The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Access to Justice (司法公正)

中国多位律师呼吁解决法院暴力侵害事件 (Chinese lawyers issue joint statement urging for resolution of court violence problem)
Voice of America, October 31, 2016

Access to Information (信息公开)

Did a story about rape take down a Chinese TV show?
British Broadcasting Corporation, October 31, 2016

Citizen Participation (公民参与)

独立中文笔会创会15周年 曾金燕、王藏获奖 (15th anniversary of Independent Chinese PEN Center: writers Zeng Jinyan, Wang Zang receive awards)
Radio Free Asia, October 31, 2016

Government Accountability (政府问责)

New Communist Party conduct rules to keep top cadres—and their families—in line
South China Morning Post, October 29, 2016

China denounces those who say graft battle aimed at political foes
Reuters, October 28, 2016

Can China finally solve its corruption problem?
The Diplomat, October 29, 2016

Chinese army vows efforts on strict Party governance
Xinhua, October 31, 2016

Women still a rare sight in China's male-dominated political life
Radio Free Asia, October 28, 2016

路透社: 大陸試圖拉攏台灣“親陸”城市 (Reuters: China tries to entice “pro-China” Taiwanese cities)
Radio France Internationale, October 30, 2016中國/20161030-路透社:大陸試圖拉攏親北京城市

法治政府评估报告发布:部分地区行政不作为严重 (Release of government rule of law report: Serious dereliction of duty among some regional governments)
Global Times, October 31, 2016

全面两孩政策实施一年 今年底或进入二孩生育高峰 (Anniversary of Two-child policy implementation nears, second-child boom expected at the end of the year)
Global Times, October 31, 2016

蒋培坤去世周年 天安门母亲丁子霖发公开信 (Anniversary of Jiang Peikun’s death: Tiananmen mother Ding Zilin issues open letter)
Radio Free Asia, October 31, 2016

National Security & Counterterrorism (国家安全和反恐)

Man held in China's Xinjiang for downloading “terrorist” circumvention software
Radio Free Asia, October 28, 2016

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong ministers stay tight-lipped over leadership race
South China Morning Post, October 29, 2016

Hundreds protest to defend separation of powers, calls for LegCo Pres. Andrew Leung to step down
Hong Kong Free Press, October 31, 2016

【短片:誓詞風波】約300人遊行促梁君彥下台 抗議行政機關干預立法會 ([Video: Oath taking scandal] Around 300 people rally urging Andrew Leung to step down, protesting the Executive’s interference into the Legislative)
Ming Pao, October 30, 2016

梁振英撰文自誇4年內對香港的5大貢獻 (CY Leung pens article boasting his five major contributions during the four years)
Radio France Internationale, October 31, 2016中國/20161031-梁振英撰文自誇4年內對香港的5大貢獻

台湾"时代力量"立委林昶佐申请港签遭拒绝入境 (Taiwan “New Power Party” legislator Lin Changzuo denied visa for Hong Kong)
Radio Free Asia, October 31, 2016

Commentary (评论)

Silence in Dajingta village
China Media Project, October 27, 2016

Lack of transparency remains core problem for Communist Party
South China Morning Post, October 31, 2016

China’s strongman rule sets a test for the west
Financial Times, October 30, 2016