中共二十大报道:前中组部官员公开致函习近平 要求澄清胡锦涛离席事件真相(20th CPC National Congress: Former official of Organization Department of the Central Committee sends open letter to Xi Jinping asking for clarification of the truth about Hu Jintao's leaving at the conference)
Voice of America, October 31, 2022
Hundreds in Tibetan capital stage rare protest against Covid lockdowns
Agence France-Presse, October 29, 2022
2 convicted of rioting in Admiralty during 2019 Hong Kong protest, including 1 minor
Hong Kong Free Press, October 31, 2022
Exclusive: University of Hong Kong makes library users register to access some politically sensitive books
Hong Kong Free Press, October 31, 2022
‘We all want creative freedom’: Arts election lays bare Hong Kong censorship fears
Agence France-Presse, October 30, 2022
奏《願榮光》六旬漢涉再被票控 被控未經批准在公眾地方籌款(60-year-old man is charged with unauthorized fundraising in a public place again for playing "Glory to Hong Kong")
Ming Pao, October 31, 2022
「立場新聞」涉煽動案開審 將先爭議涉案文章有否超出檢控時限(In Stand News sedition case, judge to determine firstwhether articles involved have exceeded statute of limitations for prosecution)
Ming Pao, October 31, 2022
【理大圍城】12港人郭子麟與另一青年承認暴動 冀明年9月前服刑完 回港大繼續學業(Kwok Tsz-lun of 12 Hong Kongers case and another plead guilty to rioting; Kwok hopes to finish serving his sentences by September next year to continue his study at HKU)
Inmediahk, October 29, 2022
National security: Ex-leader of Hong Kong Tiananmen vigil group demands prosecution disclose more info
Hong Kong Free Press, October 28, 2022