Hong Kong (香港)

逾 3,700 國際知名學者聯署 譴責香港警暴 促大學拒警進入校園 (Over 3,700 intellectuals in international academic community sign joint petition condemning police violence in Hong Kong, urge universities to deny police entry to campus)
Stand News, November 27, 2019

Renowned Academics Among Over 3,700 Supporting The ‘Petition by Global Academics Against Police Brutality in Hong Kong’
Hong Kong Watch, November 26, 2019

少女 X 報稱警署內被強姦 警未獲同意索醫療報告 法院昨撤銷搜查令 (Protester who filed complaint for rape during detention wins court application to revoke search warrant that allowed police to obtain her medical records and clinic surveillance footage after complaint was filed)
Stand News, November 27, 2019

‘Grossly unprofessional’: Lawyers slam Hong Kong police for ‘privacy breach’ after woman accuses officers of gang rape
Hong Kong Free Press, November 12, 2019

【DQ 公務員?】羅智光:已著手研究令公務員宣誓擁護基本法 (HKSAR government studying how to expand requirement to swear oath to uphold Basic Law to all civil servants)
Stand News, November 27, 2019

Hong Kong protesters return to city streets to keep pressure on government and show support for radicals at Polytechnic University
South China Morning Post, November 26, 2019

Hong Kong activist jailed for 46 months for rioting during 2016 Mong Kok unrest
Hong Kong Free Press, November 26, 2019

香港当选区议员黄国桐被拒入境澳门 (Newly-elected district council candidate denied entry to Macau on national security grounds)
Radio Free Asia, November 26, 2019

香港红隧恢复通车 理大继续搜索被困人士 (Cross-harbor tunnel reopens, PolyU staff urge police to retreat)
Deutsche Welle, November 27, 2019

Hong Kong university siege: staff say almost all protesters have gone
The Guardian, November 26, 2019

HKFP Lens: Hong Kong’s devastated Poly U campus becomes a safety hazard a week after protest battle lockdown
Hong Kong Free Press, November 26, 2019

Hong Kong: officials withdraw HK$250 million in funding requests for two universities after disquiet at lack of control over campuses voiced by pro-government lawmakers
South China Morning Post, November 26, 2019

In Hong Kong elections, the message is clear. The next step may not be.
Christian Science Monitor, November 25, 2019

Hong Kong's Lam appeals for calm but offers no concessions after election drubbing
Reuters, November 25, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

Hundreds return to Hong Kong’s streets to demand release of protesters trapped on PolyU campus
Hong Kong Free Press, November 26, 2019

拒解封理大 林鄭:包圍屬執法行動、須堅守法治 警談判成員合適時間才進校園 (Carrie Lam refuses to order police to retreat, says siege is law enforcement in operation)
Stand News, November 26, 2019

Hong Kong protests: police to send negotiators and psychologists to PolyU to convince holdouts to come out
South China Morning Post, November 25, 2019

'Little kittens': Hong Kong campus protest holdouts left isolated and fearful
Reuters, November 25, 2019

林鄭月娥指正考慮成立獨立檢討委員會檢視社會動盪成因 (Carrie Lam says she is considering an independent "review" committee to look into reasons for social unrest)
Radio Television Hong Kong, November 26, 2019

Hong Kong District Council election: No concessions, but gov’t will reflect and improve, says Chief Exec. Carrie Lam
Hong Kong Free Press, November 26, 2019

蒙面黑衣人撐黃傘廣告被禁 產業署指內容可引起不安 何慶基:赤裸裸的政治刪禁 (Authorities ban poster of theatre performance depicting people with yellow umbrellas in ancient Japan)
Stand News, November 26, 2019

逾廿個國際人權組織去信巴切萊特 要求譴責港府及警隊 (Over 20 international human rights organizations issue joint statement to UN High Commissioner for Human Rights urging condemnation on police and Hong Kong authorities)
Radio Television Hong Kong, November 26, 2019

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights: Condemn Systematic Violations of Fundamental Freedoms in Hong Kong & Police Violence
Amnesty International, November 25, 2019

World’s Top Human Rights Official Must Uphold Her Mandate and Press for Human Rights Protection for the People of Hong Kong
Human Rights in China, November 22, 2019

廣告人發起 12.2 起罷工五日 冀其他行業響應向政府施壓 (Advertising industry to strike for five days from December 2, urges others to join)
Stand News, November 26, 2019

Hong Kong Doesn’t Have a Pro-China ‘Silent Majority’
The Atlantic, November 25, 2019

Meet 5 of Hong Kong’s Newest Politicians
The New York Times, November 25, 2019

‘Nonlethal weapons’ fired at protesters in Hong Kong, Chile and Iraq are having very dangerous — even deadly — effects
Washington Post, November 23, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong District Council election: Democrats take control of 17 out of 18 councils in landslide victory
Hong Kong Free Press, November 25, 2019

Hong Kong’s “referendum” has voted deafeningly for democracy—and against Beijing
Quartz, November 24, 2019

【建制覆沒】區選變公投 民主派贏近九成民選議席 控制十七區 總選票維持六四比 (Hong Kong District Council elections: Democrats take over 90% of seats, but total votes remain 6:4 ratio)
Stand News, November 25, 2019

警圍理大第八日 被困者:逾 30 人被困 有人驚恐、拒進食、失語言能力 斥警剝削投票權 (Over 30 still trapped in PolyU on eighth day of siege: Panic attacks, starvation, loss of speech)
Stand New, November 24, 2019

理大圍城近尾聲,但人道災難才剛開始:部分示威者拒絕進食、失去說話能力 (As PolyU siege draws to a close, a humanitarian crisis has just begun)
The News Lens, November 24, 2019

Hong Kong university siege: two men trapped on campus for more than a week slam police for ‘depriving them of right to vote’
South China Morning Post, November 24, 2019

Hong Kong project strives to improve mental health after study reveals one in 10 have suspected depression in city
South China Morning Post, November 25, 2019

藏鐳射筆少年被改控罪後獲判入更新中心 (15 year-old protester sentenced to rehabilitation centre for carrying laser pointer)
Radio Television Hong Kong, November 25, 2019

Hong Kong man, 43, arrested over photos of elite ‘Flying Tigers’ police squad in action near PolyU clash
South China Morning Post, November 23, 2019

Top judge Geoffrey Ma reasserts Hong Kong’s judicial autonomy after Beijing criticism
South China Morning Post, November 25, 2019

Hong Kong Court Reinstates Mask Ban Before Citywide Election
The New York Times, November 22, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

Despair and destruction at Hong Kong's Polytechnic University - in pictures
The Guardian, November 22, 2019

【圍困理大】警開咪嘲留守者要食生命麵包 網民發起「和你食包」:食包唔可恥,Popo 你食屎 (Daily "Lunch With You" protesters eat plain bread today to show solidarity after police mock starving students trapped in PolyU)
Stand News, November 22, 2019

民間記者會引述理大抗爭者:校內非人生活 轟警「想殺死我哋」("They're trying to kill us": Letter from trapped PolyU student slams inhumane treatment by police, "peaceful resolution" just ends in over 200 arrests)
Inmediahk.net, November 22, 2019

Abuse and acrimony as crisis-hit Hong Kong holds district polls
Channel NewsAsia, November 22, 2019

網民發表《連登共同宣言》:11.24 絕不破壞,齊齊投票 (Joint declaration circulated on LIHKG urging protesters to vote on district elections on Sunday)
Stand News, November 22, 2019

'Police election presence needed to make voters feel safe'
Radio Television Hong Kong, November 22, 2019

趙家賢永世記得耳廓被扯甩聲音 至今仍感陣痛頭暈 ("I will always remember the sound": District elections candidate who had ear bitten off by attackers leaves hospital, prepares for election)
Ming Pao, November 22, 2019

被捕人士庭上稱遭警狂毆 鄧炳強指非新鮮事:成日都有 ("Complaints like these happen all the time," says new Police Commissioner after hundreds of protesters brought to court claim beaten by police and magistrate urged authorities to act)
Inmediahk.net, November 22, 2019

【圍困理大】首批被告 19 人控暴動 投訴警毆打推倒至手掌骨折 延 42 小時送院 (First batch charged with rioting in PolyU siege raise complaints of police brutality and 42-hour delay in being sent to hospital)
Stand News, November 22, 2019

Hong Kong hospitals find themselves on protest frontlines
Reuters, November 22, 2019

西灣河被槍傷男子被控非法集結 警方不排除加控罪行 (Protester shot in abdomen by live round charged with illegal assembly)
Radio Television Hong Kong, November 22, 2019

15 學者、宗教人士宣布絕食 要求警方和平解決理大事件 (Scholars and religious leaders start hunger strike to demand independent investigation of police violence, peaceful resolution and dropping of rioting charges in PolyU crisis, and go-ahead for district council elections)
Stand News, November 21, 2019

社福界下月罷工3日促查警暴設獨立調查委員會 1215遊行路線待定 (Social welfare sector to go on strike for three days in December urging establishment of independent commission to investigate police violence)
Ming Pao, November 21, 2019

Hong Kong protests: call for peace from son of Luo Changqing, killed by brick hurled during Sheung Shui clash
South China Morning Post, November 21, 2019

人民日報轟港法院判刑輕 倡設特別法庭快審快判 再斥高院廢《禁蒙面法》(People's Daily urges setting up special court to speed up prosecution of protesters, slams Hong Kong courts for light sentencing and "exceeding authority" in anti-mask law ruling)
Stand News, November 22, 2019

In Warning to Hong Kong’s Courts, China Shows Who Is Boss
The New York Times, November 21, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

Despair and destruction at Hong Kong's Polytechnic University - in pictures
The Guardian, November 22, 2019

【圍困理大】警開咪嘲留守者要食生命麵包 網民發起「和你食包」:食包唔可恥,Popo 你食屎 (Daily "Lunch With You" protesters eat plain bread today to show solidarity after police mock starving students trapped in PolyU)
Stand News, November 22, 2019

民間記者會引述理大抗爭者:校內非人生活 轟警「想殺死我哋」("They're trying to kill us": Letter from trapped PolyU student slams inhumane treatment by police, "peaceful resolution" just ends in over 200 arrests)
Inmediahk.net, November 22, 2019

Abuse and acrimony as crisis-hit Hong Kong holds district polls
Channel NewsAsia, November 22, 2019

網民發表《連登共同宣言》:11.24 絕不破壞,齊齊投票 (Joint declaration circulated on LIHKG urging protesters to vote on district elections on Sunday)
Stand News, November 22, 2019

'Police election presence needed to make voters feel safe'
Radio Television Hong Kong, November 22, 2019

趙家賢永世記得耳廓被扯甩聲音 至今仍感陣痛頭暈 ("I will always remember the sound": District elections candidate who had ear bitten off by attackers leaves hospital, prepares for election)
Ming Pao, November 22, 2019

被捕人士庭上稱遭警狂毆 鄧炳強指非新鮮事:成日都有 ("Complaints like these happen all the time," says new Police Commissioner after hundreds of protesters brought to court claim beaten by police and magistrate urged authorities to act)
Inmediahk.net, November 22, 2019

【圍困理大】首批被告 19 人控暴動 投訴警毆打推倒至手掌骨折 延 42 小時送院 (First batch charged with rioting in PolyU siege raise complaints of police brutality and 42-hour delay in being sent to hospital)
Stand News, November 22, 2019

Hong Kong hospitals find themselves on protest frontlines
Reuters, November 22, 2019

西灣河被槍傷男子被控非法集結 警方不排除加控罪行 (Protester shot in abdomen by live round charged with illegal assembly)
Radio Television Hong Kong, November 22, 2019

15 學者、宗教人士宣布絕食 要求警方和平解決理大事件 (Scholars and religious leaders start hunger strike to demand independent investigation of police violence, peaceful resolution and dropping of rioting charges in PolyU crisis, and go-ahead for district council elections)
Stand News, November 21, 2019

社福界下月罷工3日促查警暴設獨立調查委員會 1215遊行路線待定 (Social welfare sector to go on strike for three days in December urging establishment of independent commission to investigate police violence)
Ming Pao, November 21, 2019

Hong Kong protests: call for peace from son of Luo Changqing, killed by brick hurled during Sheung Shui clash
South China Morning Post, November 21, 2019

人民日報轟港法院判刑輕 倡設特別法庭快審快判 再斥高院廢《禁蒙面法》(People's Daily urges setting up special court to speed up prosecution of protesters, slams Hong Kong courts for light sentencing and "exceeding authority" in anti-mask law ruling)
Stand News, November 22, 2019

In Warning to Hong Kong’s Courts, China Shows Who Is Boss
The New York Times, November 21, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

Former U.K. Consulate Employee Says Chinese Secret Police Tortured Him
The Wall Street Journal, November 20, 2019

英領館職員稱內地被拘留遭虐待盤問 逼供出英助港示威情報 返港「被辭職」正尋庇護 (British consulate staff Simon Cheng seeks asylum, says he was tortured while detained in mainland for intelligence that UK was supporting Hong Kong's protests)
Ming Pao, November 20, 2019

稱警方怕影響部署 拒公開催淚彈成分 陳肇始:示威者縱火、擲汽油彈產生二噁英 (Department of Health says tear gas chemical ingredients should not be disclosed because it would "affect police deployment," claims carcinogenic dioxins came from fires started by protesters)
Stand News, November 20, 2019

清潔工硬食催淚彈二噁英 團體促改派專業人員執手尾 (Government's cleaners sent out to work without proper gear for tear gas toxins, labor rights groups urge Food and Environmental Hygiene Department to hire professionals)
Inmediahk.net, November 20, 2019

Hong Kong lawyers, democrats warn against Beijing intervention after court rules mask ban unconstitutional
Hong Kong Free Press, November 20, 2019

禁蒙面法被判違憲 民主派:律政司建議法庭暫緩執行裁決,容許法例續生效 (Department of Justice to apply to court to allow anti-mask law to remain in force pending appeal on ruling on its constitutionality)
Stand News, November 20, 2019

Hong Kong mask law: Beijing claim on ‘unconstitutional’ ruling could spell end of ‘one country, two systems’, legal heavyweights warn
South China Morning Post, November 20, 2019

Hardcore protesters holed up in Hong Kong PolyU campus for fourth day
Agence France-Presse, November 20, 2019

李家超:以暴動罪拘捕所有離開理大人士 檢控須研證據 (All personnel who leave besieged PolyU will be arrested for rioting, says Secretary for Justice)
Ming Pao, November 20, 2019

【圍困理大】李家超稱 900 人離開校園「自首」 中學校長指不符警承諾 感愕然 (Headmasters surprised that authorities said students who left PolyU "surrendered," urge clarification on deal that underage students will not be arrested)
Stand News, November 20, 2019

Hong Kong Protests: Over 1,000 Detained at a University, and a Warning From Beijing After a three-day standoff with the police, about 50 protesters remained on the campus of a besieged university
The New York Times, November 18, 2019

Hundreds of Protesters Released From Besieged Hong Kong University: ‘I Feel Lucky to Get Out’
Wall Street Journal, November 19, 2019

Parents of Besieged Hong Kong Protesters Come to the Front Lines
The New York Times, November 20, 2019

Taiwan schoolgirl at Hong Kong Polytechnic campus was ‘too scared to leave’
South China Morning Post, November 19, 2019

Hong Kong police drop ‘pride and care’ motto, now vow to serve with ‘honour, duty and loyalty’
Hong Kong Free Press, November 20, 2019

Albert Ho ambushed, beaten by men with 'canes'
Radio Television Hong Kong, November 19, 2019

Pro-democracy activist Joshua Wong banned by Hong Kong court from travelling to London to receive human rights award from British parliament
South China Morning Post, November 19, 2019

Access to Justice (司法公正)

Background: Zhou Yuanzhi 周远志
Chinese Human Rights Defenders, November 18, 2019

Leniency from China court in Dying to Survive cancer drug case
South China Morning Post, November 18, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

全国人大常委会法工委就香港法院有关司法复核案判决发表谈话 (National People's Congress Standing Committee says it is the only body that can judge and decide whether Hong Kong laws are constitutional)
The Paper, November 19, 2019

China attacks Hong Kong ruling to overturn mask ban
Financial Times, November 19, 2019

民主派要求政府立即撤銷所有根據《禁蒙面法》起訴的案件 (Democratic Party demands authorities to immediately drop all charges in anti-mask law cases)
Inmediahk.net, November 18, 2019

Hong Kong’s district council elections must proceed as planned, European Union urges
South China Morning Post, November 19, 2019

Violent clashes ‘reduce chance’ of Sunday’s local elections going ahead, says top Hong Kong minister
Hong Kong Free Press, November 19, 2019

In Hong Kong, Daring Escapes From a Violent Siege at a University
The New York Times, November 18, 2019

Hong Kong: police say surrender is only option for protesters: Hundreds trapped inside Polytechnic as demonstrators try to break campus siege
The Guardian, November 18, 2019

【救救理大孩子】一眾靜坐父母最想說:要平安回家 我們為你自豪 (Parents hold sit-in near PolyU as students remain trapped: Come home safe and peacefully, we're proud of you)
Stand News, November 18, 2019

警油麻地拘至少 60 人 曾傳巨響閃光  多人受傷 據報曾「人踩人」(60 arrested in Yau Ma Tei: riot police use stun grenades, reports of stampede near MTR station)
Stand News, November 18, 2019

警拘51名義務醫護及記者 指揮官辯稱只針對逗留理大的人 (Police confirm 51 first-aiders and journalists arrested in PolyU siege)
Inmediahk.net, November 18, 2019

Hong Kong police arrest 51 who ‘claimed to be medics or journalists’ near besieged PolyU campus
Hong Kong Free Press, November 18, 2019

星火同盟:匯豐戶口周五停運作 將以其他方式接收款項 支援工作如常 (HSBC terminates bank account of Spark Alliance's legal fund supporting arrested protesters)
Stand News, November 19, 2019

HSBC to close corporate account being used to support Hong Kong protesters through crowdfunding
South China Morning Post, November 18, 2019

Rights Groups Blame Hong Kong Police For 'Fanning Flames' of Violence
Radio Free Asia, November 18, 2019

Hong Kong: Police must defuse campus standoff to avoid more tragedy
Amnesty International, November 18, 2019

Hong Kong SAR Government Must Ensure Effective De-escalation of Dangerous Police Action at PolyU
Human Rights in China, November 17, 2019

Inside Hong Kong’s Battle-Ready Campuses
The New York Times, November 18, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong police enter PolyU campus following day-long battle, as officers fire live warning shots nearby
Hong Kong Free Press, November 18, 2019

理大徹夜衝突:校內一度大火,示威者清晨嘗試撤離,警察多方持續放催淚彈 (Night-long fight at PolyU: Police besiege university, fire tear gas, water cannon and rubber bullets as protesters try to retreat from campus)
The Initium, November 17, 2019

Hong Kong SAR Government Must Ensure Effective De-escalation of Dangerous Police Action at PolyU
Human Rights in China, November 17, 2019

民陣對國際社會的緊急呼籲 (Civil Human Rights Front Urgent Appeal to International Community On the Escalation of Tension in Hong Kong)
Inmediahk.net, November 18, 2019

Hong Kong’s High Court rules anti-mask law unconstitutional
Hong Kong Free Press, November 18, 2019

民主派司法覆核《禁蒙面法》 高院裁定《緊急法》不符基本法規定 (Anti-mask law ruled unconstitutional by Hong Kong High Court, relief to be ordered later)
Stand News, November 18, 2019

U.S. condemns 'unjustified use of force' in Hong Kong: senior official
Reuters, November 17, 2019

離任前夕《星島》專訪 盧偉聰:獨立調查不公,警無濫暴,政治問題定要政治解決 (Commissioner of Police Stephen Lo retires: "Independent investigation is unjust," "police have not abused use of force")
Stand News, November 18, 2019

China sent soldiers to a Hong Kong protest site—with brooms and buckets
Quartz, November 17, 2019

The Limits Of Positivity
China Media Project, November 16, 2019

Hong Kong activists pledge to ‘squeeze economy’ as city reels from protests
Agence France-Presse, November 17, 2019

Hong Kong journalism groups condemn alleged police firing of projectile at reporter as officer put on leave
Hong Kong Free Press, November 16, 2019

民主黨兩候選人遭警私刑 將投訴及民事索償 盼鼓勵受害人發聲 (Two Democratic Party district election candidates to file civil claims against police for ill treatment during detention )
Inmediahk.net, November 15, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

上水昨晚有刀手斬人 警拒拘捕:係咪故意斬人我哋有保留 (Last night in Sheung Shui, police refuse to arrest attackers)
Inmediahk.net, November 15, 2019

Hong Kong protests: man beaten by baton-wielding gang in Sheung Shui
South China Morning Post, November 14, 2019

70-year-old dies after being hit on head with brick during Hong Kong protest clash
Hong Kong Free Press, November 15, 2019

就上水清潔工在衝突中死亡聲明 (Hong Kong Women Workers Association, Cleaners' Workers' Union issue joint statement on the death of worker in Sheung Shui)
Inmediahk.net, November 15, 2019

Hong Kong protests: partial reopening of Tolo Highway comes with conditions as activists issue election ultimatum
South China Morning Post, November 15, 2019

警方被指故意封吐露港公路至中午 謝振中:玩嘢並唔係警察,而係暴徒 (Demonstrators clear Tolo Highway at 6:00 a.m., police block it again by noon; in afternoon police press conference, police deny blocking the highway)
Stand News, November 15, 2019

千人迫爆愛丁堡為消防救護打氣 盼企硬勿向警跪低 (Thousands turn out in Edinburgh Place to support firefighters, paramedics)
Inmediahk.net, November 14, 2019

Police ban takes the parade out of Hong Kong’s pride celebrations, amid violent protests in the city
South China Morning Post, November 14, 2019

Suspend Hong Kong status in event of China crackdown: U.S. commission
Reuters, November 14, 2019

Xi says HK's most pressing task is to end violence, chaos and restore order
Xinhua, November 14, 2019

习近平:止暴制乱 恢复秩序是香港当前最紧迫的任务 (Xi Jinping: Ending violence, restoring order is Hong Kong's most urgent task at present)
Legal Daily, November 14, 2019

China Is Running Out of Options In Hong Kong
Vice, November 14, 2019

“Tear gas on one street and civilians walking on another.” In Hong Kong, the protests have exposed bitter divisions, even among friends and families
The California Sunday Magazine, November 14, 2019