The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Access to Information (信息公开)

Another citizen journalist covering the coronavirus has gone missing in Wuhan
Quartz, February 12, 2020

李文亮事件后续:更多“吹哨人”遭中国当局打压 (More whistleblowers face crackdown after Li Wenliang's death)
BBC, February 11, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

Taiwan says it didn't need China's permission for WHO meeting on coronavirus
Reuters, February 12, 2020

Cities in Guangdong, China to allow temporary seizure of private properties to control spread of coronavirus
Hong Kong Free Press, February 12, 2020

Beijing pins hopes on ‘guy with the emperor’s sword’ to restore order in coronavirus-hit Hubei
South China Morning Post, February 12, 2020

Xi warned officials that efforts to stop virus could hurt economy: sources
Reuters, February 11, 2020

At least 500 Wuhan medical staff infected with coronavirus
South China Morning Post, February 11, 2020

鍾南山指李文亮背後有數百醫生冀說出真相 有需要聆聽 (China's health expert says hundreds more doctors other than Li Wenliang waiting to speak the truth, urges authorities to listen)
Radio Television Hong Kong, February 11, 2020

肺炎疫情:种族歧视开始蔓延全球 (Racism spreads globally along with virus)
BBC, February 11, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

【武漢肺炎】政黨團體悼李文亮遊行至中聯辦 郭家麒:中國打壓言論自由害死人民 (Hong Kong groups march to Liaison Office mourning Li Wenliang, urge authorities to cease persecution of whistleblowers)
Ming Pao, February 12, 2020

Coronavirus: Hong Kong reliving Sars nightmare as outbreak spreads
South China Morning Post, February 12, 2020

24個人權組織聯署:香港政府拘捕人權觀察員違反國際責任 (Joint letter by 24 human rights groups criticizes Hong Kong police's arrest of rights observers as violating international obligations, urges withdrawal of charges), February 11, 2020

護士協會發起「工業行動」 僅促醫管局提供足夠裝備 不接力罷工 (Nurses union urges Hospital Authority to secure sufficient protective gear, but stops short of potential strike)
Stand News, February 11, 2020

Commentary (评论)

Defending Human Rights in the Era of Dystopia: The Situation of Defenders in China (2019)
Chinese Human Rights Defenders, February 12, 2020

Hong Kong’s coronavirus panic buying isn’t hysteria, it’s unresolved trauma
Quartz, February 12, 2020

【武漢疫情觀察】普通人李文亮在不普通的國度 (Li Wenliang: An ordinary man in an abnormal country), February 11, 2020