Canada’s Parliament Labels China’s Abuses in Xinjiang ‘Genocide,’ Urges Government Action
Radio Free Asia, October 21, 2020
Thursday, October 22, 2020
Xinjiang (新疆)
Taiwan (台湾)
US to Sell Air-to-Ground Missiles to Taiwan
Voice of America, October 21, 2020
China’s Military Incursions Around Taiwan Aren’t a Sign of Imminent Attack
The Diplomat, October 22, 2020
美国会小组提137项一揽子法案 反制中国挺台湾(U.S. Congress introduces China Task Force Act to counter China, support Taiwan)
Radio Free Asia, October 21, 2020
China Task Force Act
U.S. Government Publishing Office, October 20, 2020
Government Accountability (政府问责)
US designates six more Chinese media firms as foreign missions
Reuters, October 21, 2020
Secretary Michael R. Pompeo at a Press Availability
U.S. Department of State, October 21, 2020
ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)
瑞典禁止华为和中兴进入其5G网络(Sweden bans Huawei and ZTE from 5G telecoms networks)
Financial Times, October 21, 2020
Hong Kong (香港)
Lawyers For 'Hong Kong 12' Turned Away by Detention Center in South China
Radio Free Asia, October 22, 2020
Hong Kong lawmaker calls on Legco president to investigate whether opposition’s stalling violates national security law
South China Morning Post, October 22, 2020
12港人關注組:拯救12港人全球行動聲明 (Hong Kong 12 Concern Group: Statement on Global Rescue Action), October 21, 2020
立法會三讀通過修例 部分上訴聆訊法官減至兩人 (Legislative Council passes amendment reducing number of judges at some courts hearing appeal applications to 2)
Radio Television Hong Kong, October 22, 2020
羅冠聰致函紐西蘭總理 促實施「救生艇計劃」助港抗爭者 (In letter to New Zealand prime minister, Nathan Law urges implementation of "lifeboat plan" to aid Hong Kong protesters)
The Stand News, October 22, 2020
Commentary (评论)
China’s Barbarity Toward Uyghur Families Should Shock Our Consciousness and Spur Action
The Diplomat, October 22, 2020
美国安顾问:中共的意识形态议程威胁美国的民主(U.S. National Security Advisor:CPC’s ideological agenda threatens American democracy)
Voice of America, October 22, 2020
How China Threatens American Democracy—Beijing’s Ideological Agenda Has Gone Global
Foreign Affairs, October 21, 2020