Law & Policy (法律与政策)

国家互联网信息办公室发布《互联网用户账号信息管理规定》自2022年8月1日起施行 (Cyberspace Administration of China issues "Regulations on the Management of Internet User Account Information," effective on August 1, 2022)
Cyberspace Administration of China, June 26, 2022

Leaked documents show China's careful coordination of Uyghur repression
Radio Free Asia, June 28, 2022

"Piloting ship to weather storm": Chinese state-run paper highlights "vitality" of Hong Kong's "one country, two systems" principle ahead of Xi Jinping visit
South China Morning Post, June 29, 2022

指任何人皆可自稱記者 鄧炳強促新聞界 成立團體確認從業員身分 (Chris Tang, Secretary for Security: Hong Kong media should establish group to verify identities of journalists and set basic ethical standards)
Hong Kong Free Press, June 29, 2022

China to press on with "zero Covid", despite economic risks, President Xi Jinping says
South China Morning Post, June 29, 2022

China relaxes intercity travel restrictions by removing indication of Covid-19 risk on digital passes
South China Morning Post, June 29, 2022

Coronavirus: former leader Leung Chun-ying says Beijing understands Hong Kong's need to reopen border, suggests quota of up to 50,000 visitors
South China Morning Post, June 29, 2022

Chinese video gaming billionaire plans relocation with family abroad after draconian Shanghai lockdown
South China Morning Post, June 29, 2022

葵廣新黃店邀社運案被告任限定店長:仲有班人支持大家 (New pro-democracy shop in Kwai Chung hires defendant in NSL case as temporary store manager to express support for protest movement), June 29, 2022

香港国安法两周年:“红线”下三名港人的挣扎和妥协 (2nd anniversary of National Security Law: Struggle and compromise of 3 under the "red line")
BBC News, June 29, 2022