Uyghur High School Teacher Detained in Xinjiang Internment Camp
Radio Free Asia, March 27, 2020
Monday, March 30, 2020
Xinjiang (新疆)
Access to Information (公众知情权)
武汉“解封”在即 当地居民质疑官方数字 (Wuhan to end lockdown, but local residents question official figures)
Deutsche Welle, March 30, 2020
Government Accountability (政府问责)
“抗疫外交”遇退货潮? 中国疑外销劣质医疗品 (“Anti-epidemic” diplomacy yields returned goods? China is suspected of selling inferior medical products)
Deutsche Welle, March 30, 2020
中国厂商扬言“制作假测温枪害美国人” 事后称出于“爱国情怀 (Chinese manufacturer backtracks from vow to "make fake thermometer to harm Americans," says he spoke out of "patriotism")
Radio Free Asia, March 30, 2020
Hong Kong (香港)
Hong Kong protests: Telegram group operator faces incitement charges over ‘provoking others to murder officers and bomb police stations’
South China Morning Post, March 30, 2020
Black-clad men hurl petrol bombs at Hong Kong police station
South China Morning Post, March 30, 2020
港台記者四問 世衛高層堅持不講Taiwan (WHO official dodges Hong Kong reporter’s question about Taiwan four times), March 29, 2020
【8.31 事件】獲法庭頒令港鐵交出CCTV片 8.31 被捕者:長逾 90 小時能辨部份警員 (Police officers identifiable in 90 hours of CCTV footage of August 31 attack at Mong Kok MTR Station released by court order)
The Stand News, March 27, 2020
Commentary (评论)
Hong Kong’s terrorism alert: A credible and serious threat, or a bid to smear the protest movement?
Hong Kong Free Press, March 28, 2020
肺炎疫情:中国“口罩外交”如何重塑“倒下的大国形象” (COVID-19 epidemic: How China's "mask diplomacy" has reshaped "fallen power image")
British Broadcasting Corporation, March 28, 2020
廿三條、辱警罪借殼上市 (Article 23 and “contempt of police” legislation already in effect under another name)
The Stand News, March 27, 2020