4 jailed and 1 sent to rehabilitation center)
Radio Television Hong Kong, October 11, 2022

荃灣聖方濟中學有學生升旗禮前作出不尊重行為被停課(Student from St. Francis Xavier's School Tsuen Wan is suspended for disrespectful behaviour at flag raising ceremony)
Radio Television Hong Kong, October 10, 2022