Friday, May 29, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

China slams ‘senseless’ US move at UN over Hong Kong
Agence France-Presse, May 29, 2020

法新社:聯合國安理會擬閉門討論港區國安法 (RFI: UN Security Council to discuss National Security Law for Hong Kong in closed meeting)
Ming Pao, May 29, 2020

歐盟質疑港區國安法違中英聯合聲明及基本法 明言無意制裁中國 (EU raises concerns over National Security Law’s violation of the Joint Declaration and Basic Law; does not plan sanctions against China)
Ming Pao, May 29, 2020

【國安法壓港】德國外長發聲明 指德國歐盟一致認為 高度自治不可削弱 (German foreign minister on National Security Law for Hong Kong: Germany and EU unanimously agree China should not weaken the high-degree of autonomy status in Hong Kong)
The Stand News, May 29, 2020

【國安法壓港】彭定康發起國際聯署斥違《中英聯合聲明》 36 國 逾 700 名政要簽署 (More than 700 parliamentarians from 36 countries have signed the petition led by Chris Patten condemning China for violating the 1984 Joint Declaration)
The Stand News, May 29, 2020

台湾将启动“香港人道援助行动专案” (Taiwan to launch "Hong Kong Humanitarian Aid Action Project")
Financial Times, May 28, 2020

China threatens 'countermeasures' against UK over Hong Kong crisis
The Guardian, May 29, 2020

中聯辦:堅決反對美國粗暴干預香港事務造謠污蔑 (Liaison Office: Strongly oppose U.S. interference in Hong Kong affairs, rumor mongering and slandering)
Radio Television Hong Kong, May 29, 2020

Hong Kong protests: nearly 100 children among 396 arrested over national anthem and security law demonstrations
South China Morning Post, May 29, 2020

Hong Kong media tycoon vows to stay and 'fight' China, backs U.S. pressure
Reuters, May 29, 2020

中國公安部:全力指導支持港警止暴制亂、恢復秩序 (Ministry of Public Security: Will provide full support and guidance to Hong Kong Police to stop violence and restore order)
The Stand News, May 29, 2020

澳洲学生支持香港民运 被勒令停学 (University of Queensland suspends student for supporting Hong Kong democracy movement)
Deutsche Welle, May 29, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

What to expect now US deems Hong Kong no longer autonomous
South China Morning Post, May 28, 2020

【打壓港台】政府再干預!商經局設專責小組「整頓」港台運作 涵蓋行政財政人事 (Government forms special task force to review RTHK's operations)
Apple Daily, May 28, 2020

港版國安法|詳解人大通過草案後安排 何時在港實施?如何立法? (Explainer on National Security Law next steps: Passage and implementation)
HK01, May 28, 2020

四國際法律組織憂港版國安法侵人權 促人大撤回草案 (4 international law organizations urge NPC to withdraw National Security Law for Hong Kong over human rights concerns)
CitizenNews, May 28, 2020

中國人大通過港版《國安法》,陸委會提「香港人道救援方案」預計1週內完成 (In response to the National Security Law for Hong Kong, Mainland Affairs Council to finish drafting the Hong Kong Humanitarian Rescue proposal next week)
The News Lens, May 28 ,2020

【國安法壓港】首間大學表態 樹仁:盼港府如實反映港人「不同意見」 制訂過程保障法治自由 (Shue Yan is first university in Hong Kong to urge SAR government to listen to the diverse opinions from Hong Kongers, protect rule of law during legislative process)
The Stand News, May 28, 2020

支聯會就六四晚會晤警方 李卓人:警無誠意協調 拒回應能否舉行 (Hong Kong Alliance meets police on June Fourth vigil; Lee Cheuk-Yan: Police decline to coordinate or say if vigil is allowed)
The Stand News, May 28, 2020

【國安法壓港】民間記者會:近 99% 人反對立法 七成半人指不影響抗爭決心 (Citizens' Press Conference: Nearly 99% oppose National Security Law, 75% say it has no effect on their resolve to continue the struggle)
The Stand News, May 28, 2020

【國安法壓港】英美澳加聯合聲明 促北京履行《中英聯合聲明》義務 (In joint statement on National Security Law for Hong Kong, US, UK, Canada, Australia urge Beijing to fulfill Joint Declaration obligations)
The Stand News, May 28, 2020

立法會二讀通過國歌法草案 (Draft National Anthem Bill passes the second reading at LegCo)
The Stand News, May 28, 2020

Pompeo Says Hong Kong No Longer Has Autonomy Under China

The New York Times, May 28, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong crisis: riot police flood city as China protests grow
The Guardian, May 27, 2020

U.S. Officially Declares That Hong Kong Is No Longer Autonomous
The Wall Street Journal, May 27, 2020

PRC National People’s Congress Proposal on Hong Kong National Security Legislation
U.S. Department of State, May 27, 2020

China expands scope of Hong Kong security legislation: Reports
Channel News Asia, May 27, 2020

國安法擬加字眼 規管行為「和活動」 有人代稱「加辣」 法政匯思:行為屬個人活動屬集體 (Draft National Security Law for Hong Kong broadens definition of punishable acts to include “activities”; Progressive Lawyers Group sees organizations as additional targets”)
Ming Pao, May 27, 2020

China’s Military Vows to Defend the Country’s Interests in Hong Kong

The New York Times, May 27, 2020

記協:中環今再發生多宗警方刻意阻礙記者採訪拍攝事件 (Hong Kong Journalists Association: Police deliberately obstructed journalists' normal activities in Central today)
Radio Television Hong Kong, May 27, 2020

六四遊行上訴遭駁回 警代表律師:難確保參加者不違反防疫要求 (Appeal for June Fourth march is rejected; police lawyer: it's difficult to enforce disease prevention rules), May 27, 2020

許樹昌:6月4日前沒有本地個案可取消限聚令 (David SC. Hui, disease prevention advisor to government: Gathering ban can be lifted if no new local cases by June 4)
HK01, May 27, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

大律師公會就「港版國安法」聲明 (Hong Kong Bar Association statement on National Security Law for Hong Kong), May 25, 2020

Statement of the Hong Kong Bar Association on Proposal of National People's Congress to Enact National Security Law in Hong Kong
Hong Kong Bar Association, May 25, 2050

Onslaught of “Rule of Law” with Chinese Characteristics on Hong Kong
Human Rights in China, May 23, 2020

'I won’t allow this to be the end of Hong Kong': campaigner on his long fight for democracy
The Guardian, May 24, 2020

香港藝術文化工作者就「港版國安法」的聯署聲明 (Joint statement from Hong Kong arts and cultural workers on Hong Kong National Security Law), May 25, 2020

「港版國安法」人大表決前夕 香港市民遊行反對 港警催淚彈、水炮車驅趕 (Large protests in Hong Kong before National People's Congress votes on National Security Law for Hong Kong; police fire tears gas, water cannon at protesters)
The Initium, May 24, 2020

Hong Kong protests: mass action planned for Wednesday as city braces for anthem bill debate at Legco
South China Morning Post, May 26, 2020

【不斷更新】網民發動明包圍立法會 多間黃店響應罷市 (Continuous updates: Netizens call for surrounding LegCo on May 27, many Yellow Shops to go on strike in support)
The Stand News, May 26, 2020

China's Hong Kong law set to bar foreign judges from national security cases: sources
Reuters, May 26, 2020

China Plans to Send Teachers to Hong Kong to Give Guidance, Instruction in Schools
Radio Free Asia, May 26, 2020

Covid-19: Hong Kong health dep’t clarifies social distancing ‘group gatherings’ after police fine protesters
Hong Kong Free Press, May 26, 2020

China Deploys Propaganda Machine to Defend Move Against Hong Kong

The New York Times, May 25, 2020

香港特首称国安立法的宪制和法律基础稳固 中央决心坚定势在必行 (Chief Executive: National Security Law is constitutional with a firm legal foundation, the Central Government is determined and the situation requires it)
Reuters, May 25, 2020

【港版國安法說明全文】王晨:修例風波煽動反中反共 23條立法實際很困難 任何外國干預措施將採一切反制 (Full text of Wang Chen's explanation of National Security Law for Hong Kong: Anti-extradition protests are anti-China and anti-CPC; Article 23 legislation is stalled; countermeasures will be taken against any and all foreign interference)
CitizenNews, May 22, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong public broadcaster suspends satirical show hours after gov’t demands apology for ‘insulting’ police
Hong Kong Free Press, May 19, 2020

Coronavirus: Hong Kong extends social distancing rules to June 4, threatening annual Tiananmen Massacre vigil
Hong Kong Free Press, May 19, 2020

History exam row: Hong Kong’s Carrie Lam dismisses claims of political intervention, appears to misquote Mandela
Hong Kong Free Press, May 19, 2020

Hong Kong student group vows to challenge gov’t plan to scrap ‘biased’ history exam question
Hong Kong Free Press, May 19, 2020

China’s Hong Kong chief steps down from top political advisory post
South China Morning Post, May 19, 2020

六四晚會未獲批 李卓人斥林鄭「趁疫打劫」 倡遍地開花悼念 (Gov’t denies permission for June Fourth vigil; Lee Cheuk- yan urges small group gatherings, accuses Carrie Lam of using pandemic as excuse), May 19, 2020

回應內會事件 林鄭:做法恰當不必向公眾道歉 否認急於讓國歌法通過 (Carrie Lam defends guards dragging Legco members out of House Committee session: No need to apology for what's done appropriately; denies rushing to pass the National Anthem Law)
The Stand News, May 19, 2020

港區人大陳曼琪兩會提案 人大訂香港國家安全法 不經立法會直接實施 (Maggie Chan, Hong Kong’s delegate to NPC, proposes passage of Hong Kong security legislation by NPC, bypassing Legco review process)
The Stand News, May 19, 2020

Friday, May 15, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

US Senate passes Uygur Human Rights Policy Act
South China Morning Post, May 15, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

DHS report: China hid virus’ severity to hoard supplies
Associated Press, May 4, 2020

澳大学生遭开除威胁 全因他公开批判中国的人权迫害 (Australian university student faces expulsion for publicly criticizing China's human rights abuses)
Deutsche Welle, May 4, 2020

Deutsche Welle Freedom of Speech Award: 17 laureates from 14 countries
Deutsche Welle, May 3, 2020

HRIC Note: Chinese citizen journalists Chen Qiushi, Fang Bin, and Li Zehua, who were disappeared by the authorities for documenting Wuhan’s COVID-19 epidemic, are among the recipients.

Hong Kong (香港)

Beijing loyalist urges Hong Kong to pass national security law by next August
Hong Kong Free Press, May 5, 2020

Hong Kong lawmaker Starry Lee to take leadership of ‘urgent’ matters at legislative committee amid row over chair
Hong Kong Free Press, May 1, 2020

壁屋懲教職員被指酷刑虐打抗爭者 有人稱遭撼頭埋牆、唱《榮光》被掌摑 (Pik Uk Correctional Institution officer is accused of torturing protesters, smashing their head against wall, and slapping those who sing "Glory to Hong Kong")
The Stand News, May 4, 2020

連續兩日發稿評香港政局 中聯辦斥「西方反華政客」干涉港事務、抹黑一國兩制 (In 2 statements over 2 days, LOCPG condemns "Western anti-China politicians" for interfering in Hong Kong’s affairs, defaming "One country, two systems")
The Stand News, May 3, 2020

香港中联办发言人强烈谴责西方反华政客和组织干预香港事务 (LOCPG spokesperson strongly condemns anti-China politicians and organizations interfering HKSAR affairs)
Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong S.A.R, May 3, 2020

香港中联办发言人:严厉谴责极端激进分子无视民生疾苦再启“暴力揽炒” (LOCPG spokesperson: Harshly condemn the extremist radical elements relaunching violent mutual destructive protests, ignoring the great sufferings of the people)
Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong S.A.R, May 2, 2020

【反送中一周年】多個團體擬五、六、七月發起遊行集會 籲港人毋忘初衷 (Civil society groups plan rallies in May, June, July; urge Hong Kongers not to give up the struggle)
The Stand News, May 2, 2020