The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Xinjiang (新疆)

‘The Thing I Feared Has Already Happened’: Daughter of Jailed Uyghur Civil Servant
Radio Free Asia, March 17, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

黄琦狱中零用钱每月一百元 黄母病重禁探监已三年 (Huang Qi is allowed to spend only 100 yuan a month in prison; Huang's mother, seriously ill, has been barred from visiting son for 3 years)
Radio Free Asia, March 18, 2020

疫情中李明哲妻子恳求中国政府让丈夫通“亲情电话” (Amid epidemic, Li Mingzhe's wife pleads with Chinese authorities to allow phone calls with husband)
Radio France International, March 18, 2020

Access to Information (公众知情权)

「發哨者」微博報平安 千計網民致敬 (Dr. Ai Fen, “Whistle initiator,” reports on Weibo that she is safe, thousands of netizens leave thanks)
Mingpao, March 18, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

新冠疫情全球大流行影响深重 中美官方为谁应负责论战不休 (As profound global impact of Covid-19 pandemic deepens, China and U.S. are locked in endless debate over who is responsible)
Radio France International, March 18, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

Court rules MTR must release CCTV footage to student caught up in Prince Edward Station police raid
Hong Kong Free Press, March 18, 2020

Hong Kong court orders MTR Corp to disclose to student leader security footage from stations over August 31 police operation
South China Morning Post, March 18, 2020

8.31 被捕者入禀要求頒令勝訴 港鐵須披露 8.31 太子及荔枝角站 CCTV 片段 (High Court orders MTR to release August 31 CCTV footage in Prince Edward Station to arrestee)
The Stand News, March 18, 2020

Hong Kong district councillors told to stop posting signs linking police to ‘dogs’
South China Morning Post, March 18, 2020

China says within its rights to bar U.S. reporters from Hong Kong
Reuters, March 18, 2020

Exclusive: China's internal security force on frontlines of Hong Kong protests
Reuters, March 18, 2020

路透社引外交消息:4,000 中國武警曾到港 參與警方前線工作 觀察反送中運動 (Reuters: 4,000 of China's military police were sent to join Hong Kong police frontlines and monitor protests)
The Stand News, March 18, 2020

李家超:立例針對蓄意散播謠言須社會深入討論 (Hong Kong government to consider new policy to target intentional rumor spreaders)
Radio Television Hong Kong, March 18, 2020

北京禁《紐時》等美籍記者在港採訪 港府續避談會否配合 僅稱按法律處理 (Hong Kong government evades question on whether it would accommodate Beijing’s order banning American journalists from reporting in Hong Kong, says only it will handle situation according to law)
The Stand News, March 18, 2020

北京稱禁記者在港工作屬外交事務職權範圍 (Beijing: MFA has right to limit journalists' activities in Hong Kong)
Radio Television Hong Kong, March 18, 2020

政府稱一直為各國媒體及記者在港採訪提供便利 (Hong Kong government: We've always facilitated the reporting work of all foreign media outlets and journalists)
Radio Television Hong Kong, March 18, 2020

北京禁美媒於港澳採訪 民主派斥攬炒 邱騰華:按一國兩制行事 (Pan-Dem: Beijing limiting foreign journalists in Hong Kong is mutual destruction; Hong Kong government: we'll follow One Country, Two Systems principle), March 18, 2020

記協促特區政府澄清外國傳媒簽證安排 (Hong Kong Journalists Association urges HKSAR gov't to clarify foreign media's visa arrangement)
Radio Television Hong Kong, March 18, 2020

香港外國記者會要求特區政府澄清外媒記者在港工作情況 (HKFCC urges HKSAR to clarify context in which foreign journalists may work in Hong Kong)
Radio Television Hong Kong, March 18, 2020

17歲學生乘義載車回家遭警截查 事隔5個月被控無牌管對講機 (17-year-old student charged with illegal possession of Walkie-Talkie 5 months after Reclaim Tuen Mun Park protest), March 18, 2020

記協向個人資料專員反映記者被侵犯私隱問題 (Hong Kong Journalists Association to raise journalists' privacy concerns to Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data), March 18, 2020

沙中綫超支至816億 含6億翻新警察遊樂設施 (Sha Tin to Central rail links is HKD 81.6 billion over budget, including 600 million for relocating Hong Kong police recreation facility), March 18, 2020

炸彈案左腳骨折被告 終攙拐杖出庭 投訴被至少兩警毆打 還押候訊 (Defendant of bombing case alleges police torture in detention)
The Stand News, March 18, 2020

港大何栢良籲禁外國人入境 憂深切治療病床不敷應用 (Ho Pak-leung, HKU microbiology professor, urges border closure to foreign travelers, expresses deep concerns over insufficient availability of ICU beds)
The Stand News, March 18, 2020

Commentary (评论)

Holding Beijing Accountable For The Coronavirus Is Not Racist
Journal of Political Risk, March 17, 2020