Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong: outcry as activists arrested and pro-democracy candidates banned
The Guardian, July 30, 2020

Hong Kong elections: mass disqualification of opposition hopefuls sparks political storm
South China Morning Post, July 30, 2020

Hong Kong protests: ex-lawmaker Au Nok-hin to plead guilty to illegal assembly charges, faces five years in jail
South China Morning Post, July 30, 2020

泛民15人案|黎智英等10人表明不認罪 官拒禁黎等人離境 (Illegal assembly cases of 15 democratic figures: Jimmy Lai and 10 others will not plead guilty; judge denies prosecutor’s request for travel ban)
HK01, July 30, 2020

【瘋狂 DQ】逾十國議員發聲明 批 DQ 阻香港民主進程 促國際社會應對 (In joint statement, politicians from more than 10 countries slam disqualification of democratic candidates as obstruction of democratic process in Hong Kong)
The Stand News, July 30, 2020

On the obstruction of the democratic process ahead of the 2020 Hong Kong Legislative Council Elections
Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China, July 30, 2020

立法會選舉.DQ|港府稱目前12人被裁提名無效 強調反《港區國安法》等不可能真誠擁護《基本法》 (HKSAR Gov't confirms invalidation of the nomination of 12 candidates, citing opposition to National Security Law as evidence of insincere pledge to uphold Basic Law)
Ming Pao, July 30, 2020

HKSAR Government supports Returning Officers' decisions to invalidate certain nominations for Legislative Council General Election
The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, July 30, 2020

香港中联办发言人:坚决支持选举主任依法决定部分人士参选立法会提名无效 (Spokesperson of Hong Kong Liaison Office: Strongly support returning officer's lawful invalidation of nominations of certain candidates)
Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong S.A.R., July 30, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Beijing threatens to stop recognising Hong Kong BN(O) passports in retaliation for British offer to city residents
South China Morning Post, July 23, 2020

【稱違限聚令】警方自行定義「記者」票控網媒學生報 記協:無法律基礎 (Hong Kong Journalists Association: Police’s ticketing web media, student newspaper journalists for gathering ban violation lacks legal basis)
CitizenNews, July 23, 2020

港區國安法|德外長:將推出回應措施 如簡化港人入境限制及終止與港引渡協議等 (German Foreign Minister on National Security Law for Hong Kong: Countermeasures will include reducing entry restrictions for Hong Kong residents, terminating extradition agreement with Hong Kong)
Ming Pao, July 23, 2020

《港區國安法》爭議多 終院最資深海外非常任法官賀輔明勳爵:問題將需要回答 (Lord Hoffmann, Non-Permanent Judge of the Court of Final Appeal of Hong Kong, on National Security Law: Controversial questions will need answering)
The Stand News, July 23, 2020

歐盟香港報告憂國安法毀兩制 港府斥毫無根據 不認同區會選舉和平進行 (Hong Kong gov’t slams EU concerns over National Security Law’s destruction of “One country, two systems” as unfounded, disagrees with characterization of district council elections as peaceful)
The Stand News, July 23, 2020

Hong Kong 2019 Annual Report: an exceptionally challenging year
European Commission, July 22, 2020

國際工聯:香港勞權惡化與中國屬同級別 侵害勞權公司國泰榜上有名 (Int’l Trade Union Confederation: Worker's rights in Hong Kong has sunk to the same level as China; Cathay Pacific is listed as a violator of worker's rights)
inmediahk.net, July 23, 2020

2020 ITUC Global Rights Index: The World's Worst Countries for Workers
International Trade Union Confederation, June 18, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Britain suspends Hong Kong extradition treaty over national security law
South China Morning Post, July 20, 2020

特區政府強烈反對英國停移交逃犯 批雙重標準政治操作 (HKSAR gov't strongly opposes UK’s suspension of extradition agreement with Hong Kong, calling it a political move with double standards)
Radio Television Hong Kong, July 21, 2020

英中止與港引渡協議 中國駐英使館譴責:英再次違反國際法 (Spokesperson of Chinese embassy in UK: UK has once again violated international law in suspending extradition agreement with Hong Kong)
Ming Pao, July 21, 2020

Hong Kong protests: activist holding banner arrested on suspicion of breaking new security law at anniversary of Yuen Long attack
South China Morning Post, July 21, 2020

Pro-democracy election hopefuls refuse to sign form declaring China’s sovereignty over Hong Kong
Hong Kong Free Press, July 21, 2020

美参议员提出允许香港人在美国工作的法案 (U.S. Senator Ron Wyden introduces bill to allow Hong Kong people to work in U.S.)
Voice of America, July 21, 2020

Hong Kong People's Freedom and Choice Act
Senator Ron Wyden, July 20, 2020

香港九月立法会选举充满变数 北京多套方案打压民主派参选人 (Facing uncertainties in LegCo elections, Beijing prepares multiple strategies to suppress democratic candidates)
Radio Free Asia, July 20, 2020

香港民研:自由、法治評分創新低 鍾劍華批國安法製造負面情緒 (Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute: Freedom and rule of law ratings at record low; deputy chief executive officer Chung Kim-Wa cites National Security Law as source of negative sentiments)
inmediahk.net, July 21, 2020

POP releases the latest social and freedom indicators
Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute, July 21, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong democracy activist Joshua Wong launches bid for parliament
The Telegraph, July 20, 2020

Any UK move to suspend extradition treaty interferes in domestic affairs and will meet retaliation, says China
South China Morning Post, July 20, 2020

港區國安法|圖書館覆檢敏感書 獨立書店稱未減少出售政治書 (Sensitive books under library's review in light of National Security Law can still be found in independent bookstores)
HK01, July 29, 2020

港大新聞系總監:不因國安法改變 續教學生報道真相 籲勿因恐懼自設紅線 (Director of HKU Journalism and Media Studies Centre: We do not intend to do anything different under the National Security Law; will continue teaching journalism that speaks truth to power; do not self-censor out of fear)
The Stand News, July 17, 2020

7.21事件一年前夕 元朗區議員發起遊行 防暴警形點商場舉紫旗 (Yuen Long district council member organizes rally to mark anniversary of Yuen Long Attack; riot police raise purple flag in mall)
Ming Pao, July 19, 2020

黃之鋒岑敖暉表明不會簽確認書 (Joshua Wong, Lester Shum will not sign loyalty confirmation as Legco election candidates)
Ming Pao, July 18, 2020

民權觀察就選舉政治篩選情況發表報告 (Civil Rights Observer publishes report on political screening of election candidates in Hong Kong)
inmediahk.net, July 17, 2020

Report on Political Screening in Hong Kong: Disqualification of Election Candidates and Legislators
Civil Rights Observer, July 16, 2020

香港美国商会称取消香港特殊待遇将伤害美在港企业 (AmCham: The revocation of Hong Kong's special trade status will hurt American businesses in Hong Kong)
Voice of America, July 18, 2020

Response of AmCham HK to President Trump’s Revocation of Hong Kong’s Special Trading Status
The American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, july 17, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong police admit plainclothes officers were present in Yuen Long before mob attack
Hong Kong Free Press, July 16, 2020

China’s Activists Mourn the Loss of Hong Kong’s Glimmer of Hope
The Diplomat, July 16, 2020

Outrage Over China’s Treatment of Hong Kong Galvanizes the West
The Wall Street Journal, July 16, 2020

除了香港,南海和新疆也一直是中美关系紧张的核心 (Besides Hong Kong, South China Sea and Xinjiang have always been the core of tensions between U.S. and China)
Radio France International, July 16, 2020

美國駐華大使促中方恢復香港的自由權 (U.S. Ambassador calls on China to restore Hong Kong's liberties)
Radio Television Hong Kong, July 16, 2020

Ambassador Terry Branstad’s meeting with Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Zheng Zeguang
U.S. Embassy & Consulates in China, July 16, 2020

中国召见美国大使,中国官版记述片面 美大使被静音 (Official Chinese account shows U.S. ambassador silent in meeting with PRC deputy foreign minister)
Voice of America, July 16, 2020

港區國安法|華爾街日報、華盛頓郵報等駐港外媒考慮或調離人手 (Foreign media including Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, are considering moving staff out of Hong Kong)
Ming Pao, July 16, 2020

【一國一制】《紐時》記者儲百亮遭北京驅逐 港府也拒續批簽證 保護記者委員會促撤決定 (CPJ urges Hong Kong to reverse decision to deny visa to New York Times journalist Chris Buckley, who was expelled by Beijing)
The Stand News, July 16, 2020

Hong Kong denies work permit to New York Times correspondent Chris Buckley
Committee to Protect Journalists, July 15, 2020

香港《国安法》实施之后: 在港外国公司何去何从 (Where will foreign businesses go after implementation of National Security Law in Hong Kong?)
BBC, July 16, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

China promises sanctions for US ending of Hong Kong preferential status
South China Morning Post, July 15, 2020

US President Donald Trump signs Hong Kong Autonomy Act, and ends the city’s preferential trade status
South China Morning Post, July 15, 2020

華春瑩指香港自治法案詆毀港區國安法 粗暴干涉內政 (Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Hua Chunying: Hong Kong Autonomy Act defames the National Security Law for Hong Kong, rudely interferes in China’s internal affairs)
Radio Television Hong Kong

香港中联办声明:坚决反对美国粗暴干涉香港事务 (LOCPG statement: Strongly oppose rude U.S. interference in Hong Kong's affairs)
Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong S.A.R., July 15, 2020

国务院港澳办强烈谴责美方将“香港自治法案”签署成法 (Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office issues strong condemnation of U.S. promulgation of Hong Kong Autonomy Act)
Xinhua, July 15, 2020

Hong Kong protests: opposition party leader, four others arrested for alleged unlawful assembly near PolyU in November
South China Morning Post, July 15, 2020

National security law: former Hong Kong lawmaker who helped guide opposition primary steps down amid Beijing warnings
South China Morning Post, July 15, 2020

Hong Kong protests: opposition activists facing range of criminal charges drop legal challenge against court switch
South China Morning Post, July 15, 2020

New York Times Will Move Part of Hong Kong Office to Seoul

The New York Times, July 15, 2020

《港區國安法》通過後,媒體界的寒蟬效應已經開始發生 (Chilling effect of National Security Law for Hong Kong has begun spreading through media)
The News Lens, July 15, 2020

Hong Kong, 香港

Hong Kong primaries: China declares pro-democracy polls 'illegal'
The Guardian, July 14, 2020

Hong Kong elections: Beijing accuses Occupy protest leader Benny Tai of breaking national security law through primary poll
South China Morning Post, July 14, 2020

香港中联办发言人:严厉谴责反对派策动非法“初选”破坏立法会选举公平 决不允许外部势力操控香港政治事务 (LOCPG spokesperson: Harshly condemn opposition faction for instigating illegal “primaries” to undermine the fairness of legislative elections; never allow foreign forces to manipulate Hong Kong political affairs)
The Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong S.A.R., July 13, 2020

国务院港澳办:绝不允许操控香港立法会选举 (HKMAO: Never allow manipulation of Hong Kong legislative elections)
Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, July 14, 2020

Hong Kong Voters Defy Beijing, Endorsing Protest Leaders in Primary

The New York Times, July 14, 2020

特首:若初選目的是達至對抗政府 或違港區國安法 (Carrie Lam: If these primaries aim to oppose the government, they may violate the National Security Law)
Radio Television Hong Kong, July 14, 2020

選管會:初選不構成立法會選舉程序一部分 籲參與選舉活動時留意《國安法》條文 (Electoral Affairs Commission: Primaries do not constitute a part of the legislative election process, participants should pay attention to National Security Law)
The Stand News, July 14, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong’s traditional opposition parties lose out to localist challengers in fierce weekend primary for coming Legislative Council election
South China Morning Post, July 13, 2020

‘Hong Kong people made history again’: Over 600,000 vote in democrats’ primaries as co-organiser hails ‘miracle’ turnout
Hong Kong Free Press, July 12, 2020

香港60万人参与民主派初选 继续选还是DQ北京两难 (More than 600,000 Hong Kongers voted in democratic primaries; Beijing’s dilemma: disqualify candidates or postpone upcoming legislative elections)
Radio Free Asia, July 13, 2020

政制及內地事務局稱民主派初選涉干預操弄選舉等投訴 (Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau claims it has received complaints regarding manipulation, interference in the democratic primaries)
Radio Television Hong Kong, July 13, 2020

Hong Kong media tycoon Jimmy Lai and 12 others face incitement charges over June 4 Tiananmen vigil
South China Morning Post, July 13, 2020

Australia to offer 10,000 Hong Kongers chance at permanent residency
Independent, July 12, 2020

港大法律學院院長稱國安法令中港雙輸 55條很辣 傅華伶:啟動即無兩制 (Fu Hualing, Dean of HKU Faculty of Law: National Security Law is lose-lose for China and Hong Kong; implementation sounds a death knell for “one country, two systems”)
Ming Pao, July 13, 2020

林鄭月娥︰年輕一代出現問題或因教育被政治化 (Carrie Lam: Education politicization may be the cause of problems in the young generation)
Radio Television Hong Kong, July 11, 2020

【美商會調查】國安法下過半受訪企業考慮離港 (Latest survey by the American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong shows more than 50% of American businesses in Hong Kong consider leaving under the National Security Law)
CitizenNews, July 13, 2020

AmCham Temperature Survey Findings National Security Law July 2020
American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, July 13, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong civil servants employed from July 1 to be required in writing to swear allegiance, uphold Basic Law
South China Morning Post, July 8, 2020

Hong Kong national security law: lawyers warn of loss of checks and balances on police power as rules remove traditional judicial safeguards
South China Morning Post, July 8, 2020

‘Direct infringement’: critics air privacy concerns over Hong Kong police telecom interception powers
Hong Kong Free Press, July 8, 2020

【酒店改建國安公署揭幕】駱惠寧:國家司法制度健全 公署是「香港安全的使者」 (At opening ceremony of the hotel-transformed Office for Safeguarding National Security, Luo Huining: China's legislative system is well developed; OSNS is China’s emissary for Hong Kong's security)
CitizenNews, July 8, 2020

國安公署揭幕 駱惠寧致辭全文 稱公署是國安守門人 (Full text of Luo Huining's speech at the opening ceremony of the Office for Safeguarding National Security of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region)
HK01, July 8, 2020

特首稱與國安公署設協作機制 加強訊息共享及行動配合 (Carrie Lam: Hong Kong government to establish collaboration mechanism with OSNS, to enhance information exchange and collaborative actions)
Radio Television Hong Kong, July 8, 2020

国务院港澳办:坚决支持和配合驻港国家安全公署履职尽责 (Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office: Firmly support and collaborate with the OSNS to fulfill its duties and responsibilities)
Xinhua, July 8, 2020

In Hong Kong, a Proxy Battle Over Internet Freedom Begins

The New York Times, July 8, 2020

香港推出国安实施细则,中国网络控制急速移植香港 (China’s Internet control model seeps rapidly into Hong Kong as government releases National Security Law implementation rules)
Voice of America, July 8, 2020

警方膝跪壓頸制服示威者 李家超︰無計劃禁止鎖頸式武力 (Secretary for Security John Lee: No plan to ban non-lethal forces of knee-on-neck hold and chokeholds)
HK01, July 8, 2020

楊潤雄:校內不應奏唱《榮光》 築人鏈屬煽動同學 (Secretary for Education Kevin Yeung: “Glory to Hong Kong” should not play in schools; human chain is “incitement”)
HK01, July 8, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong’s press freedom hits record low, amid fears of uncertainty over national security law
South China Morning Post, July 7, 2020

HRIC annotated bilingual chart of The Law of the People’s Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Human Rights in China, July 5, 2020

記協:香港新聞自由已到危急存亡之秋 (Hong Kong Journalists Association: Press freedom in Hong Kong is in imminent danger)
CitizenNews, July 7, 2020

2020言論自由年報 危城下的自由
Hong Kong Journalists Association, July 7, 2020

Hong Kong national security law: citizenship not prerequisite for judges’ appointment to cases, minister says in clearest indication yet on issue
South China Morning Post, July 7, 2020

香港《国安法》:港府订立搜查监听细则引发更多质疑 (More questions emerge as Hong Kong gov’t releases the Operating Principles and Guidelines for Application for Authorization to Conduct Interception and Covert Surveillance)
BBC, July 7, 2020

Operating Principles and Guidelines for Application for Authorization to Conduct Interception and Covert Surveillance--Issued Pursuant to Section 20 of Schedule 6 of the Implementation Rules for Article 43 of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administration Region Gazette, July 6, 2020

香港国安法细则出台 冻结私人财产引担忧 (Implementation Rules for Article 43 of the National Security Law raise concerns over freezing personal assets)
Radio Free Asia, July 6, 2020

陸委會譴責國安法實施細則 斥定義模糊 「極權政體無限擴權的思想審查」 (Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council condemns the Implementation Rules for Article 43 of the National Security Law as vague and overbroad thought censorship by a totalitarian regime with unlimited power)
The Stand News, July 7, 2020

國際網絡組織 Access Now 批國安法擴大警權 削弱人權 (Access Now, Internet freedom INGO, criticizes Implementation Rules of Article 43 of National Security Law for empowering police to weak human rights)
The Stand News, July 7, 2020