The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Bo Xilai (薄熙来案)

Could Bo Xilai be housed in China's "luxury" prison?
British Broadcasting Corporation, September 19, 2013

Children (儿童)

河南将为艾滋感染儿童发生活费 严格为发放对象保密 (Henan to provide living expenses to children with HIV/Aids)
Xinhua, September 20, 2013

China's stolen children: parents battle police indifference in search for young
The Guardian, September 19, 2013

Corruption (腐败)

中纪委"月饼禁令"效果明显 燕窝鱼翅月饼难觅踪影 (Luxury moon cakes disappear after central discipline inspection commission’s ban on using them as gifts)
China Youth Daily, September 20, 2013

Education (教育)

教育部统计显示小学生减少作业支持率不到7成 (Opinions solicited by Education Ministry show less than 70% of public supports reducing students’ homework)
China National Radio, September 20, 2013

Environment (环境)

China sets out to name and shame the country’s worst polluters
Quartz, September 19, 2013

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong couple sentenced for torturing maid
Wall Street Journal, September 19, 2013

Hukou (户口)

农民工积60分可申请落户广东办法或全国推广 (Guangdong pilots "household registration point-system," allows migrants to apply to become urbanites), September 20, 2013

Human Rights Defenders (人权卫士)

杰出民主人士奖表扬公民维权代表 (Three rights defenders selected for Outstanding Democracy Award by U.S.-based foundation)
Voice of America, September 20, 2013

Chinese dissidents jailed ahead of Moon Festival
Radio Free Asia, September 19, 2013

Information Control (信息控制)

法律界人士质疑甘肃初中生发帖被拘罪 (Legal experts question accusations against Gansu teenage detained for rumor mongering)
British Broadcasting Corporation, September 20, 2013

中国“网络文革”正在逼近? (Is an "Internet Cultural Revolution" unfolding in China?)
Deutsche Welle, September 19, 2013

International Relations (Security, Trade and Investment) 国际关系(安全,贸易和投资)

克里吁中国在叙利亚问题上发挥积极作用 (Kerry urges China to play positive role in Syria)
British Broadcasting Corporation, September 20, 2013

Land, Property, Housing (土地、财产、房屋)

江苏规定补偿费未到位 农民有权拒绝交地 (Jiangsu regulations: farmers have right to refuse land handover if compensation is not received)
Xinhua, September 20, 2013

China land tenure reform project presents lessons learned
International Institute for Sustainable Development, September 18, 2013

See the report:
Forest tenure reform in China – results and lessons learned from the EU-SFA-FAO China Forest Tenure Project
United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization

Population (人口)

China’s one-child policy could be causing its trillion-dollar housing boom—and its eventual bust
Quartz, September 18, 2013

China to crack down on family planning fines after abuses found
Reuters, September 18, 2013

Opinion (观点)

What’s behind China’s recent Internet crackdown?
China File, September 17, 2013