中国供销社惊人复活(Surprising resurrection of China's supply and marketing cooperatives)
Radio France Internationale, November 3, 2022
中国进入国企民企合营期 明年将持续扩大(China enters period of joint ventures between state-owned and private enterprises with plans to continue expanding next year)
Radio Free Asia, November 3, 2022
Toddler’s death raises new questions about human costs of China’s zero-Covid measures
South China Morning Post, November 3, 2022
中国兰州男童封锁期间失救死亡,新冠“次生灾难”再引公愤(Boy in Lanzhou dies as lockdown delayed treatment; Covid-19’s "secondary disaster" re-ignites public outrage)
BBC News, November 3, 2022
防疫负担太重 中国多地“常态”核酸检测不再免费(Many local authorities will no longer provide "normal" PCR tests for free, citing heavy costs of epidemic prevention)
Deutsche Welle, November 3, 2022
Hong Kong to strengthen intelligence collection to deal with underlying security threats, John Lee says
South China Morning Post, November 2, 2022