Friday, April 26, 2019

June Fourth 30th Anniversary (“六四”三十周年)

On this day — April 26, 1989: The state-run paper People’s Daily carries Deng Xiaoping’s speech labeling the student movement as an anti-party, anti-socialist upheaval as an editorial, which also proclaims all further demonstrations illegal. In a rare challenge, the official Chinese Democratic League calls on the government to refrain from using force.
See HRIC chronology and resources.

“No need to worry”: Hong Kong museum commemorating 1989 Tiananmen Massacre opens amid protests
Hong Kong Free Press, April 26, 2019

【六四30周年】《人民日報》4.26社論 劉銳紹感嘆:影響禍國殃民,今日香港見鬼魂 (Veteran journalist speaks about People’s Daily’s editorial published on April 26, 1989: Its influence ruined the country and its people, and its ghost is seen in Hong Kong today)
Citizen News, April 26, 2019

Veteran of 1989 democracy movement in Tiananmen Square dies suddenly
Radio Free Asia, April 25, 2019

30 years ago: China bans pro-student newspaper
China Digital Times, April 25, 2019

Access to Justice (司法公正)

维权人士吴淦家人为其申诉 (Jailed 709 lawyer Wu Jian tortured in prison, family seeks lawyer to pursue legal claim)
Voice of America, April 25, 2019

China slaps travel ban on another human rights lawyer
Radio Free Asia, April 25, 2019
HRIC Note: Cheng Hai is a human rights lawyer who has represented other lawyers ensnared by the 709 crackdown, including Wang Quanzhang, as well as members of the Falun Gong.

Government Accountability (政府问责)

China retools vast global building push criticized as bloated and predatory
The New York Times, April 26, 2019

孔杰荣等呼吁北京在一带一路峰会期间宣布解决海外劳工权利问题计划 (Jerome Cohen and other scholars urge Beijing to take action on labor rights of overseas workers for Belt and Road projects)
Voice of America, April 25, 2019

教育部副部长:积极推动“一带一路”沿线国家中外合作办学 (China to promote education collaboration with Belt and Road countries, says Ministry of Education)
The Paper, April 25, 2019
HRIC Note:According to Vice Minister Tian, China is developing a “coalition” of higher education. In 2018, more than 40,000 students in Belt and Road countries were awarded Chinese government scholarships, China signed agreements on mutual recognition of academic qualifications with two dozen countries, and China has built 154 Confucius Institutes in 54 countries.

Taiwan to review issue of Chinese government subsidies: Mainland Affairs Council
Focus Taiwan, April 25, 2019

Three-self church destroyed to the ground in minutes
Bitter Winter, April 25, 2019

北京:坐地铁“霸座”、饮食等或将纳入个人信用不良信息 (Beijing proposes amendments to transport regulations: Conduct in subway such as eating and drinking, fare evasion, and taking another’s seat to be entered in social credit score)
The Paper, April 25, 2019

Beijing’s P2P owners and senior executives hit with travel ban as China cracks down on online lending
South China Morning Post, April 25, 2019

China’s efforts to cut pollution in Beijing may make it worse overall
New Scientist, April 24, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

Democrat Alvin Yeung puts forward last-ditch plan to counter Hong Kong’s China extradition law update
Hong Kong Free Press, April 26, 2019

【逃犯條例】楊岳橋提私人草案 修例賦域外法權處理殺人案 (Civic Party’s Alvin Yeung files private bill proposing extraterritorial jurisdiction of Hong Kong courts to handle murder case that happened in Taiwan, as counter-proposal to government’s amendments)
Ming Pao, April 25, 2019

反同婚民建聯鄭泳舜 獲林鄭委任平機會成員 (Carrie Lam appoints pro-Beijing legislator who vocally opposes same-sex marriage as committee member of Equal Opportunities Commission)
The Stand News, April 26, 2019

Possible appeal for jailed Umbrella Movement activists as lawyers question long prison term
Hong Kong Free Press, April 25, 2019

In pictures: Hundreds flock to in candlelight event in solidarity with jailed Umbrella Movement activists
Hong Kong Free Press, April 25, 2019

接受內地官媒訪問 曾偉雄:若再聞違法達義,必直斥其非 裁決警醒市民 (Former police chief who oversaw Umbrella Movement says any future suggestions of “achieving justice by violating the law” must be criticized, conviction is a warning to Hong Kong citizens)
The Stand News, April 25, 2019

何君堯去信港大校委會主席李國章 要求立即革除戴耀廷 (Legislator Junius Ho writes to council of University of Hong Kong demanding immediate dismissal of Benny Tai following conviction)
The Stand News, April 25, 2019

Hong Kong’s new ombudsman tells government to get a move on with “freedom of information” law her office recommended
South China Morning Post, April 25, 2019

Paperwork destroyed by Hong Kong government would be five times higher than the world’s tallest building Burj Khalifa if stacked together
South China Morning Post, April 25, 2019

Amnesty International Hong Kong says it has been targeted by sophisticated state hackers
Hong Kong Free Press, April 25, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong’s leading Umbrella Movement activists handed jail sentences
Hong Kong Free Press, April 24, 2019

Hong Kong Occupy leaders jailed over 2014 protests
Financial Times, April 24, 2019

邵家臻判刑 8 個月 梁君彥:謹慎處理任何禠奪議員資格議案 (“Will carefully handle any motion to disqualify legislators”, says LegCo chairman as lawmaker Bottle Siu receives 8-month prison sentence)
The Stand News, April 24, 2019

【九子判刑】陳淑莊判刑前驗出腦瘤 直徑4.2厘米 將做切除手術及放射治療 (Brain tumor diagnosed in Tanya Chan, judge adjourns sentencing until June 10 to allow for surgery and therapy)
The Stand News, April 24, 2019

【佔中九子案-圖輯】在囹圄高牆前 發出最後的自由之聲 (Umbrella 9 in pictures: on the eve of sentencing, a cry for freedom)
HK01, April 23, 2019

耶魯大學港生撐黃傘 校園地標奏《海闊天空》支持佔中九子 (They can’t jail us all: Yale University students rally in support of Umbrella 9)
The Stand News, April 24, 2019

亂世當中,誰能無責;海不能隔,公民呼應 — 台灣公民團體聲援佔中九子 (Who can remain blameless in troubled times?: Taiwan civil organizations’ joint statement in support of Umbrella 9)
The Stand News, April 24, 2019

【九子判刑】台灣陸委會深表遺憾:印證一國兩制未能尊重保障民眾政治權利 (Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council express “deep regrets” over Umbrella 9 sentencing: “proof that One Country, Two Systems fails to respect, protect political rights")
The Stand News, April 24, 2019

Hong Kong publishers fear intensified censorship as city’s biggest book distributor SUP announces move to mainland China
South China Morning Post, April 24, 2019

Judge in LGBT civil union legal challenge rejects bid by Hong Kong Catholic diocese and conservative groups to join litigation
South China Morning Post, April 23, 2019

晚報:港大民研將於7月起脫離香港大學,獨立後更名「香港民意研究所」(Top pollster program to leave University of Hong Kong and operate as independent body starting July, will turn to public donations and crowdfunding)
The Initium, April 23, 2019

Access to Information (信息公开)

管得极细:禁宗教算命 打斗游戏不能出现颜色液体 (New regulations on video games broaden content ban: no English in name, no religious superstition or fortune telling, no “colored liquids” in combat games; violators will be put on credit-blacklist for enterprises)
Radio France Internationale, April 22, 2019

Minitrue: Don’t report on Jasic sentencing
China Digital Times, April 22, 2019

Xi Jinping calls for more “political guidance” in bid to win over young Chinese
South China Morning Post, April 20, 2019

習近平促加強研究五四精神 引導青年聽黨話跟黨走 (Xi Jinping urges deeper studies on spirit of May Fourth movement, guidance to youth to listen to and follow the Party)
Ming Pao, April 20, 2019

Leica regrets “misunderstandings or false conclusions” over Tiananmen Massacre “Tank Man” promo
Agence France-Presse, April 20, 2019

六四广告惊现“坦克人”走红 徕卡镜头惹争议 (Leica video sparks controversy for depicting June Fourth Tank Man; denounces ownership of video)
BBC, April 19, 2019

Minitrue: Delete all traces of “Tank Man” Leica ad
China Digital Times, April 22, 2019

微信发言入罪 南京学者郭泉再遭拘押 (Nanjing scholar Guo Quan detained again over messages on WeChat)
Radio Free Asia, April 19, 2019

老子今译遭撤项 疑似影射习近平 (Laozi studies publication taken down for having “severe political problems”)
Radio France Internationale, April 19, 2019

Government Accountability (政府问责)

30 years ago: Thousands chant for democracy
China Digital Times, April 19, 2019

Guangzhou encourages citizens to report illegal religious activities, including Foreign NGO Law violations
ChinaFile, April 19, 2019

China takes aim at Swedish activist as it ramps up ‘foreign infiltration’ propaganda
South China Morning Post, April 19, 2019

China asks Britain for help to boost image of Belt and Road Initiative
South China Morning Post, April 19, 2019

[China’s Ambassador to the UK, Liu Xiaoming:] UK can take giant strides on China’s ‘new silk road’
Evening Standard, April 17, 2019

China says Silk Road not geopolitical tool, understands concerns
Reuters, April 19, 2019

[China’s Ambassador to the UK, Liu Xiaoming:] UK can take giant strides on China’s ‘new silk road’
Evening Standard, April 17, 2019

Larung Gar Buddhist Academy closes to new enrollment as China tightens controls
Radio Free Asia, April 19, 2019

China’s credit system stops the sale of over 26 million plane and train tickets
South China Morning Post, April 18, 2019

U.S. Scholar Who Advises Trump Says China Blocked His Visa Application
The New York Times, April 18, 2019

How China’s Canadian lobbyists blurred the lines of PR, journalism and political activism
South China Morning Post, April 18, 2019

Chinese culture gradually penetrates Indonesia
The Diplomat, April 18, 2019

Airline employee pleads guilty to working as agent for Chinese government
The Washington Post, April 17, 2019

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Xinjiang (新疆)

“扫黑除恶”入疆 少数民族被“黑”? (As anti-triad campaign enters Xinjiang, Muslims fear retroactive prosecution of minor offenses as “triad” crimes)
Radio Free Asia, April 16, 2019

HRIC note: Article also reports that Internet police imposed “ten prohibitions” on WeChat groups, vowing prosecution of dissemination of any content or speech “unfavorable to state, Party, society . . . anytime, anywhere.”

Successful Uyghur developer confirmed detained by Xinjiang authorities
Radio Free Asia, April 16, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

【六四三十】逾百人長跑悼六四 陳健民同參與 (100 Hong Kongers take part in jogging event to commemorate 30th anniversary of June Fourth), April 15, 2019

林鄭:短期內提交民族黨報告予中央 (Carrie Lam says she will soon submit report to central government on National Party ban, with public disclosure within legal limits)
The Stand News, April 15, 2019

社區報眾籌再啟動 目標區選前助四區出版 (Community newspaper starts new round of crowdfunding call following success last year, aims to publish in 4 new districts before upcoming elections), April 13, 2019

台方三提台港司法互助請求無回應 陸委會籲香港簽署 (Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council urges long-term, systematic cooperation mechanisms with Hong Kong, says SAR gov’t had ignored three previous requests for assistance on murder case)
Radio Television Hong Kong, April 12, 2019

【逃犯條例】不會撤回草案 李家超冀盡快立法:我哋非常心急 (Security Bureau chief John Lee says gov’t is “very anxious” to pass amendment on extradition laws to deal with Taiwan murder case, will not retract bill)
The Stand News, April 12, 2019

法律界團體「法政匯思」發表《法治報告》,指「香港法治威脅來自北京」,提出60項建議 (Lawyers group publishes report on Hong Kong rule of law, says threat comes from Beijing, raises 60 recommendations)
The Initium, April 12, 2019

Progressive Lawyers Group urges reform for Hong Kong’s anti-graft law, Societies Ordinance and police practices
Hong Kong Free Press, April 12, 2019

New Hong Kong equality watchdog chief says it should be “neutral” on gay rights, drawing ire from LGBT community
Hong Kong Free Press, April 12, 2019