The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Monday, December 06, 2021

Macao (澳门)

Beijing’s top envoy in Macau given new role in ‘safeguarding national security’ – state media
Agence France-Presse, December 4, 2021

Government Accountability (政府问责)

China attacks ‘US-style democracy’ prior to Biden summit
The Guardian, December 6, 2021

中国多地延长产假至半年 女性“职场歧视”或加剧 (Multiple regions in China extend maternity leave up to 6 months; many fear it may intensify “workplace discrimination”)
BBC, December 3, 2021

Access to Justice (司法公正)

New Wave of Persecution Against Chinese Human Rights Lawyers Must Sound the Alarm
China Human Rights Defenders, December 6, 2021

维权人士郭飞雄妻子在美病危 国际呼吁北京准许郭探视 (Wife of rights defender Guo Feixiong is critically ill in the U.S.; international community urges Beijing to allow Guo to visit her)
Voice of America, December 6, 2021

四川维权人士陈云飞昨被当局构陷获刑4年 (Sichuan rights defender Chen Yunfei was sentenced to 4 years in prison yesterday)
Weiquanwang, December 4, 2021

Access to Information (公众知情权)

China tightens control of religion, with focus on national security
South China Morning Post, December 6, 2021

Peng Shuai and the Real Goal of Chinese Censorship
Wired, December 5, 2021

2022 Beijing Winter Olympics (2022北京冬奥)

White House announces US diplomatic boycott of 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing
CNN, December 6, 2021

Beijing 2022 Olympics: China warns it will respond if US announces diplomatic boycott
Reuters, December 6, 2021

Europe hesitant over calls to boycott Beijing Winter Olympics
South China Morning Post, December 5, 2021

外交抵制冬奥呼声高 20国拒签奥运休战协议 (As calls for diplomatic boycott of Beijing Winter Olympics intensify, 20 countries refused to sign on to the “Olympic Truce” resolution)
Radio France Internationale, December 4, 2021

Hong Kong (香港)

晚報:《華爾街日報》社評提出港人杯葛選舉,港府揚言保留採取行動權利(HKSAR gov't says it reserves the right to take action against Wall Street Journal for opinion piece urging Hong Kong people to boycott election)
Initium Media, December 6, 2021

Hong Kong Issues a Threat to the WSJ
Wall Street Journal, December 5, 2021

Hong Kong protests: Telegram group operator jailed for nearly 5 years over incitement offences tied to 2019 clashes
South China Morning Post, December 6, 2021

【支聯會案】鄒幸彤第 9 次被拒保釋(HK Alliance vice-chair Chow Hang-tung is denied bail for the ninth time)
Stand News, December 6, 2021

70 secondary schools include national education plans in annual pitches to parents in Hong Kong
South China Morning Post, December 6, 2021

鄒幸彤獲頒「中國傑出民主人士獎」:香港發生的一切是對世界的警號(Chow Hang-tung, honored with Chinese Democratic Education Foundation's Award for Distinguished Democracy Activists, says: All that happened in Hong Kong is a warning sign to the world)
Stand News, December 6, 2021

Commentary (评论)

费加罗报:中国实施开放40年后,再次回到关闭状态 (Le Figaro: After 40 years of opening, China is closing its door again)
Radio France Internationale, December 6, 2021

评论|刘青:习近平因何借尸还魂,偷听敌台罪诈尸变翻墙罪 (Liu Qing: Why Xi Jinping has resurrected the “listen to enemy radio crime” zombie and renamed it “circumvention crime”)
Radio Free Asia, December 4, 2021