Hong Kong (香港)

【 10.6 深水埗】撞人的士司機至今未被起訴 許智峯提私人檢控危險駕駛 (Legislator Ted Hui files private prosecution against taxi driver who drove into protest crowd but has not been subject to criminal investigation)
Stand News, February 24, 2020

Hong Kong police watchdog has no power to scrutinise complaint about officer ‘ramming’ motorbike into protesters
Hong Kong Free Press, February 21, 2020

Acting vice-principal at Hong Kong school suspended for sharing poem with death on police and their families embedded
South China Morning Post, February 24, 2020

何君堯等發起聯署促 23 條立法 聲稱逾 10 萬人參與 光頭警長微博籲全國全民聯署 (Junius Ho starts public petition to push forward Article 23 legislation)
Stand News, February 24, 2020

《蘋果》指林鄭向北京呈報告 賴暴亂、醫護罷工阻抗疫 篤建制派、行會成員背脊 (In leaked report to Beijing, Carrie Lam blames protests for failures in anti-outbreak policies; accuses pro-establishment camp for abandoning her; orders Hospital Authority to fire medical staff who took part in strike; and says outbreak in Hong Kong is "precious chance for U-turn for September elections")
Stand News, February 22, 2020

港《蘋果》密件揭林鄭向北京獻計 藉抗疫令建制選情轉危為機 (Leaked report reveals Carrie Lam proposed to Beijing to use coronavirus outbreak as opportunity to help pro-establishment camp win September LegCo elections)
Apple Daily, February 22, 2020

醫管局降低隔離病房保護衣規格 Dirty team醫生黃任匡:打擊前線士氣 埋身護理Level 1未必夠阻隔病毒 (Hospital Authority lowers standards for protective clothing worn in quarantine wards but denies shortage)
Citizen News, February 23, 2020

【武漢肺炎】員工陣線批抗疫物資數字不盡不實 醫管局:數字準確 裝備夠一個月使用 (Union slams Hospital Authority for misleading figures on shortage of protective gear, concerned that procedural standards are lowered to make up for lack of supplies, risking patient and staff safety)
Stand News, February 20, 2020

張超雄斥300億抗疫基金「救市不救人」 朱凱廸:香港俾功能組別害死 (Funding aid from government saves the market not the people, slams pan-dems)
Inmediahk.net, February 21, 2020

政府斥15億資助本地生產口罩 民主派質疑明益工聯會 (Government allots funding for local face masks production, but faces accusations of profiting pro-Beijing camp)
Inmediahk.net, February 21, 2020

Coronavirus: Hong Kong’s low-income families struggling to afford masks and disinfectant, new study claims
South China Morning Post, February 23, 2020

Protests over Yuen Long feature beer, champagne as some celebrate Hong Kong police officer’s coronavirus infection
South China Morning Post, February 21, 2020