楊何蓓茵稱新的《公務員守則》不再用「政治中立」(Secretary for the Civil Service Ingrid Yeung: No more "political neutrality" in new "Code of Practice for Civil Servants")
Radio Television Hong Kong, October 25, 2022
下學年起新聘教師須通過基本法及香港國安法測試(Newly recruited teachers must pass Basic Law and HK National Security Law exams starting next school year)
Radio Television Hong Kong, October 24, 2022
藝發局選舉「完善」後投票人數減七成 投票率急跌至不足兩成(Voter number drops by 70%, turnout plummets to below 20% after Hong Kong Arts Development Council “optimized” election)
Inmediahk, October 24, 2022