Human Rights Defenders & Civil Society (人权捍卫者与公民社会)

郭飞雄案移送法院起诉 当局意图以创建网站入罪(Case of well-known dissident Guo Feixiong accused of "inciting subversion of state power" is sent to court for trial)
Radio Free Asia, July 22, 2022

著名人权律师常玮平案将于2022年7月26日在陕西省凤县法院不公开审理(Closed-door trial of well-known human rights lawyer Chang Weiping is scheduled for July 26 at Fengxian Court, Shaanxi Province)
Weiquanwang, July 22, 2022

7.21三周年 13歲童隻身過海到場記念 攜毋忘紙條被截查 (13-year-old commemorating 3rd anniv. of Yuen-Long mob attack is stopped and investigated by police), July 21, 2022

涉將張家朗奪金片段改配《願榮光歸香港》歌曲 男子被控侮辱國歌罪准保釋 (Man who replaced video of Cheung Ka-Long winning Olympic gold medal with the song “Glory to Hong Kong” is charged with insulting the national anthem, granted bail, July 22, 2022

涉周梓樂悼念活動後拒捕 25歲男罪成 官指戴口罩手套悼念「有違常理 (25-year-old man is charged with resisting arrest after attending event commemorating the death of Chow Tsz-Lok; judge: Wearing mask and gloves to attend a mourning event “defies common sense”), July 21, 2022

涉奏國歌期間舉「港英旗」 首名國歌法被捕者遭起訴 准保釋候訊 (First person arrested under the national anthem law for holding the colonial Hong Kong-British flag is indicted and granted bail), July 22, 2022