上海宣布建法治政府引网民质疑 (Chinese netizens mock and question Shanghai’s announcement to build a government based on rule of law)
British Broadcasting Corporation, November 8, 2013
See the announcement:
The Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China, November 7, 2013
hhttp://www.gov.cn/jrzg/2013-11/07/content_2523118.htm Related Tencent Weibo posts:
REBIRTH , November 7, 2013 【上海力争5年内率先基本建成法治政府】今天最好笑的新闻!你们不是一直标榜你们是法治政府吗?这条新闻的言下之意就是:1-现在还不是。2-还没地方是。3-你们一直在说谎。4-五年基本建成,但不一定会建成。 [Shanghai strives to build the first government with rule of law within 5 years] This is the funniest news today! Has the government not flaunted itself as being one with rule of law? The implications of the news are: 1) Shanghai’s government is not yet one with rule of law. 2) No other governments are yet either. 3) The government has been lying all along. 4) There is no guarantee that a government with rule of law will be completed in five years.
http://t.qq.com/p/t/343442085461620老头, November 8, 2013
无法无天64年,中国法治梦还要继续做五年![It’s been 64 years without law and order in China, and we have to dream our rule-of-law-in-China dream five more years!]