"长沙富能案"家属施明磊联署呼吁:停止强迫劳动 (Shi Minglei, family member of the "Changsha Funeng Case," calls for end to forced labor)
Radio Free Asia, November 7, 2022
Hong Kong police seize secretary of aid fund for democracy protesters
The Guardian, November 8, 2022
Hong Kong’s largest press group ‘disappointed and worried’ over Bao Choy appeal ruling
Hong Kong Free Press, November 8, 2022
初選案主控人選未定 控方案情未獲共識惹官質疑(Prosecutor of primary election case has not yet been chosen; judge questions lack of consensus on case facts by prosecution)
Inmediahk, November 8, 2022
支聯會拒交資料案 控方援引2010年學聯代表講話 指六四晚會嘉賓發言危害國安(In HK Alliance case of failing to submit information to police, prosecution argues speeches at June Fourth vigils endangered national security, citing 2010 speech by Student's Union of Higher Institutions representative)
Inmediahk, November 7, 2022
口岸爆炸品案 7人被加控可囚終身爆炸罪 成反修例第二宗《反恐佈主義》案(In 2nd Anti-Terrorism case from the Anti-ELAB protests, 7 are charged with bombing with maximum sentence of life imprisonment)
Inmediahk, November 7, 2022
Defence lawyer asks Hong Kong court to pull plug on sedition trial of 2 ex-chiefs of Stand News
South China Morning Post, November 7, 2022