China’s Uyghurs living in a ‘dystopian hellscape’, says Amnesty report
The Guardian, June 11, 2021
China: Draconian repression of Muslims in Xinjiang amounts to crimes against humanity
Amnesty International, June 10, 2021
China Still Buys American DNA Equipment for Xinjiang Despite Blocks
The New York Times, June 11, 2021
中国新疆绕过禁令从美国购入DNA设备(China bypasses ban to buy DNA equipment for Xinjiang from U.S.)
Radio Free Asia, June 11, 2021
一组律师要求国际刑事法院立案调查中国践踏维吾尔权利指称(A group of lawyers urge International Criminal Court to open probe into China's alleged violations of Uyghur rights)
Voice of America, June 11, 2021