The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Monday, May 10, 2021

Xinjiang (新疆)

China Targets Muslim Women in Push to Suppress Births in Xinjiang
The New York Times, May 10, 2021

China tries to scupper UN talk on plight of Uyghurs?
The Guardian, May 8, 2021

How Xinjiang human rights controversy is souring relations between China and the West
South China Morning Post, May 10, 2021

Uyghur Editors’ Family Members Charge Chinese Documentary Misrepresents Them
Voice of America, May 9, 2021

德美英等国筹办联合国新疆人权会 北京愤怒称亵渎(Germany, U.S., Britain and other countries plan UN meeting on Xinjiang human rights; China slams it as “blasphemy”)
Radio France Internationale, May 10, 2021

China foreign ministry says planned U.N. event on Xinjiang an insult
Reuters, May 10, 2021

Taiwan (台湾)

French Senate passes unanimous resolution supporting international presence for Taiwan
Hong Kong Free Press, May 10, 2021

Access to Justice (司法公正)

China: Immediately Free Poet Wang Zang and His Wife Wang Li
Chinese Human Rights Defenders, May 7, 2021

Access to Information (公众知情权)

‘China to restrict mobile app news notifications in Internet clampdown
Reuters, May 8, 2021

‘Are you sleeping well?’ How Europe’s China researchers are alarmed by efforts to stifle criticism
South China Morning Post, May 9, 2021

China plays down ‘leaked documents’ showing it discussed weaponising coronavirus in 2015
The Independent, May 10, 2021

Government Accountability (政府问责)

基督教网络空间被挤压 习思想登堂入室渗透教会讲道(Christian cyberspace is squeezed as Xi thought seeps into preaching)
Voice of America, May 10, 2021

美众议员推出法案 要阻止中共在美大学从事间谍和盗窃活动(U.S. Congressman introduces bill to prevent CPC espionage, theft at American universities)
Voice of America, May 8, 2021

2019年中国碳排放量已超过经合组织国家总和(China's carbon emissions in 2019 exceed OECD total)
Voice of America, May 8, 2021

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

Meituan’s CEO is in the hot seat over a classical Chinese poem about book burning
Quartz, May 10, 2021

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong national security law: trial without a jury unconstitutional, say lawyers for first person charged under new legislation
South China Morning Post, May 10, 2021

Hong Kong protests: judge declines request to withdraw from riot case over ‘bias’, says defendants had lost focus
South China Morning Post, May 10, 2021

支聯會設六四街站 警方到場指未經批准籌款(Hong Kong Alliance sets up June Forth street booth, is warned by police over unauthorized fundraising)
Hong Kong, May 9, 2021

Two more Hong Kong democrats quit district councils while in custody pending security law trial
Hong Kong Free Press, May 10, 2021

區議員宣誓修例通過在即 公民黨周琬雯辭職 稱基於私人理由「明就明」(Civic Party member Eunice Chau resigns from Sham Shui Po district councilor post)
Stand News, May 7, 2021

尹兆堅、連桷璋、胡耀昌、徐子見、鍾錦麟辭任區議員 區議會網站顯示王百羽任期完結(Five district councilors—Andrew Wan, Dalu Lin, Max Wu, Andy Chui and Ben Chung—resign; Max Wu also quits Neo Democrats)
Ming Pao, May 10, 2021

【區議員辭職】尹兆堅、徐子見辭任區議員 今年共17人已辭職 區議員宣誓周三立會二讀(17 pro-democracy district councilors have resigned in 2021)
Citizen News, May 10, 2021

香港最新民调:近6成受访者反对修改香港选举制度(Survey: Close to 60% oppose electoral overhaul)
RFI, May 8, 2021

“We Hongkongers Survey” press conference cum mini-policy forum about Electoral Reform
Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute, May 7, 2021

Hong Kong pulls more democracy books from library shelves citing security law concerns
Hong Kong Free Press, May 10, 2021

Four in 10 Hong Kong teachers want to leave the profession, most of them blame political pressure, survey finds
South China Morning Post, May 9, 2021

近兩成教師有計劃離開本港教育界 教協促政府改善施政,停止干預教育界(Nearly 20% teachers plan to leave education sector; Teachers' Union urges gov't to improve governance and stop interfering)
Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union, May 9, 2021

UK university tells lecturers not to record classes about Hong Kong and China, citing security law risks
Hong Kong Free Press, May 10, 2021

Publishing, Media Takeovers Part of China's Two-Pronged Grip on Hong Kong
Radio Free Asia, May 10, 2021

Mainland Chinese lawyer delisted after taking up Hong Kong fugitives case barred from leaving country to join US fellowship programme
South China Morning Post, May 9, 2021

Commentary (评论)

Is Hong Kong facing an education crisis? Curriculum changes, ‘red lines’ and families rushing to leave
South China Morning Post, May 9, 2021

When Covid Hit, China Was Ready to Tell Its Version of the Story

The New York Times, May 10, 2021

“汉人是中国的白人吗?”:美国种族议题引发部分汉人反思(“Are Han Chinese the whites of China?”: American racial issues prompt reflections)
Voice of America, May 9, 2021