The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Xinjiang (新疆)

China’s police state goes global, leaving refugees in fear
Agence France-Presse, July 23, 2019

China goes on media offensive to defend stance on Xinjiang
The Straits Times, July 23, 2019

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s “happy Xinjiang” comments said to have been mistranslated in China
South China Morning Post, July 22, 2019

More restrictions in Xinjiang: Visiting friends and family strictly controlled
Bitter Winter, July 22, 2019

Access to Information (信息公开)

章詒和赴書展返京遭海關扣查 成名作被當非法出版物 遭「沒收」一箱書 (Mainland writer detained, questioned after attending Hong Kong book fair; publication declared illegal, books purchased at fair confiscated)
Ming Pao, July 22, 2019

China’s state media show Hong Kong protest images, fanning public anger
Wall Street Journal, July 22, 2019

Mainland Chinese sentiment on protests “may spur tougher line on Hong Kong” following violence in wake of extradition bill controversy
South China Morning Post, July 22, 2019

Citizen Participation (公民参与)

林榮基留台簽證延至10月 正籌備在西門町開書店 (With visa stay extended until October, Hong Kong bookseller Lam Wing-kee plans to open new bookshop in Taiwan by end of year)
Radio Television Hong Kong, July 23, 2019

Government Accountability (政府问责)

UK will monitor Hong Kong probe into assaults against protesters; internal police inquiry “not sufficient”
Hong Kong Free Press, July 23, 2019

Donald Trump says Xi Jinping “acted responsibly” in Hong Kong extradition bill protests
South China Morning Post, July 23, 2019

China to release new white paper on national defense: What to expect
The Diplomat, July 23, 2019

习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想研讨会在巴库举行 (Members of Azerbaijani political party, think tanks, and media attend conference to study Xi Jinping Thought in Baku)
People’s Daily, July 23, 2019

Taiwan foreign minister calls for “genuine democratic elections” in Hong Kong
Agence France-Presse, July 22, 2019

Hong Kong, trade war likely to feature at Chinese leaders’ secret political retreat
Radio Free Asia, July 22, 2019

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

Huawei helped North Korea build wireless network and secretly collected Czech data, separate reports say as Western nations consider 5G ban
South China Morning Post, July 23, 2019

Trump promises tech CEOs quick decision on supplying Huawei
Financial Times, July 23, 2019

Google faces new wave of scrutiny over China ties
China Digital Times, July 22, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

“Where were the police?” Hong Kong outcry after masked thugs launch attack
The Guardian, July 22, 2019

王永平形容元朗暴力事件是有預謀及有計劃「恐怖襲擊」(Former government official describes Yuen Long incident as a planned “terrorist attack”)
Radio Television Hong Kong, July 23, 2019

【元朗襲擊】朱凱廸質疑元朗事件早已部署 (Yuen Long attacks planned, directed by Liaison Office, says lawmaker Eddie Chu)
Ming Pao, July 23, 2019

【元朗懷疑警黑勾結事件】中年漢:畀我哋趕佢走 八鄉指揮官李漢民:心領嘅,唔使擔心 (“I appreciate your efforts”: Police commander filmed chatting with triad member after refusing to answer reporters’ questions)
The Stand News, July 22, 2019

Hong Kong police chief defends officers arriving 35 minutes after first reports of Yuen Long mob violence against protesters and MTR passengers
South China Morning Post, July 22, 2019

Hong Kong press associations “strongly condemn” attacks on journalists at Yuen Long MTR station
South China Morning Post, July 22, 2019

【元朗群毆市民】警拘 6 男 部分有黑社會背景 全部涉非法集結 (Police arrest 6 for illegal assembly connected to Yuen Long attacks)
The Stand News, July 23, 2019

Hong Kong police to launch raids on white-clad thugs, including members of 14K and Wo Shing Wo triad gangs, who unleashed terror on protesters and bystanders in Yuen Long
South China Morning Post, July 22, 2019

Video: Office of Hong Kong pro-Beijing lawmaker Junius Ho trashed as dozens protest response to Yuen Long attacks
Hong Kong Free Press, July 22, 2019

Hong Kong commerce chamber joins protesters on bill withdrawal
Bloomberg, July 22, 2019

香港總商會:元朗駭人襲擊深惡痛絕 必須立刻成立調查委員會 不稱職官員必須問責 (Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce urges full withdrawal of extradition bill, independent commission of inquiry, and negligent officials to step down)
The Stand News, July 22, 2019

Commentary (评论)

何白:警黑合作是唯一不可抗拒的推論 (Collaboration between police and triad is the only logical conclusion to draw from the Yuen Long attacks), July 23, 2019

Hong Kong enters China's danger zone
The National Interest, July 22, 2019

Hong Kong: Failure in political leadership inflames situation
Amnesty International, July 22, 2019

The U.S. should defend Hong Kong: America’s recently departed envoy warns that Beijing poses a dire threat to the city’s cherished freedoms
Bloomberg, July 22, 2019