Government Accountability (政府问责)

響水爆炸七天後,被遺忘的村莊和求見亡夫遺體的妻子 (Tired of waiting for aid after Jiangsu chemical explosion, village residents discover village has been wiped off map)
The Initium, March 29, 2019

北京立法规定,违建强制拆除要全程音像记录 (Beijing revises urban planning regulations to require audio, video recording of forced eviction, demolition proceedings)
Beijing News, March 29, 2019

China says probing more people after former Interpol chief's fall
Reuters, March 28, 2019

China’s “social credit” scheme involves cajolery and sanctions
The Economist, March 28, 2019

How China used the Swedish ambassador to threaten Angela Gui; Foreign citizens are increasingly being used to carry out the dirty work of the Chinese regime
The Diplomat, March 28, 2019

Why did Taiwan's Tsai Ing-wen ask for U.S. arms during Hawaii visit?
Deutsche Welle, March 28, 2019

Nauru parliament rejects “one China” principle, recognizes Taiwan as independent nation
Taiwan News, March 26, 2019

Chinese deal with former Solomon Islands MPs to switch recognition after elections exposed
Solomon Times, March 27, 2019

The Massachusetts train company that China built
SupChina, March 28, 2019

《关于加强和改进中央和国家机关党的建设的意见》(In full: Opinion on prioritizing strengthening and improving Party-building in Central government and national institutions, with Xi Jinping as core)
Xinhua, March 28, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong risks China-style “interpretation” of freedoms, says UK, as latest report adopts tougher tone
Hong Kong Free Press, March 28, 2019

英國發表香港半年報告 批選舉政治篩選 高度自治被削弱 (UK’s biannual report on Hong Kong warns of reduction of autonomy, citing “politically motivated expulsion” in elections and Mallet visa ban)
The Stand News, March 27, 2019

The six-monthly report on Hong Kong: 1 July to 31 December, 2018
Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, March 27, 2019

立法會否決要求擱置設立中港移交逃犯安排議案 (LegCo vetoes democrat’s motion to shelve proposed extradition law amendments)
Radio Television Hong Kong, March 27, 2019

Lawmakers threaten to block controversial extradition bill as Hong Kong government struggles to win business support for watered-down plan
South China Morning Post, March 27, 2019

民主派周日遊行反對修訂《逃犯條例》 斥比23條立法更辣 (Democrats to hold march on Sunday to oppose amendments to fugitive laws), March 27, 2019

“We need an answer”: Hong Kong lawmakers slam government for waiving HK$129.7 million worth of stamp duties for Beijing’s proxies in property market
South China Morning Post, March 27, 2019

New report says Hong Kong National Anthem Law is “legal malware” which threatens rule of law and freedoms
Hong Kong Watch, March 27, 2019

Legal Malware: Hong Kong’s National Anthem Ordinance
Hong Kong Watch, March 27, 2019

Two land activists jailed after Hong Kong top court rejects protest case appeal bid
Hong Kong Free Press, March 27, 2019

港理大首聘中国校长转任 滕锦光禁校园谈港独 誓进军大湾区 (Hong Kong Polytechnic University hires new headmaster from Shenzhen: No talk of Hong Kong independence allowed on campus, must seek greater cooperation with Greater Bay Area)
Radio France Internationale, March 27, 2019

Access to Information (信息公开)

微博加大打击刷榜力度:对流量异常搜索词及指向对象连带处置 (To combat “click farming,” Weibo introduces 3-month ban on “unusually popular” content from search results, including pop stars, TV shows, events)
The Paper, March 25, 2019

China reportedly banning all new period dramas until June 2019
Mothership, March 26, 2019

“A new world order”: China’s press freedom crackdown poses a threat to international democracies, says media watchdog
Hong Kong Free Press, March 25, 2019

国际组织关注中国威胁新闻自由 (Reporters Without Borders warns of China’s threat to global press freedom)
Radio Free Asia, March 25, 2019

Report: China’s pursuit of a new world media order
Reporters Without Borders, March 25, 2019

Chinese academic fired after public criticism of Party leadership
Financial Times, March 25, 2019

Pulp friction: Chinese city shreds maps showing Taiwan as a country
South China Morning Post, March 25, 2019

山东省“问题地图”查处情况现场通报会在青岛召开 (Shandong provincial authorities tackle “problematic maps” that show Taiwan as country, which could “be hyped by people with ulterior motive from international community,” “seriously threaten national security.””)
The Paper, March 24, 2019

穿「和服」賞櫻遭武漢大學保安暴力制止 當事人:我穿的是唐裝 (Wuhan university student assaulted by campus police for wearing kimono-inspired attire while taking photos with cherry blossoms)
The Stand News, March 25, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

【種族歧視】8歲至今被搜身逾20次 巴裔大學生批歧視條例落後 (Stopped and searched more than 20 times since age 8: A Pakistani student in Hong Kong talks about shortcomings of discrimination laws)
HK01, March 21, 2019

Why fourth-generation Hongkonger of Pakistani origin who was first stopped and searched by police at age 8 can’t count on racial discrimination law for help
South China Morning Post, March 21, 2019

【移交逃犯】廠商會引述李家超:考慮剔除「十條八條」商業罪行 (Manufacturers’ Association cites Security Chief after meeting: Will consider removing “a few” commercial crimes from extradition law amendments)
The Stand News, March 20, 2019

Pressure mounts on Hong Kong to remove economic crimes from new China extradition law
Hong Kong Free Press, March 20, 2019

商界憂修訂《逃犯條例》 林鄭:願意再認真研究一下 (Facing persistent concern from business sector, Carrie Lam says willing to “give some more serious thought” to extradition law arrangements)
The Stand News, March 20, 2019

【全文轉載】林麗棠老師弟妺發公開信 冀盡快查真相 指教育局旁觀 (Family of teacher who committed suicide issues open letter to urge comprehensive investigation of systemic issues, criticizes inaction by Education Bureau)
The Stand News, March 20, 2019

港府推6240亿“明日大屿”被指是一带一路工程消化国内过剩产能 (HK $624 billion Lantau Tomorrow Vision project attacked as HK’s version of BRI meant to absorb production overcapacity in mainland)
Radio France Internationale, March 19, 2019

Beijing’s top official in Hong Kong taunts Washington over Huawei executive Sabrina Meng’s arrest, calling it “world’s biggest advertisement”
South China Morning Post, March 20, 2019

People’s Daily head leaves for high-level position at Beijing’s Liaison Office in Hong Kong
Caixin, March 20, 2019