The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Access to Justice (司法公正)

港媒:央视主播港商丈夫上月在吉林遭逼供致死 (Hong Kong media: Merchant husband of CCTV anchor died of violence during interrogation in Jilin last month)
Radio France Internationale, April 22, 2017中国/20170422-港媒:央视主播港商丈夫上月在吉林遭逼供致死

杀官老人明经国家属被控制 无法赴京请律师 (Family of murder suspect Ming Jingguo monitored by authorities, is not able to travel to Beijing to appoint Ming’s defense lawyer)
Radio France Asia, April 21, 2017

China rights lawyer wins little in successful appeal of sentence
South China Morning Post, April 21, 2017

北京维权人士流落派出所现中毒症状 (Beijing rights defender, forced to live inside a police station after eviction, appears to be poisoned)
Voice of America, April 24, 2017

Wife of tortured rights lawyer calls for his release ahead of trial
Radio Free Asia, April 24, 2017

The anecdotal Xie Yang
China Change, April 24, 2017

維權律師謝陽被控煽動顛覆國家政權罪 長沙法院開審 (Rights defense lawyer Xie Yang’s “subversion of state power” case to open in Changsha court)
Radio Television Hong Kong, April 25, 2017

709家属致川普总统(第四封信)(709 Families’ Fourth Letter to President Trump)
Human Rights in China, March 26, 2017

A long journey to see my husband Zhang Haitao in Shaya prison
China Change, April 2, 2017

Access to Information (信息公开)

Journalism NGO picks Taipei as Asia base
Voice of America, April 24, 2017

Citizen Participation (公民参与)

广西白虎头村强拆升级 村民屋顶淋汽油吓退200武警 (Forced eviction in Guangxi Baihutou village escalated, villagers pour gasoline over rooftop to scare off 200 armed police officers)
Radio Free Asia, April 24, 2017

Government Accountability (政府问责)

郭文貴擬全球發布「中共反腐真相」(Tycoon Guo Wengui plans to expose “truth about Chinese anti-graft efforts” globally)
Mingpao, April 25, 2017

国际记者联盟谴责北京威胁外国网络直播 (International Federation of Journalists condemns Beijing for interfering with foreign online broadcast of Guo Wengui interview)
Voice of America, April 25, 2017

中国检察机关对原国家统计局局长王保安涉嫌受贿案提起公诉 (Chinese procuratorate organ officially charges former head of Bureau of Statistics for graft)
Reuters, April 25, 2017

Fewer corruption suspects flee China as Beijing makes it harder with tighter controls
South China Morning Post, April 25, 2017

China launches corruption crackdown on social media ahead of Party Congress
Voice of America, April 24, 2017

National Security & Counterterrorism (国家安全和反恐)

China bans religious names for Muslim babies in Xinjiang
The Guardian, April 25, 2017

新疆阿克苏举行武警誓师大会和武装拉练 (Police rally and armed training held in Xinjiang Aksu prefecture)
Radio Free Asia, April 24, 2017

Hong Kong (香港)

中港融合冲击司法:京官不满司法互助进度 港方称须顾及国际视野 (Integration of Hong Kong and the mainland impacts judiciary: Beijing officials not satisfied with process of mutual judicial assistance, while Hong Kong says international viewpoints should be taken into account)
Radio France Internationale, April 24, 2017中国/20170424-中港融合冲击司法:京官不满司法互助进度-港方称须顾及国际视野

Veteran democrat questions Beijing official’s view that there is no imminent need for democratic reform
Hong Kong Free Press, April 24, 2017