Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong to end year with multiple protests, kick off 2020 with big march
Reuters, December 30, 2019

Hong Kong student beaten by police diagnosed with PTSD, abandons upcoming exams
Hong Kong Free Press, December 30, 2019

台灣教會支援約二百港人 大部分學生有創傷症候群徵狀 (Taiwan church offers humanitarian aid to 200 Hong Kongers who fled the city, says most students suffer from PTSD)
Radio Television Hong Kong, December 30, 2019

港鐵新工會爭公開7.21、8.31CCTV 主席:想擺脫「黨鐵」之名為市民服務 (Newly formed MTR workers union urges disclosure of surveillance footage for Yuen Long and Prince Edward attacks)
Inmediahk.net, December 30, 2019

江永祥:有人帶示威者入元朗 牽引 721 襲擊 否認最先到場軍裝警「逃走」("Someone brought protesters to Yuen Long" and led to 7.21 attacks, says police in interview; denies officers "fled" after first arriving on scene)
Stand News, December 30, 2019

社協:去年48宗在囚人士企圖自殺 應獨立檢討 (NGO received 48 reports of prisoners trying to commit suicide in jail this year, urges independent review of complaint mechanisms)
Radio Television Hong Kong, December 30, 2019

Pro-Beijing party scrambling to find 200 jobs and restore morale of staff crushed in Hong Kong elections
South China Morning Post, December 30, 2019

葉建源認為楊潤雄說法非常不恰當 將校長置於政治風眼 (Legislator slams Secretary for Education after threats that headmasters who support teachers suspended for protest-conduct could face disqualification)
Radio Television Hong Kong, December 29, 2019

Hong Kong protests: school principal hoping to bring warring sides together one sharing session at a time
South China Morning Post, December 29, 2019

早前稱自願參與 楊潤雄今指要求出版社提交通識教科書 (Education chief reaffirms "voluntary participation" while reports say publishers required to submit Liberal Studies textbook for review)
Radio Television Hong Kong, December 29, 2019

All I want for Christmas is a free Hong Kong: how activists used festive cards to get the word out
Hong Kong Free Press, December 29, 2019

Hong Kong district council elections: will victories for three openly gay candidates pave the way for improved LGBT rights in the city?
South China Morning Post, December 29, 2019

Taiwan seeking legal help from Hong Kong has ‘nothing to do with politics’
South China Morning Post, December 29, 2019

The Hong Kong resistance is only just getting started
Quartz, December 28, 2019

Hong Kong police paid $17 million in allowances related to protest
Hong Kong Free Press, December 28, 2019

In Hong Kong, local entrepreneurs champion the pro-democracy cause
Hong Kong Free Press, December 28, 2019

Hong Kong's year in seven intense emotions
BBC, December 28, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

Union groupings square off for numbers match
The Standard, December 27, 2019

早報:港府指責《華盛頓郵報》報導偏頗,稱港警使用武力符合國際標準 (Hong Kong government accuses Washington Post of biased and "groundless" reporting, insists police use of force is in line with international standards)
The Initium, December 27, 2019

大檢控是「依法治港」抑或司法災難?——專訪大律師吳靄儀 (Interview with Margaret Ng: Are mass prosecutions "governing Hong Kong by law" or a judicial disaster?)
The Initium, December 27, 2019

Third day of Christmas clashes in Hong Kong as riot police and protesters roam shopping malls
Agence France-Presse, December 27, 2019

Hong Kong Protesters Aren't Taking Christmas Off
Vice, December 26, 2019

Hong Kong Police Harass Protesters, Shoppers, Residents With Searches, Checks
Radio Free Asia, December 26, 2019

【睇片 ‧ 曲線證常濫捕?】大埔蒙面便衣警被當示威者 防暴警一度箍頸、推牆制服「自己友」(Video: riot police attack undercover police by mistake)
Stand News, December 26, 2019

【睇片】被警刻意公開身份證資料 《立場》記者晚上再遭指揮官指罵「認得你、搞事、黑記、依間報館有問題」("Problematic tabloid": Stand News reporter targeted by police commander again after officer reveals journalist's HKID to livestream)
Stand News, December 27, 2019

Privacy chief says grounds for complaint after cop shows reporters’ Hong Kong ID card to cameras
Hong Kong Free Press, December 27, 2019

反對政治迫害印傭 Yuli 500名巿民團結抗爭 (500 Hong Kongers rally in support of deported Indonesian domestic worker)
Inmediahk.net, December 25, 2019

“不敢再回去”:香港书商在台湾的流亡人生 ("I don't dare return": A life in exile for Hong Kong bookseller in Taiwan)
The New York Times, December 24, 2019

「Be water」成金融時報年度字詞:港示威者策略影響各地示威 ("Be water" crowned word of the year for influence on global protests)
Ming Pao, December 23, 2019

Year in a word: Be water
Financial Times, December 21, 2019

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong policeman who live-streamed journalist’s personal data to thousands during protest condemned
South China Morning Post, December 26, 2019

Hong Kong protesters accused of 'reckless' violence over Christmas
The Guardian, December 26, 2019

Police use tear gas, pepper spray as Hong Kong Christmas protests turn ugly
Hong Kong Free Press, December 25, 2019

Hong Kong protests: student arrested for possessing explosive chemicals and smoke bombs on Christmas Eve denied bail
South China Morning Post, December 26, 2019

Teenager in stable condition after falling from rooftop balcony of Hong Kong restaurant
South China Morning Post, December 25, 2019

Hong Kong police fire teargas to disperse Christmas Eve protests
The Guardian, December 24, 2019

‘We are not giving up’: Hong Kong marks Christmas Eve with mall clashes and tear gas
Hong Kong Free Press, December 25, 2019

HSBC issues fresh statement to distance itself from police crackdown on protest fundraiser after demonstrators vandalise Hong Kong branch on Christmas Eve
South China Morning Post, December 25, 2019

Hong Kong protests: police will not close roads for Christmas Eve celebrations in Kowloon as demonstrators plan to go ahead with illegal rally
South China Morning Post, December 23, 2019

Protest amnesties 'not concession'
The Standard, December 24, 2019

‘Not ideal’ to call protesters cockroaches, says police PR cop after officer claims it could be a compliment
Hong Kong Free Press, December 24, 2019

Hong Kong police will not rule out ongoing protests as reason behind rise in robberies
Hong Kong Free Press, December 24, 2019

Did Beijing send five Hong Kong civil servants to UN as an olive branch to city’s youth in hope of quelling protests?
South China Morning Post, December 23, 2019

Hong Kong teen who fired at police was part of gang that planned to ‘slaughter’ officers during protest rally, court hears
South China Morning Post, December 23, 2019

The Cantonese words at the heart of Hong Kong’s 2019 protest vocabulary
Quartz, December 23, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

【9.29 金鐘衝突】控方申 12 星期後再訊 所有辯方反對 揭事隔 4 個月控方未交仼何證據 (No evidence filed in four months: Defense lawyers slam delay by prosecution seeking further adjournment for defendants charged with rioting)
Inmediahk.net, December 23, 2019

【不一樣的聖誕】網民自製多款連登豬、Pepe 聖誕卡 毋忘五大訴求 (Pepe and LIHKG Piggy: Hong Kongers make protest-themed Christmas cards for those in detention)
Stand News, December 23, 2019

Hong Kong braces for Christmas holiday protests
Reuters, December 23, 2019

湯漢聖誕賀辭籲政府聽民意 盡速成立獨立調查委員會 (In Christmas address, Catholic church cardinal John Tong urges government to listen and establish independent commission of inquiry)
Radio Television Hong Kong, December 23, 2019

【睇片】警罵示威者「曱甴」 警民關係主任︰正面去睇,曱甴係好有生命力 (Police defend officers calling protesters cockroaches: "Look at it positively, cockcroaches are very resilient”)
Stand News, December 23, 2019

Arrest at Uighur solidarity demo in Hong Kong, as riot police point pistol at protesters
Hong Kong Free Press, December 22, 2019

台漢涉港劫案 陸委會促積極提供事證 港府表反感:沒法律容許司法協助 (Hong Kong robbery fugitive arrested in Taiwan, Hong Kong authorities refuse assistance offered by Taiwan but "will accept surrenders")
Ming Pao, December 22, 2019

Taiwan and Hong Kong trade insults over robbery suspect in extradition row
South China Morning Post, December 23, 2019

Hong Kong protesters face off with police in mall protests
Channel NewsAsia, December 21, 2019

Hong Kong suspect fired at officers: police
Agence France-Presse, December 21, 2019

Hong Kong teachers risk punishment if they post ‘hate speech’ on social media or are arrested for serious crimes, says education chief
Hong Kong Free Press, December 21, 2019

【抗暴之戰】天水圍中彈少年蘇醒離開ICU 可進食及說話惟反應遲緩 (Teenager shot in head by teargas canister wakes after more than a month in coma, responses slow, recovery prospects uncertain)
Apple Daily, December 21, 2019

IPCC probe into Hong Kong police’s handling of protests to come under legal scrutiny
South China Morning Post, December 20, 2019

Hong Kong protests: double blow for Carrie Lam as judges snub chance to lead investigation into unrest, and Beijing rules out inquiry into police use of force
South China Morning Post, December 21, 2019

How murder, kidnappings and miscalculation set off Hong Kong’s revolt
Reuters, December 20, 2019

路透:中共中纪委是逃犯条例幕后推手 (CCP Disciplinary Commission is the real proponent for Hong Kong's extradition bill: Reuters)
Radio France Internationale, December 21, 2019

After Xi Jinping’s Macau trip, analysts predict patriotic education and national security in Hong Kong’s future
South China Morning Post, December 20, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

警拘捕星火同盟四人涉洗黑錢 凍結七千萬 (Police arrest Spark Alliance staff on money laundering charges, to freeze donations)
Inmediahk.net, December 19, 2019

Hong Kong police arrest 4 for ‘money laundering’ and freeze HK$70m used to support pro-democracy protesters
Hong Kong Free Press, December 19, 2019

HSBC distances itself from police crackdown on protest fundraiser accused of money laundering
South China Morning Post, December 20, 2019

上月關閉「星火」戶口 滙豐:非草率決定,與香港近況無關 (HSBC says closure of Spark Alliance's bank account in November was "unrelated to current HK situation")
Stand News, December 20, 2019

教育局命80被捕教師教學助理即時停職 楊潤雄:用更嚴厲行動「糾正錯誤」(80 teachers and teaching assistants arrested in relation to protests, Education Bureau says tougher action needed to "correct mistakes")
Ming Pao, December 20, 2019

At least five Hong Kong teachers accused of protest-related misconduct were not given a chance to defend themselves before Education Bureau, union says
South China Morning Post, December 19, 2019

許智峯眾籌330萬私人檢控警暴 要求先披露內地製催淚彈成份 (Legislator Ted Hui crowdfunds to raise private prosecutions against police, including for protester shot with life-rounds and to press disclosure of tear gas ingredients)
Inmediahk.net, December 19, 2019

【龍門任警擺】6青年九龍城涉揮棍練Parkour被捕 星火律師跟進 (Six arrested for practising parkour while carrying sticks)
Apple Daily, December 19, 2019

Social workers take to Hong Kong streets to urge international community to join fight against city’s ‘humanitarian crisis’
South China Morning Post, December 19, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

Why Hong Kong’s pro-Beijing camp may have to get used to losing
South China Morning Post, December 18, 2019

Hong Kong protests: police commander in charge of Polytechnic University siege hits out at accusations of ‘humanitarian crisis’
South China Morning Post, December 18, 2019

【理大衝突】西九總區指揮官卓孝業:倘暴徒無後果離開 造成法治民智災難 (A "disaster for rule of law if rioters allowed to leave without consequences," says police commander in charge of PolyU siege)
Ming Pao, December 18, 2019

11.4 將軍澳警民衝突 男商人被警打爆頭縫十針 被控襲警 控方證據不足撤銷控罪 (Protester who was beaten by police officer and then charged with assaulting police officer has charges dismissed for lack of evidence)
Stand News, December 18, 2019

段崇智膺《泰晤士高等教育》年度人物 (Vice Chancellor of CUHK Rocky Tuan on list of Times Higher Education people of the year for standing with students during protest confrontation on campus)
Citizen News, December 18, 2019

People of the year: who mattered in higher education in 2019
Times Higher Education, December 17, 2019

監警會接逾1400反修例相關投訴 首階段報告不提721、831、新屋嶺 (IPCC received over 1,400 complaints related to protests by mid-December 2019, but first report to be released in late January will only provide "purely factual descriptions" of three major incidents before July 1)
Ming Pao, December 17, 2019

Hong Kong school principals’ leader wants amnesty for protest-related arrests, on both sides
South China Morning Post, December 17, 2019

Hong Kong police not obligated to show search warrant to eye injury victim while obtaining medical records, court rules
Hong Kong Free Press, December 17, 2019

驚人數字:被捕人數已高於全港監獄在囚人數 (Number of protesters arrested has exceeded current prison population)
Inmediahk.net, December 17, 2019

首度露餡 ! 當年港英放生緊急法的檔案啟示 (Leaked documents reveal hints on why Emergency Regulation Ordinance was not scrapped during handover)
Inmediahk.net, December 17, 2019

【抗暴之戰】被困醫院24天遭禁上網如坐監 理大廚房佬轟政府未審先判 (Protester-cook who stayed in PolyU during siege trapped in psychiatric ward for 24 days, denied request to check out)
Apple Daily, December 16, 2019

Hongkongers living in mainland China say safety and friendships are on the line amid protests
South China Morning Post, December 16, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

Pro-democracy lawmakers Au Nok-hin and Gary Fan lose seats as Hong Kong’s top court rejects election petition appeals
Hong Kong Free Press, December 17, 2019

終院拒批區諾軒范國威選舉呈請上訴許可 兩人議席不保 (Gary Fan and Au Nok-hin's election petition appeal denied by court, seats to be vacated)
Radio Television Hong Kong, December 17, 2019

Hong Kong police say journalist arrested after physical clash with officers
Hong Kong Free Press, December 17, 2019

澳门治权移交20年:香港男子被中国当局拘捕,再引港珠澳大桥管辖争议 (Hong Kong man arrested by mainland authorities on Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macau Bridge sparks jurisdiction controversy)
BBC, December 16, 2019

港人大橋被扣 張建宗:內地有司法權 公眾勿過份演繹 (Chief Secretary Matthew Cheung reaffirms mainland jurisdiction over mega-bridge arrest)
Radio Television Hong Kong, December 17, 2019

‘Hong Kong remains free’: city launches new PR blitz overseas after six months of protests
South China Morning Post, December 16, 2019

食環署催淚煙指引模稜兩可 清潔工零裝硬食半年殘留物 (Vague gov’t guidelines leave street cleaners exposed to toxins in 6 months of residue without proper protection)
Inmediahk.net, December 16, 2019

Beijing Backs Hong Kong Leader Despite Election Setback
The New York Times, December 16, 2019

Beijing fully recognises Hong Kong Chief Exec. Carrie Lam’s courage and responsibility during crisis, says Chinese Pres. Xi Jinping
Hong Kong Free Press, December 16, 2019

Hong Kong court denies bail for suspects caught with remote-controlled bomb believed to be intended to injure police at protests
South China Morning Post, December 16, 2019

Hong Kong electoral authorities push back at suggestion doxxing threats against police officers came from leaked voter details
South China Morning Post, December 16, 2019

Independent panel probing Hong Kong protests will not have subpoena powers, government minister says
South China Morning Post, December 16, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

梁凌杰逝世半周年 追思會現百米人龍 大批市民獻花 (At vigil in Admiralty, Hong Kong citizens mourn first death in protest on half-year anniversary)
Stand News, December 15, 2019

梁凌杰殞落半年夜 他在《造星》決賽台上喊 RIP (Pop star competition contestant mourns protester who died in June with protest song on stage)
Stand News, December 16, 2019

社福界周二起罷工三日 料 40 工會組織約 2000 人參與 (2,000 social workers in 40 unions in social welfare sector to participate in 3-day strike)
Stand News, December 15, 2019

社福界發起三天罷工 羅致光籲秉持專業勿影響基本服務 (Secretary for Labour and Welfare calls for maintenance of basic services as social welfare sector prepares for 3-day strike)
Radio Television Hong Kong, December 16, 2019

「和你 Shop」爆衝突 警新城市、德福拘 16 人 最年輕 14 歲 ("Christmas Shop with You" protest activity turns to clashes and arrests in malls)
Stand News, December 16, 2019

China's Xi vows support for Hong Kong leader during 'most difficult' time
Reuters, December 16, 2019

浸大編委疑被警方催淚彈擊中 右眼眼角流血 (Baptist University student reporter shot in eye with tear gas canister during protest in Mongkok)
Radio Television Hong Kong, December 16, 2019

被送中? 港男赴澳门经港珠澳大桥被公安扣查后失联 港驻粤办介入 (Missing Hong Kong citizen intercepted by mainland public security officers on Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macau Bridge)
Radio France Internationale, December 15, 2019

Hongkonger reportedly disappears during mainland security check on Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge
Agence France-Presse, December 15, 2019

「撐警控訴暴力集會」稱過萬人參與 倡警加薪議員減薪 楊官華:假新聞受害者追究編輯記者 (Police supporters rally in Admiralty, urge salary cuts for legislators and district councillors and "victims of fake news" to press lawsuits against editors and reporters)
Stand News, December 15, 2019

Revolution 101: For hardened teens of the Hong Kong protests, violence is one way forward
Reuters, December 13, 2019

Five Hong Kong teenagers arrested over death of man during protests
The Guardian, December 14, 2019

七旬清潔工中磚不治 警拘 3 男 2 女 15 至 18 歲 涉嫌謀殺暴動傷人 (Police arrest five on murder and rioting charges after 70-year-old cleaner was killed by brick during protest)
Stand News, December 12, 2019

燒國旗判12個月感化 裁判官勸女童勿衝動不顧後果 (13-year-old girl sentenced to 12-month probation for burning Chinese flag in protests)
Radio Television Hong Kong, December 13, 2019

Hong Kong court orders counseling for girl, 13, for burning Chinese flag: RTHK
Reuters, December 13, 2019

南韓民間團體訪港 震驚港警暴釀人道問題 促政府勿與民為敵 (Visiting South Korean NGOs express shock at humanitarian crisis caused by police violence, urge Hong Kong gov’t not to treat its people as enemies)
Inmediahk.net, December 13, 2019

‘Buy Yellow, Eat Yellow’: The Economic Arm of Hong Kong’s Pro-Democracy Protests
The Diplomat, December 13, 2019

Self-help groups for Hong Kong protesters sprout over Telegram app, offering jobs, homes, medical treatment and more
South China Morning Post, December 15, 2019

PTSD and protests: How the violence on Hong Kong’s streets impacts mental health
Hong Kong Free Press, December 15, 2019