武汉病毒所移除照片 英国防大臣:中国要回答疑点 (UK defense minster: China must account for why Wuhan Virology Lab removed photos, info from its website)
Radio Free Asia, May 4, 2020
Tuesday, May 05, 2020
Access to Information (公众知情权)
Hong Kong (香港)
Hong Kong police chief accuses Apple Daily of running target campaign against him, reveals the newspaper is being investigated for alleged fraud
South China Morning Post, May 5, 2020
Former Hong Kong leaders draft in city’s wealthiest tycoons, university presidents and other top public figures for coalition bid to revive city
South China Morning Post, May 5, 2020
Media tycoon Jimmy Lai not allowed to leave Hong Kong as part of his bail condition related to intimidation case at 2017 vigil
South China Morning Post, May 5, 2020
林鄭月娥:內會恢復運作後會優先處理國歌法 (Carrie Lam: LegCo House Committee to prioritize second reading of the National Anthem Bill after resuming session)
Now News, May 5, 2020
Hong Kong’s Carrie Lam backs move to let pro-Beijing lawmaker oversee committee and get anthem law passed
Hong Kong Free Press, May 5, 2020
8.31案提堂 遭控方突加保釋條件 李卓人轟「政治決定」 (Labour activist Lee Cheuk-yan slams prosecutor’s adding multiple bail conditions near end of 8.31 protest hearing as “political decisions”)
inmediahk.net, May 5, 2020
有網民發起屯門市廣場「和你唱」 防暴警到場戒備 (Protesters return to Tun Mun Town Plaza, riot police on guard)
Radio Television Hong Kong, May 5, 2020
Commentary (评论)
限聚令,警察政府怎捨得放手 (Social gathering ban—too good a weapon for police and government not to use)
inmediahk.net, May 5, 2020
Lord Alton: UK must impose sanctions on Hong Kong officials for human rights violations
Hong Kong Free Press, May 5, 2020
專訪傅華伶x陳文敏:應對國家安全,我們想要怎樣的香港?(Interview with Fu Hualing, Johannes Chan: In response to national security, what kind of Hong Kong do we want?)
Initium, May 4, 2020
瑞幸、全球化与五四精神 (Luckin Coffee, globalization, and the May 4 spirit)
Caixin, May 4, 2020