Xinjiang Returns to Work, but Coronavirus Worries Linger
The New York Times, March 31, 2020
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Xinjiang (新疆)
Access to Information (公众知情权)
卫健委:中国至少有1541名无症状感染者 (PRC National Health Commission: China has at least 1,541 cases of asymptomatic infection)
Deutsche Welle, March 31, 2020
Estimates Show Wuhan Death Toll Far Higher Than Official Figure
Radio Free Asia, March 27, 2020
Citizen Participation (公民参与)
山东青年受香港、台湾人启发 实名呼吁习近平下台安全堪忧 (Inspired by Hong Kong and Taiwanese, Shandong youth calls for Xi Jinping to step down)
Radio Free Asia, March 31, 2020
Fears Grow For Chinese Student Who Told President to Step Down
Radio Free Asia, March 31, 2020
Government Accountability (政府问责)
武汉到底多少人死于新冠疫情 法国媒体集体质疑 (French press question official death toll in Wuhan from COVID-19)
Radio France Internationale, March 31, 2020
从黑马到诺奖得主—刘晓波纪念文集英文版4月1日在美出版 (To be published on April 1: “The Journey of Liu Xiaobo: From Dark Horse to Nobel Laureate” edited by Leedom-Ackerman is published)
Radio France Internationale, March 31, 2020
Hong Kong (香港)
Hong Kong protests: Remand in jail for student, 17, who was caught with hammer, petrol bomb in his backpack
South China Morning Post, March 31, 2020
Hong Kong student arrested after forum at University of Science and Technology turned violent
South China Morning Post, March 31, 2020
憂引入電槍助長警暴酷刑 民權觀察:將聯署促全球供應商 勿售電槍予港警 (Due to increasing concerns over police brutality, Civil Rights Observer presses suppliers not to sell stun guns to Hong Kong police)
The Stand News, March 31, 2020
Commentary (评论)
瘟疫時代之監控樂園 (Encroaching surveillance technology in the age of pandemic)
Allan Au Ka-lun, March 31, 2020
Monday, March 30, 2020
Xinjiang (新疆)
Uyghur High School Teacher Detained in Xinjiang Internment Camp
Radio Free Asia, March 27, 2020
Access to Information (公众知情权)
武汉“解封”在即 当地居民质疑官方数字 (Wuhan to end lockdown, but local residents question official figures)
Deutsche Welle, March 30, 2020
Government Accountability (政府问责)
“抗疫外交”遇退货潮? 中国疑外销劣质医疗品 (“Anti-epidemic” diplomacy yields returned goods? China is suspected of selling inferior medical products)
Deutsche Welle, March 30, 2020
中国厂商扬言“制作假测温枪害美国人” 事后称出于“爱国情怀 (Chinese manufacturer backtracks from vow to "make fake thermometer to harm Americans," says he spoke out of "patriotism")
Radio Free Asia, March 30, 2020
Hong Kong (香港)
Hong Kong protests: Telegram group operator faces incitement charges over ‘provoking others to murder officers and bomb police stations’
South China Morning Post, March 30, 2020
Black-clad men hurl petrol bombs at Hong Kong police station
South China Morning Post, March 30, 2020
港台記者四問 世衛高層堅持不講Taiwan (WHO official dodges Hong Kong reporter’s question about Taiwan four times), March 29, 2020
【8.31 事件】獲法庭頒令港鐵交出CCTV片 8.31 被捕者:長逾 90 小時能辨部份警員 (Police officers identifiable in 90 hours of CCTV footage of August 31 attack at Mong Kok MTR Station released by court order)
The Stand News, March 27, 2020
Commentary (评论)
Hong Kong’s terrorism alert: A credible and serious threat, or a bid to smear the protest movement?
Hong Kong Free Press, March 28, 2020
肺炎疫情:中国“口罩外交”如何重塑“倒下的大国形象” (COVID-19 epidemic: How China's "mask diplomacy" has reshaped "fallen power image")
British Broadcasting Corporation, March 28, 2020
廿三條、辱警罪借殼上市 (Article 23 and “contempt of police” legislation already in effect under another name)
The Stand News, March 27, 2020
Friday, March 27, 2020
Xinjiang (新疆)
‘Individual Lives Are The Price of The Ethnocide’: Son of Imprisoned Uyghur Comedian
Radio Free Asia, March 26, 2020
Access to Information (公众知情权)
Chinese Lawyers Sue U.S. Over 'Coronavirus Cover-up'
Radio Free Asia, March 26, 2020
武汉七大殡仪馆骨灰盒数量暴露死亡人数 与官方死亡数字相差甚远 (Cremation urns at 7 Wuhan funeral homes show number of deaths far exceeding official figure)
Radio Free Asia, March 27, 2020
北京大外宣移师推特 中文大号成招揽目标 (China’s external propaganda finds perch on Twitter using stolen, fake accounts)
Deutsche Welle, March 27, 2020
Citizen Participation (公民参与)
江西警察禁湖北人入境 九江桥省界爆群体冲突 (Jiangxi police block Hubei people from entry, clash at Jiujiang Bridge)
Voice of America, March 27, 2020
Government Accountability (政府问责)
Coronavirus: China promotes bile from caged bears to treat pandemic 'caused by exploiting wildlife'"
Independent, March 26, 2020
中国劣质测试剂错误率达80% 捷克寻求与台湾合作 (Spain says made-in-China COVID-19 test agent shows 80% error rate, Czech authorities seek cooperation with Taiwan)
Radio Free Asia, March 26, 2020
Hong Kong (香港)
'Funny' cash video leads to cop claims
The Standard March 27, 2020
Government adviser Ronny Tong defends Hong Kong police’s use of sedition laws, after arrest of opposition politician Cheng Lai-king
South China Morning Post, March 27, 2020
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Access to Justice (司法公正)
Chinese academic at Japan university detained by China for spying
South China Morning Post, March 26, 2020
Access to Information (公众知情权)
User Data Stolen From Weibo, Prompting Chinese Regulatory Probe
SupChina, March 25, 2020
中国或倾力消灭武汉肺炎词 涉清删旧日官报遗迹包括英文稿 (China may try to eliminate “Wuhan pneumonia” phrase, removing traces in past editions of state-controlled newspapers including in English)
Radio France Internationale, March 26, 2020
记者无疆界:中国若有新闻自由或能避免新冠大流行 (Reporters Without Borders: If China had freedom of the press, it could have avoided coronavirus pandemic)
Radio France Internationale, March 26, 2020
Government Accountability (政府问责)
UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, March 19, 2020
Related:China to suspend entry of foreigners with visas, residence permits due to coronavirus
国际专家联合声明:各国政府必须促进和保护在2019冠状病毒病(COVID-19)大流行病期间信息的获取和自由流通 (COVID-19: Governments must promote and protect access to and free flow of information during pandemic – International experts)
Human Rights in China (translation), March 25, 2020
National Post, March 26, 2020
学者:武汉或有近六成感染病例未被发现 (Scholar: Nearly 60% of infected cases in Wuhan have not been detected)
Deutsche Welle, March 26, 2020
新冠已回零 他们仍失联 (The novel coronavirus infected cases have reached zero, but citizen reporters are still missing)
Deutsche Welle, March 26, 2020
Hong Kong (香港)
Hong Kong protests: opposition politician arrested under colonial-era offence of sedition after Facebook post about police officer
South China Morning Post, March 26, 2020
Beijing’s expulsion of US journalists has only deepened distrust among Hongkongers
Hong Kong Free Press, March 26, 2020
中西區主席鄭麗琼被捕 逾百區議員警署外聲授 許智峯斥公報私仇 (More than 100 legislators gather at Police Headquarters to protest arrest of chair of Central and Western District Council Cheng Lai-king arrested, Democrat Ted Hui Chi-fung slams act of revenge), March 26, 2020
聯合國批評煽動罪定義太闊,多次促港府修例 (UN criticizes overbroad definition of sedition, urges revision by HK govt ), March 26, 2020
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Xinjiang (新疆)
Uyghur Singer Rashida Dawut Sentenced to Prison Term by Xinjiang Authorities
Radio Free Asia, March 24, 2020
Access to Justice (司法公正)
China set to indict Australian academic Yang Hengjun on espionage charges
The Guardian, March 25, 2020
杨恒均遭正式指控间谍罪 案或送最高检 (China formally accuses Australian writer Yang Hengjun of espionage; case to be submitted to Supreme Procuratorate)
RFI, March 25, 2020
Access to Information (公众知情权)
美媒称平头百姓红二代大亨无处躲 任志强传遭列重案 (U.S. media reports Chinese tycoon Ren Zhiqiang is taken away after calling Xi a "clown," criticizing government's handling of COVID-19)
RFI, March 25, 2020
709案维权律师王全璋出狱倒计时 (Countdown to prison release of human rights lawyer Wang Quanzhang)
VOA, March 25, 2020
Hong Kong (香港)
Pair arrested over attack on Hong Kong activists who tried to intervene in fracas on street
South China Morning Post, March 25, 2020
Hong Kong democrats raise concerns over gov’ts choice of new chief justice, Andrew Cheung
Hong Kong Free Press, March 25, 2020
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Access to Justice (司法公正)
ChinaFile, March 23, 2020
Three Chinese Rights Lawyers 'Vulnerable to Torture' in Detention: UN Experts
Radio Free Asia, March 24, 2020
长沙富能案家属们赴长沙市国家安全局、长沙市检察院维权 (Family members of “Changsha Three” petition at State Security Bureau and Municipal Procuratorate in Changsha)
Weiquanwang, March 24, 2020
著名人权捍卫者胡佳因言遭软禁无法外出 因牙龈出血准备争取就医 (Under house arrest for 4 weeks for speaking out, well-known rights activist Hu Jia vows to seek treatment for bleeding gum)
Weiquanwang, March 24, 2020
Access to Information (公众知情权)
The New York Times, March 24, 2020
3 Newspapers Ask China to Reverse Decision to Expel American Journalists
The New York Times, March 24, 2020
Government Accountability (政府问责)
Radio Free Asia, March 23, 2020
新冠疫情酿史上重灾,中国法律顾问团索赔加码 (Chinese legal advisory team raises claims for unprecedented damages from new coronavirus epidemic)
Voice of America, March 24, 2020
Hong Kong (香港)
Hong Kong Free Press, March 24, 2020
民間記者會調查:九成人認同示威者參與功能組別選舉 (Citizens’ Press Conference survey: 90% support protesters campaigning in upcoming functional constituency elections)
Radio Television Hong Kong, March 24, 2020
Monday, March 23, 2020
Xinjiang (新疆)
Radio Free Asia, March 23, 2020
Access to Justice (司法公正)
Radio Free Asia, March 20, 2020
中国:联合国专家对三名人权律师处强迫失踪状态表示关切 (UN experts gravely concerned by enforced disappearance of three human rights lawyers)
United Nations, March 23, 2020
Access to Information (公众知情权)
Radio France Internationale, March 23, 2020
南早:4.3万隐性“带毒者”中国未包括确诊数字之内 (SCMP: China has excluded 43,000 non-symptomatic coronavirus carriers from its number of confirmed cases)
Radio France Internationale, March 23, 2020
Hong Kong (香港)
South China Morning Post, March 23, 2020
Hundreds commemorate 15-year-old Hong Kong student who died last September
Hong Kong Free Press, March 23, 2020
防暴警員元朗多次驅散帶走多人 有記者被胡椒噴劑噴中 (Yuen Long riot police take away many in repeated dispersals; reporter is among those pepper-sprayed)
Radio Television Hong Kong, March 22, 2020
Friday, March 20, 2020
Xinjiang (新疆)
Xinjiang County Sends Uyghur Camp Detainees to Prison, Interior of China
Radio Free Asia, March 19, 2020
Access to Information (公众知情权)
Beijing revokes work permits for Chinese assistants working for US media organisations
South China Morning Post, March 20, 2020
Citizen Participation (公民参与)
Chinese web vigilantes name and shame people for breaking coronavirus quarantine
South China Morning Post, March 20, 2020
Government Accountability (政府问责)
北京为何轻描淡写李文亮事件 (Why Beijing has made light of Dr. Li Wenliang’s case)
Radio France Internationale, March 20, 2020
Hong Kong (香港)
民間記者會批《反恐》法條文含糊 憂成港府侵犯人權漏洞 (Civil society groups slam counterterrorism provisions as vague, fear loopholes for human rights violations by government), March 19, 2020
外國記者會向特首發信 要求澄清內地驅逐美籍記者事件 (In open letter, FCCHK press Carrie Lam for “definitive answers” on how Beijing’s expulsion of foreign journalists affects their ability to work in Hong Kong), March 20, 2020
Executive of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Hon Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor and the Director of Immigration, Erick Tsang Kwok-wai
Foreign Correspondents’ Club, Hong Kong, March 20, 2020
Commentary (评论)
肺炎疫情如何令中国“崛起大国”的光环黯然失色 (How the coronavirus epidemic has dimmed the halo of China as a "rising power")
British Broadcasting Corporation, March 19, 2020
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Xinjiang (新疆)
Missing Uyghur Brothers Confirmed Detained in Xinjiang Internment Camp
Radio Free Asia, March 18, 2020
Access to Justice (司法公正)
Coronavirus: Wuhan police ‘inappropriately’ punished whistleblower doctor Li Wenliang, Chinese gov’t probe concludes
Hong Kong Free Press, March 19, 2020
Access to Information (公众知情权)
美民间组织发起诉讼 控微信管制言论 (U.S. human rights organization considers class action suit against WeChat for censorship)
Radio Free Asia, March 18, 2020
人权组织:北京应收回对美国记者的禁令 (Human Rights Watch: Beijing should rescind ban on U.S. journalists)
Voice of America, March 19, 2020
ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)
汉王开发出戴口罩人脸识别技术 (Hanwang launches facial-recognition technology that seeks through masks)
The Financial Times, March 19, 2020
Hong Kong (香港)
肺炎疫情:香港传染病专家袁国勇撤回《大流行缘起武汉》文章引发争议 (Controversy surrounding Yuen Kwok-yung's retraction of his article "The pandemic originated from Wuhan")
BBC, March 19, 2020
公民黨區議員遭撐23條人士襲擊 下顎及手臂受傷 (Democratic district council member, Janet Ng, attacked by Article 23 supporters), March 19, 2020
【民間記者會】 香港人權監察:《反恐條例》定義太廣 圖將示威者污名為「恐怖分子」 (Hong Kong Human Rights Watch: Definition of terrorism is too broad, peaceful protest will fall under "terrorism")
The Stand News, March 19, 2020
Commentary (评论)
中国驱逐美国媒体记者:香港不能去,“一国两制”还在否? (China expels U.S. reporters: If Hong Kong is not a place they can go, is "one country, two systems" still alive?)
British Broadcasting Corporation, March 19, 2020
驱逐美国记者背后,中国对叙事和宣传能力的自信 (Ousting U.S. Reporters, China Signals Confidence in Its Own Message)
The New York Times, March 19, 2020
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Xinjiang (新疆)
‘The Thing I Feared Has Already Happened’: Daughter of Jailed Uyghur Civil Servant
Radio Free Asia, March 17, 2020
Access to Justice (司法公正)
黄琦狱中零用钱每月一百元 黄母病重禁探监已三年 (Huang Qi is allowed to spend only 100 yuan a month in prison; Huang's mother, seriously ill, has been barred from visiting son for 3 years)
Radio Free Asia, March 18, 2020
疫情中李明哲妻子恳求中国政府让丈夫通“亲情电话” (Amid epidemic, Li Mingzhe's wife pleads with Chinese authorities to allow phone calls with husband)
Radio France International, March 18, 2020
Hong Kong (香港)
Court rules MTR must release CCTV footage to student caught up in Prince Edward Station police raid
Hong Kong Free Press, March 18, 2020
Hong Kong court orders MTR Corp to disclose to student leader security footage from stations over August 31 police operation
South China Morning Post, March 18, 20208.31 被捕者入禀要求頒令勝訴 港鐵須披露 8.31 太子及荔枝角站 CCTV 片段 (High Court orders MTR to release August 31 CCTV footage in Prince Edward Station to arrestee)
The Stand News, March 18, 2020
Hong Kong district councillors told to stop posting signs linking police to ‘dogs’
South China Morning Post, March 18, 2020
China says within its rights to bar U.S. reporters from Hong Kong
Reuters, March 18, 2020
Exclusive: China's internal security force on frontlines of Hong Kong protests
Reuters, March 18, 2020
路透社引外交消息:4,000 中國武警曾到港 參與警方前線工作 觀察反送中運動 (Reuters: 4,000 of China's military police were sent to join Hong Kong police frontlines and monitor protests)
The Stand News, March 18, 2020
李家超:立例針對蓄意散播謠言須社會深入討論 (Hong Kong government to consider new policy to target intentional rumor spreaders)
Radio Television Hong Kong, March 18, 2020
北京禁《紐時》等美籍記者在港採訪 港府續避談會否配合 僅稱按法律處理 (Hong Kong government evades question on whether it would accommodate Beijing’s order banning American journalists from reporting in Hong Kong, says only it will handle situation according to law)
The Stand News, March 18, 2020
北京稱禁記者在港工作屬外交事務職權範圍 (Beijing: MFA has right to limit journalists' activities in Hong Kong)
Radio Television Hong Kong, March 18, 2020政府稱一直為各國媒體及記者在港採訪提供便利 (Hong Kong government: We've always facilitated the reporting work of all foreign media outlets and journalists)
Radio Television Hong Kong, March 18, 2020北京禁美媒於港澳採訪 民主派斥攬炒 邱騰華:按一國兩制行事 (Pan-Dem: Beijing limiting foreign journalists in Hong Kong is mutual destruction; Hong Kong government: we'll follow One Country, Two Systems principle), March 18, 2020記協促特區政府澄清外國傳媒簽證安排 (Hong Kong Journalists Association urges HKSAR gov't to clarify foreign media's visa arrangement)
Radio Television Hong Kong, March 18, 2020香港外國記者會要求特區政府澄清外媒記者在港工作情況 (HKFCC urges HKSAR to clarify context in which foreign journalists may work in Hong Kong)
Radio Television Hong Kong, March 18, 2020
17歲學生乘義載車回家遭警截查 事隔5個月被控無牌管對講機 (17-year-old student charged with illegal possession of Walkie-Talkie 5 months after Reclaim Tuen Mun Park protest), March 18, 2020
記協向個人資料專員反映記者被侵犯私隱問題 (Hong Kong Journalists Association to raise journalists' privacy concerns to Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data), March 18, 2020
沙中綫超支至816億 含6億翻新警察遊樂設施 (Sha Tin to Central rail links is HKD 81.6 billion over budget, including 600 million for relocating Hong Kong police recreation facility), March 18, 2020
炸彈案左腳骨折被告 終攙拐杖出庭 投訴被至少兩警毆打 還押候訊 (Defendant of bombing case alleges police torture in detention)
The Stand News, March 18, 2020
港大何栢良籲禁外國人入境 憂深切治療病床不敷應用 (Ho Pak-leung, HKU microbiology professor, urges border closure to foreign travelers, expresses deep concerns over insufficient availability of ICU beds)
The Stand News, March 18, 2020
Commentary (评论)
Holding Beijing Accountable For The Coronavirus Is Not Racist
Journal of Political Risk, March 17, 2020
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Access to Information (公众知情权)
China Announces That It Will Expel American Journalists
New York Times, March 17, 2020
China Takes Countermeasures Against Restrictive Measures on Chinese Media Agencies in the US
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, March 18, 2020HRIC Note: The move to prohibit New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post journalists with U.S. citizenship from working in Hong Kong, where there is no official registration requirement for journalists, directly contravenes the “one country, two systems” principle under which the Hong Kong Special Administration Region is governed. Last October, Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam stated clearly: “We have no intention or plan to start a centralised registration system for journalists, not to mention doing any vetting on who can conduct reporting . . . . Freedom of speech is a core value of Hong Kong, and I completely agree that the media has a role as the ‘fourth estate’ in monitoring the government. So our job is to facilitate and assist the work of the media.”
网络文革?辩手邱晨为“港独”言论致歉退圈 (An Internet Cultural Revolution? Well-known debater Qiu Chen apologizes for 6-year-old remarks accused as supportive of “Hong Kong independence”)
Deutsche Welle, March 17, 2020
中国赋予网警更大权力,压制有关疫情应对的愤怒和批评 (Muting coronavirus anger, China empowers its internet police)
The New York Times, March 17, 2020
面对当局对疫情报道的压制,中国记者发起反击 (As China cracks down on coronavirus coverage, journalists fight back)
The New York Times, March 16, 2020
中国称特朗普在推文中使用“中国病毒”是对中国的污名化 (China says Trump's use of "Chinese virus" in tweets is stigma over China)
Voice of America, March 17, 2020
Government Accountability (政府问责)
新冠争议发酵 中美互怼“冠名权” (Dispute over origin of the coronavirus escalates into U.S.-China diplomatic crisis S.)
Deutsche Welle, March 17, 2020
伊朗因新冠疫情大赦囚犯,中国呢? (Amid coronavirus outbreak, Iran amnesties prisoners, what about China?)
Radio Free Asia, March 16, 2020
Hong Kong (香港)
Hong Kong loses ranking as world’s freest economy due to months of unrest
South China Morning Post, March 17, 2020
Attempts to probe alleged abuses by Hong Kong police fizzle as district councils told they are overstepping authority
South China Morning Post, March 17, 2020
Hong Kong pro-democracy camp split over holding internal ballots to maximise its chances in Legislative Council elections
South China Morning Post, March 17, 2020
林鄭:周四起所有抵港人士須隔離 14 天 將向全球地區發紅色旅遊警示 全面復課無期 (Hong Kong to require mandatory 14-day quarantine for all arriving travelers, except from mainland China, Macau, Taiwan; date for school reopening remains unclear)
The Stand News, March 17, 2020
警方拒出席會議 書面回覆錯字錯格式 北區區議會:龜縮卸責、極不尊重 (Police refuse to send representative to security briefing held by North District Council)
The Stand News, March 17, 2020
許智峯私人檢控西灣河開槍警及深水埗撞人的士司機 東區法院下月 7 日開庭處理 (Hui Chi-fung files private prosecution against police officer who shot a protester at Sai Wan Ho and the taxi driver who ran over pedestrian; Eastern District court to review filing on April 7)
The Stand News, March 17, 2020
葉劉淑儀認為全面禁入境挫經濟 政府抗疫已做得好 (Regina Ip fears market impact from full border closure border, says government is doing a very good job in containing the disease)
Radio Television Hong Kong, March 17, 2020
Monday, March 16, 2020
Access to Justice (司法公正)
Chinese tycoon Ren Zhiqiang goes missing after criticising Beijing’s response to coronavirus outbreak
South China Morning Post, March 15, 2020
“722” NGO长沙富能案程渊、刘永泽、吴葛健雄3人今同时解除6位律师的代理委托 (After being denied access to clients for nearly 8 months, lawyers for three detained members of public interest NGO Changsha Funengare are dismissed)
Weiquanwang, March 16, 2020
HRIC Note: On March 16, without providing any written notifications, Changsha state security authorities and various Bureau of Justice authorities informed the lawyers representing the three detained members of the public interest NGO Changsha Funeng that they have been dismissed by their clients. The absence of formal written notices raises serious concerns about whether the detainees—Cheng Yuan, Liu Yongze, Wu GeJianxiong—have in fact authorized the dismissal. (One of the dismissed lawyers is Wu’s father, Wu Youshui, who is representing his son.)
In nearly eight months of detention since they were first taken into custody on July 22, 2019, the “Changsha Three” have not been granted access to their lawyers. In a de facto state of enforced disappearance, they face risks of being forced to make confessions under torture.
The police authorities have been extending the period of investigation multiple times, without bringing formal charges. Today’s “dismissal” may signal an impending secret trial in which the defendants are forced to be represented by government appointed lawyers.
中国人权注: 长沙公益仨(程渊、刘永泽、吴葛剑雄)的代理律师今日都接到当局的非正式通知,告知他们被解除代理,连吴葛剑雄的父亲吴有水律师也被通知已被其儿子解除委托。长沙公益仨在2019年7月22日被长沙国安带走后,一直被禁止会见律师,处于被强迫失踪的状态,面临被刑讯逼供的风险。该案在侦查期满后不断被延期,目前当局强迫解除当事人委托的律师,意在指定官派律师进行秘密审判。
余文生“煽颠案”司法延宕 其妻上书京官要求律师探访权 (Wife of lawyer Yu Wensheng appeals to Beijing officials for husband’s right to access to lawyers)
Voice of America, March 16, 2020
Access to Information (公众知情权)
Muting Coronavirus Anger, China Empowers Its Internet Police
The New York Times, March 16, 2020
As China Cracks Down on Coronavirus Coverage, Journalists Fight Back
The New York Times, March 14, 2020
秘鲁诺贝尔文学奖得主发表中国隐瞒疫情言论 外交部回应 (China’s Foreign Ministry attacks Nobel Laureate Mario Vargas Llosa for criticizing Chinese government’s attempts to cover up the truth of coronavirus outbreak)
Beijing News, March 16, 2020
China is coming after author Mario Vargas Llosa for saying the coronavirus originated there
Quartz, March 16, 2020
任志强失联,曾撰文批评习近平 (Chinese tycoon who criticized Xi Jinping’s handling of coronavirus has vanished)
The New York Times, March 16, 2020
Citizen Participation (公民参与)
Chinese journalism ‘coronavirus crisis hero’ comes under attack online
South China Morning Post, March 14, 2020
3·15打假日,民主人士洛杉矶总领馆前喊“假的” (On China's Consumer Day, also known as " Anti-Counterfeiting Day," dozens of democracy advocates chant “fake, fake” in front of PRC consulate in Los Angeles to protest falsehoods in official Chinese narratives)
Voice of America, March 16, 2020
Hong Kong (香港)
Hong Kong Lawmakers Criticize 'Arbitrary' Arrests by Police
Radio Free Asia, March 16, 2020
First aid volunteer arrested at Hong Kong anti-government protest pleads guilty to using walkie-talkie without a licence
South China Morning Post, March 16, 2020
Year of living dangerously: Hong Kong bombing campaign ‘almost unprecedented’, says police explosives unit
South China Morning Post, March 14, 2020
陳健民刑滿出獄:獄中日子無一刻後悔 爭取民主必須付出代價 (Upon release from prison, Chan Kin-Man, an "Occupy Central" initiator, says: "I've never regretted for a single moment—this is the price for Hong Kong democracy"), March 14, 2020
何君堯推23條立法 稱已收100萬簽名支持 (Junius Ho claims 1 million have signed petition supporting reintroduction of Article 23), March 13, 2020
Related:何君堯街站促 23 條立法 被指簽名即派搓手液 光頭警長穿制服與民合照 (Junius Ho starts signature drive for reintroduction of Article 23, giving away free hand sanitizer)
The Stand News, March 15, 2020
Commentary (评论)
肺炎疫情:“中国抗疫模式”引全球反思,但难以在全世界复制 ("China's coronavirus-resistant model" is difficult to replicate worldwide for its human rights violation)
British Broadcasting Corporation, March 16, 2020
华丽转身? 疫情下中共的大外宣与大内宣 (Gorgeous turn? CPC tries to morph from 'troublemaker' to 'global anti-coronavirus leader' through large-scale internal and external propaganda efforts)
Deutsche Welle, March 16, 2020
评论:不,专制并不比民主制更善于处理危机 (No, autocracy is no better at managing crises than democracy)
Deutsche Welle, March 15, 2020
Friday, March 13, 2020
Xinjiang (新疆)
Uyghur, Falun Gong Detainees Likely Source For China’s Organ Market: Report
Radio Free Asia, March 12, 2020
Access to Information (信息公开)
记者无疆界公布"互联网敌人" 网信办榜上有名 (Reporters Without Borders releases a list of "Internet Enemies" including Cyberspace Administration of China)
Deutsche Welle, March 13, 2020
If China really considers web surveillance “against human rights”, it must stop spying on journalists
Reporters Without Borders, March 12, 2020
曾报道武汉新冠“八君子”造谣 新华社一女记者获官方嘉许 (Xinhua News Agency reporter who accused eight individuals who spread early news about coronavirus of “rumor mongering” receives commendation)
Radio Free Asia, March 13, 2020
焦点对话:为武汉人民发声,作家方方遭举报 (Video: “Dialogue”:on writer Fangfang being reported for amplifying voices from Wuhan during coronavirus epidemic)
Voice of America, March 13, 2020
Citizen Participation (公众知情权)
2020年第六届“曹顺利人权捍卫者纪念奖”颁奖公告 (The Sixth “Cao Shunli Human Rights Defenders Memorial Award” is awarded to Mr. Zhang Jianping and Wang Heying)
Weiquanwang, March 13, 2020
湖北多城传有限度解封 应城不满高价菜品爆抗议 (Many Hubei cities are said to have partially lifted restrictions, residents in Yingcheng city protest high vegetables prices)
Radio Free Asia, March 13, 2020
李文亮死微博最后一贴不死 59万人续跟留言筑中国哭墙 (Coronavirus "whistle blower" Li Wenliang's last post on WeChat gets 590,000 comments)
Radio France Internationale, March 13, 2020
Government Accountability (政府问责)
Coronavirus: China’s first confirmed Covid-19 case traced back to November 17
South China Morning Post, March 13, 2020
Chinese official Zhao Lijian echoes conspiracy theory that US is to blame for coronavirus outbreak
Agence France Presse, March 13, 2020
中国发表美国人权报告,称美国贫富差距西方之首(China releases U.S. human rights report citing the country’s gap between rich and poor ranks first in the West)
Voice of America, March 13, 2020
Hong Kong (香港)
Hong Kong district councillor worker arrested after dispute over signs targeting gov’t supporters
Hong Kong Free Press, March 13, 2020
612 九個月各區放映會 警旺角截查帶走 6 人 有人燒路障 (Citizens hold district-screenings on nine-month anniversary of June 12, 2019; police clear roadblocks, arrest at least 6)
Stand News, March 13, 2020
Riot Police Shove Journalists as Hong Kong Marks June 12 Police Violence
Radio Free Asia, March 12, 2020
RTHK chief defends Headliner’s role as satire, but says ‘aspiration to serve’ bonds Hong Kong’s various departments
South China Morning Post, March 12, 2020
Commentary (评论)
Coronavirus: The new and ingenious ways Chinese citizens are evading censorship to learn about the outbreak
Hong Kong Free Press, March 13, 2020
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Xinjiang (新疆)
美国发布2019国别人权报告 称中国在新疆纪录为“世纪污点” (U.S. Department of State’s ‘2019 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices’ calls China's Xinjiang record “stain of the century”)
Voice of America, March 12, 2020
中国发动宣传机器抹黑新疆人权份子 (Chinese propaganda smears Xinjiang human rights activist who received award in U.S.)
Radio Free Asia, March 11, 2020
中国发动宣传机器抹黑新疆人权活动人士 (China launches propaganda to discredit Xinjiang human rights activists overseas)
Radio Free Asia, March 11, 2020
美议员提新议案 禁止新疆强迫劳工产品流入美国 (U.S. congressman proposes new bill to ban Xinjiang forced labor products from flowing into U.S.)
Radio Free Asia, March 11, 2020
Access to Justice (司法公正)
Chinese Social Justice Activist ‘Disappeared’
Human Rights Watch, March 11, 2020
Access to Information (信息公开)
美国国家安全顾问指责中国隐瞒疫情耽误全球两月时间 (U.S. National Security Advisor Robert O'Brien accuses China of concealing the coronavirus, delaying world’s knowledge for two months)
Radio France Internationale, March 12, 2020
Chinese officials push conspiracy theory coronavirus originated abroad
The Guardian, March 12, 2020
肺炎疫情:新冠病毒影响男性生育?湖北政府官网刊文“被消失” (Article written by expert team and published on official website of Hubei Provincial Government on coronavirus’s adverse effect on male fertility and sexual function is removed after going viral)
British Broadcasting Corporation, March 12, 2020
中国在新冠疫情下进一步加强审查制度 (China further strengthens censorship amid coronavirus epidemic)
Radio France Internationale, March 12, 2020
肺炎疫情:“发哨人”引发反审查战,中国人用创意接力反击 (Article interviewing the doctor who first issued photo of coronavirus test report is deleted, and netizens use various versions to restore it )
British Broadcasting Corporation, March 11, 2020
Citizen Participation (公民参与)
拒绝再沉默,武汉90后:我这辈子有义务为死者发声 (Refusing to be silenced again, Wuhan post-‘90: I have an obligation in my life to speak for the dead)
Voice of America, March 12, 2020
西藏人民抗暴日纪念活动在澳洲各城市举行 (Tibetans commemorate Tibetan National Uprising Day in many cities in Australia and other countries)
Radio Free Asia, March 11, 2020
逆行武汉 前央视主持人李泽华消失记 (How former CCTV host Li Zehua disappeared for Investigating coronavirus situation in Wuhan)
Radio Free Asia, March 11, 2020
Hong Kong (香港)
Hong Kong protests: 13-year-old arrested on suspicion of assaulting police officer is among seven seized in early morning raids
South China Morning Post, March 12, 2020
美國發表2019年人權報告 批中國侵犯人權 關注北京損香港自治權 (U.S. State Department report names police brutality as significant human rights issue in Hong Kong, slams Beijing encroachment on city's autonomy)
HK01, March 12, 2020
回應美人權報告批評警暴 政府:示威者暴力程度前所未有 警受死亡威脅 (Protester violence unprecedented and police faced deadly threats, says Hong Kong government in response to U.S. report on human rights violations)
Stand News, March 12, 2020Hongkongers Converge on Washington to Call For Sanctions Against Police, Leaders
Radio Free Asia, March 11, 2020
6人涉爆炸案提堂 辯方投訴被告受警方威嚇下作供 (Defendants charged with bombing report forced confession in custody, threats to girlfriend; two defendants hospitalized after arrest)
Radio Television Hong Kong, March 11, 2020
涉明愛醫院及兩口岸放炸彈促封關 6人被控串謀爆炸等罪 (Six charged over bombing incidents in late January after urging border closure), March 11, 2020
Commentary (评论)
公民社会的缺失与重构:疫情下的民间捐助 (The deficit and reconstruction of civil society: civil donations in the epidemic)
Voice of America, March 13, 2020
让全球看清疫情是天灾抑或人祸,是很多人最大的疑惑或期望 (Letting the world see whether the coronavirus is natural or man-made is the biggest doubt or expectation among many people)
Radio France Internationale, March 12, 2020
灾难降临,中国更需要公民社会 (Facing disaster, China needs civil society even more)
The New York Times, March 11, 2020
十字架报:中国已开始改写武汉病毒历史 (LaCroix: China is rewriting the history of Wuhan coronavirus)
Radio France Internationale, March 11, 2020
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Xinjiang (新疆)
US senator calls for action on forced labour in China's Xinjiang
Channel NewsAsia, March 11, 2020
‘Two-Faced’ Former Uyghur Forestry Official Sentenced to Life in Prison in Xinjiang
Radio Free Asia, March 10, 2020
Access to Information (信息公开)
Coronavirus: How Chinese social media platforms controlled information on the outbreak
Global Voices, March 11, 2020
Beijing's coronavirus propaganda blitz goes global
Axios, March 11, 2020
Coronavirus: Wuhan doctor says officials muzzled her for sharing report on WeChat
South China Morning Post, March 11, 2020
Doctors Keep Dying in Wuhan and Beijing Is Still Trying to Silence Them
Vice, March 11, 2020
Hong Kong (香港)
‘Playing the victim’: Hong Kong democrat slams police force after top cop denies brutality accusations at UN
Hong Kong Free Press, March 11, 2020
眾志發起公開信 促美國盡快制裁賣港官員及警察 (Demosistō urges US sanctions on Hong Kong officials and police force), March 11, 2020
UK parliamentarians launch probe into Hong Kong police over rights violations
Hong Kong Free Press, March 11, 2020
New Parliamentary Inquiry Launched into Alleged Human Rights Abuses in Hong Kong
Hong Kong Watch, March 10, 2020
醫局:N95餘4周存量 令人擔心 稱「痛下決心」 限處理霧化程序用 (Hospital Authority reveals stock for N95 masks will last fewer than four weeks, "regrettably limits use" only for aerosol-generating procedures)
Ming Pao, March 11, 2020/p>
調查:約6成受訪市民因社會運動或疫情而失眠 (In latest poll, 60% of respondents say they suffered insomnia due to protests or coronavirus outbreak)
Radio Television Hong Kong, March 11, 2020
民政處突取消東區監警會 民主派批警權凌駕區議會 (Home Affairs Department cancels district council meeting scheduled to discuss police violence after police department refuses to attend), March 10, 2020
Commentary (评论)
醫護罷工的劃時代意義 (The historic meaning of Hong Kong's groundbreaking medical strike), March 10, 2020
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Xinjiang (新疆)
‘Psychological torture’: Uygurs abroad face mental health crisis over plight of relatives who remain in Xinjiang
South China Morning Post, March 10, 2020
Xinjiang Authorities Quarantine Student Said to Have Infected First Uyghur Coronavirus Case
Radio Free Asia, March 9, 2020
Citizen Participation (公民参与)
谢燕益:疫情应对之特赦刑事犯致全国人大公开法律意见书 (Lawyer calls on the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress to release all political prisoners and provide amnesty to common criminals due to coronavirus outbreak in prison)
Weiquanwang, March 10, 2020
肺炎疫情:世卫删除“传统医药可能有害”建议引爆中国公众争议 (Coronavirus outbreak: WHO's deletion from website of 'Taking traditional medicine may be harmful' stirs great controversy among Chinese people)
British Broadcasting Corporation, March 10, 2020
Government Accountability (政府问责)
学者赵士林“庚子上书”:疫情首要责任在习近平 (Two open letters by scholar asking Xi Jinping to take primary responsibility for mishandling the coronavirus are blocked after going viral)
Radio Free Asia, March 10, 2020
习近平戒备森严中抵武汉考察疫情 没有人再喊全是假的 (Wuhan under heavy guard shouts of “all fake” during Xi Jinping visit)
Radio Free Asia, March 10, 2020
疫情封锁中,被遗忘与被损害的中国弱势群体 (In fight against coronavirus , China’s vulnerable falls through the cracks)
The New York Times, March 10, 2020
李文亮案调查一个月后为何还没有结果? (Why is there still no result after one month of investigation into Li Wenliang’s case)
Voice of America, March 10, 2020
Hong Kong (香港)
Hong Kong protests: deputy police chief Oscar Kwok fends off accusations of brutality in rare appearance at UN Human Rights Council
South China Morning Post, March 10, 2020
警務處副處長郭蔭庶聯合國發言 指責別有用心者抹黑警隊 (Accusations of police brutality are a "comprehensive effort to villify Hong Kong Police," says deputy commissioner at UN Human Rights Council)
Stand News, March 9, 2020【逃犯條例】鄧炳強︰憂年輕人守法意識薄弱 要防範本土恐怖主義 (Police commissioner says Hong Kong to be on guard against "domestic terrorism" efforts to blackmail government)
HK01, March 6, 2020
7.21 不計入 999 求救總數 警再解畫:有人別有用心號召報案 僅聽 1,100 來電 約 30 宗被納入達標率 (24,000 unanswered emergency calls during July 21, 2019 Yuen Long attacks not counted towards response rate; police say they were "deliberate spam calls to paralyze the force")
Stand News, March 10, 2020
智慧燈柱將移除攝錄鏡頭 當局冀下一步獲區議會支持 (Government agrees to remove cameras from smart lamps and "replace them with other technology" amidst privacy concerns, but will proceed with pioneer scheme)
Radio Television Hong Kong, March 10, 2020
Hong Kong electoral body mulls priority voting for elderly and limits on public ballot count observers
Hong Kong Free Press, March 9, 2020
【武漢肺炎】裝備指引「彈出彈入」 醫管局道歉指溝通上有誤會 (Hospital Authority apologizes for "misunderstanding" over constantly changing guidelines for protective gear for frontline medics)
Stand News, March 9, 2020
被指監視「好鄰舍北區教會」 警:不會監察個別宗教團體 惟有責任了解公眾活動 ("Will not monitor individual religious groups but obligated to oversee public activity," say police after being accused of surveying pro-protest church)
Stand News, March 9, 2020
Commentary (评论)
廖天琪:新冠病毒的传播反映了中共体制的特色 (Liao Tianqi: The spread of the novel coronavirus reflects the characteristics of the CPC system)
Radio France Internationale, March 10, 2020
Monday, March 09, 2020
Access to Justice (司法公正)
许志永涉嫌煽颠遭监居 女友失联恐被视为筹码(Xu Zhiyong is under residential surveillance for “inciting subversion of state power”; his girlfriend’s whereabouts is still unknown)
Radio Free Asia, March 9, 2020
China activist who called Xi clueless on coronavirus faces years in jail for 'subversion'
The Guardian, March 7, 2020
《新京报》元老戴自更被“双开”( Dai Zigeng, founder and former president of the "Beijing News" , was expelled from the party and public office)
Radio Free Asia, March 6, 2020
Citizen Participation (公民参与)
性别不平等是现代社会最大人权挑战之一 (Gender inequality is one of the biggest human rights challenges in modern society)
Radio France Internationale, March 8, 2020
Government Accountability (政府问责)
‘Coronavirus quarantine hotel’ collapses in southeast China
South China Morning Post, March 6, 2020
武汉书记促市民感恩 激怒民众已撤回 (Facing public anger, authorities remove Wuhan Municipal Party Secretary’s speech exhorting citizens to be grateful to the Communist Party)
Radio Free Asia, March 9, 2020
ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)
Even mask-wearers can be ID'd, China facial recognition firm says
Reuters, March 9, 2020
在中国即使戴着口罩也逃不了人脸识别 (A new technology has been developed to enable face recognition for people wearing masks)
Voice of America, March 9, 2020
制脑权、基因攻击…… 中国军方研究的新领域 (Chinese military takes important new research direction: Using cognitive science to master "brain control," "genetic attacks")
Radio Free Asia, March 6, 2020
Minds at War: China’s Pursuit of Military Advantage through Cognitive Science and Biotechnology
Elsa B. Kania, PRISM No. 8, Vol. 3
Hong Kong (香港)
【周梓樂離世4個月】防暴警將軍澳拘逾 40 人 被捕者 26 男 15 女涉非法集結 (Police crashes memorial for four-month anniversary of Chow Tsz-Lok's death, over 40 arrested for unlawful assembly)
Stand News, March 8, 2020
Hong Kong police and protesters stand off at Tseung Kwan O memorial for deceased student
Hong Kong Free Press, March 9, 2020HKFP Lens: Hongkongers pay tribute to man who fell to his death after unfurling protest banner
Hong Kong Free Press, March 8, 2020
Pepper spray and arrests as Hong Kong police halt anti-coronavirus clinic demo
Hong Kong Free Press, March 8, 2020
大埔水晶之夜 2.0:三名區議員被捕 指涉非法集結 (Three district councillors arrested during march in Tai Po), March 9, 2020
警方凌晨拘 17 人涉三宗炸彈案 斥市民、區議員阻撓行動 (Police arrest 17 in connection with chemical bombs, slam residents and district councillors for obstructing operations)
Stand News, March 8, 2020
Same-sex couples’ newly opened path to public housing still has a roadblock – getting married in the first place
South China Morning Post, March 9, 2020
Coronavirus-battered NGOs say Hong Kong’s charity sector needs government aid to keep doing their work, avoid redundancies
South China Morning Post, March 8, 2020
社民連、工黨3.8婦女節遊行 批林鄭「扮睇唔到」警察性暴力 (Rights group march on International Women's Day, criticizes administration for turning a blind eye on sexual violence by police), March 8, 2020
和理非師奶辦手足廚房 「仔女」賣曲奇自食其力 (Housewife opens cookie shop, hires young protesters in financial difficulty), March 7, 2020
Arrest follows suspension for Hong Kong police officer accused of smashing homeless man’s possessions in Sham Shui Po park
South China Morning Post, March 7, 2020
【武漢肺炎】袁國勇改口:去年除夕通知陳肇始 中國正爆發疑似沙士疫情 (Hong Kong authorities warned of SARS-like outbreak as early as end of December 2019 but failed to reduce border influx, expert says)
Apple Daily, March 6, 2020
Commentary (评论)
疫情危机损害国际形象,中国打响外交反击战 (China Pushes Back as Coronavirus Crisis Damages Its Image)
The New York Times, March 9, 2020
世卫小粉红?WHO被批中国特色浓 (WHO accused of possessing strong Chinese characteristics)
Deutsche Welle, March 9, 2020
世卫专家:全世界真的欠了武汉人民的情 (WHO experts: The world really owes the people of Wuhan)
People's Daily, March 8, 2020
Hu Ping: Xi Jinping Owes an Apology to the Chinese People and the World
Human Rights in China, March 6, 2020
Friday, March 06, 2020
Xinjiang (新疆)
鲁比奥:新疆拘留营情况比任何地方都糟 (Video: U.S. Congress, European Parliament co-host event focusing on Uyghur human rights in Xinjiang)
Voice of America, March 6, 2020
Xinjiang Camps: A Book Exposes CCP’s Lies
Bitter Winter, March 5, 2020
Access to Information (信息公开)
‘Noodles’ and ‘Pandas’: Chinese People Are Using Secret Code to Talk About Coronavirus Online
Vice, March 6, 2020
Coronavirus: China seeks to recast itself from virus pariah to helping hand
Hong Kong Free Press, March 6, 2020
蓬佩奥敦促中国公平对待外国媒体 (U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo urges China to treat foreign media working in China more fairly)
Voice of America, March 6, 2020
疫中访问中国,WHO专家组组长看到了什么? (What did WHO expert team leader see on visit to China during the coronavirus outbreak) The New York Times, March 5, 2020
Tibetan Online Chat Groups Shut Down in Qinghai for Spreading Virus 'Rumors'
Radio Free Asia, March 5, 2020
Citizen Participation (公民参与)
外国人永居条例:遭斥“汉奸” 发改委专家否认曾称“外国人命更值钱” (China’s "Regulations on the Management of Permanent Residence of Foreigners" (draft ) causes uproar online for treating foreigners more favorably than natives)
Radio France Internationale, March 6, 2020
新冠疫情 中国屏蔽哪些词? 习近平 去武汉 李克强均在列 (China's official network supervision has risen to a new level with blocked words including Xi Jinping)
Radio France Internationale, March 6, 2020
Government Accountability (政府问责)
'Fake, Fake': senior Chinese leader heckled by residents on visit to coronavirus city
The Guardian, March 6, 2020
“吹哨人” 李文亮获授“防疫先进”称号 真相和道歉付诸阙如 (China’s National Health Commission bestows "Whistleblower" Li Wenliang title of "Vanguard of Coronavirus Epidemic Prevention" without apologies)
Radio Free Asia, March 6, 2020
中国律师呼吁政府承担不当防疫的赔偿责任 (Chinese lawyer calls on government to compensate victims of improper coronavirus prevention)
Radio Free Asia, March 5, 2020
肺炎疫情:武汉居民向中央高官孙春兰举报政府抗疫工作有假(Wuhan residents shout "It's fake! It's fake!" at leader of central government guiding group inspecting a community in the COVID-19 epicenter)
British Broadcasting Corporation, March 6, 2020
Hong Kong (香港)
Coronavirus: Hong Kong Correctional Services officers decry watchdog’s probe into handling of masks as ‘outrageous’
South China Morning Post, March 6, 2020
Hong Kong’s TVB axes RTHK programmes after watchdog’s rule change but smaller rivals likely to continue airing shows
South China Morning Post, March 6, 2020
只有中国能做?中国呼吁联合国阻止他国进行电子监控 (China closely surveilles its citizens and yet calls on UN to prevent certain countries from conducting large-scale electronic surveillance worldwide to collect personal information)
Voice of America, March 6, 2020
英国保守党要员拟推修正案彻底排除华为 (Senior Conservative MPs seek to pass amendment to ensure that UK networks are free of equipment provided by Huawei after 2022) Financial Times, March 5, 2020
鄭松泰指有囚犯調柙至最高級別監倉 《香港01》稱為梁天琦 (Edward Leung moved to maximum-security prison, sources say)
Stand News, March 5, 2020
Ex-localist leader Edward Leung transferred to maximum-security prison – report
Hong Kong Free Press, March 6, 2020
Hong Kong’s police watchdog lacks power, impartiality and falls shorts of int’l standards, says Amnesty
Hong Kong Free Press, March 5, 2020
指還押人士口罩不足 團體送口罩受阻 收押所衛生欠佳 區議員:似衛生地獄 ("A hygiene hell": District Councillor criticizes poor condition for arrestees in custody, groups blocked from delivering facemasks)
Stand News, March 5, 2020
Commentary (评论)
Hu Ping: Xi Jinping Owes an Apology to the Chinese People and the World
Human Rights in China, March 6, 2020
Radio Free Asia, March 4, 2020
观察人士:面对疫情失控追责 中共试图改换话题(Observers: Facing demand for accountability for coronavirus epidemic, CPC tries to change the topic)
Voice of America, March 6, 2020
Why China's cruel imprisonment of my father should terrify us all
Washington Post, March 4, 2020
Thursday, March 05, 2020
Xinjiang (新疆)
The Coronavirus In Xinjiang — ‘Auxiliary Police To Visit Each Household’
Sup China, March 4, 2020
Access to Justice (司法公正)
1226案(厦门聚会案)通报8:北京公安承认许志永在他们手中 网上大举抹黑 (As Xu Zhiyong is smeared online, Beijing police admit they have him)
Weiquanwang, March 5, 2020
被“首富黑老大”收买的省高院原副院长,开除党籍 (Former vice president of Shanxi provincial high court known for taking bribes from “the richest triad boss” is expelled from the Party)
Beijing News, March 5, 2020
Access to Information (信息公开)
武汉疫情惊疑 治愈病人出院复发猝死 消息尽删 (“Cured” coronavirus patient suddenly dies in relapse, all related news deleted)
Radio France Internationale, March 5, 2020
陈秋实友人徐晓东披露被当局噤声 (Authorities muzzle family of disappeared citizen journalist Chen Qiushi who police claim is under 4-week quarantine)
Voice of America , March 5, 2020
Citizen Participation (公民参与)
China’s Proposed Immigration Changes Spark Xenophobic Backlash Online
The Diplomat, March 5, 2020
中国首席生化武器专家陈薇亲试第一支新冠肺炎疫苗造假照中国疯传 (Photo of faked story about China's chief biochemical weapon expert personally trying the first new coronavirus vaccine goes viral)
Radio France Internationale, March 5, 2020
Government Accountability (政府问责)
Tibetan language learning eroded under China's 'bilingual education': rights group
Reuters, March 5, 2020
Coronavirus: China struggling to deal with mountain of medical waste created by epidemic
South China Morning Post, March 5, 2020
北京将立法,禁止买卖食用野生动物 (Beijing to legislate against wildlife trade and consumption)
Beijing News, March 5, 2020
ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)
新冠疫情中国线上上课 创新与屏蔽及封网进行时 (Teachers censored for posting "inappropriate pictures" in teaching online course on coronavirus outbreak)
Radio France International, March 5, 2020
Hong Kong (香港)
Hong Kong TV channels no longer required to air programmes from public broadcaster RTHK
Hong Kong Free Press, March 5, 2020
【免費台不播港台節目】民主派議員斥通訊局「政治封殺」 促政府重新考慮 (Pro-democracy legislators slam Communications Authority for "political persecution" over decision to retract requirement that TV channels must air RTHK programs)
Stand News, March 4, 2020免費電視台毋須播港台節目 呂秉權:針對港台是策略 傳媒清洗報復正進行 (Reprisal and censorship targeting Hong Kong media underway, warns veteran Bruce Lui over decision on RTHK)
Stand News, March 4, 2020警方再去信港台投訴「驚方訊息」 指內容令人誤解警隊 (Police send second complaint to Communications Authority, claiming satirical RTHK show "causes the public to misunderstand the police force")
Radio Television Hong Kong, March 4, 2020
Coronavirus: Hong Kong group hands out masks donated by Shenzhen government but recipients are required to provide contact details online
South China Morning Post, March 5, 2020
Coronavirus: as food runs low, calls to speed up help for Hong Kongers stranded in Hubei province increase
South China Morning Post, March 5, 2020
醫管局員工陣線指局方臨床資訊反覆 前線醫護無所適從 (Hospital workers union criticizes the lowering of standards for bedside work in guidelines)
Radio Television Hong Kong, March 4, 2020
外籍牧師主持同性婚姻儀式被捕 申司法覆核 今遭高院駁回 須付訟費 (Pastor of pro-LGBT church, arrested after holding marriage ceremony for same-sex couple, has application for judicial review rejected)
Stand News, March 4, 2020
PTU增1500人 消息:防暴隊常規化 (Police to hire 1500 more PTU officers, equivalent to regularizing riot police to handle protests)
Ming Pao, March 3, 2020
鄧炳強:運動至今共拘逾 7700 人 四成是學生 刑事毁壞案逾半犯案人未成年 (Over 40% of 7,700 protest arrests are students, and half of criminal =cases involving damage to property involve underage arrestees, police says)
Stand News, March 2, 2020