In pictures: Inflatable Tank Man sculpture appears in Taiwan ahead of Tiananmen Massacre anniversary
Hong Kong Free Press, May 22, 2019
Tank Man installation holds “warning” for democratic Taiwan: 1989 protest leader
Radio Free Asia, May 21, 2019
六四30周年:美国外交官的“艰难抉择” (June Fourth 30 years ago: The “difficult decision” of U.S. diplomats)
BBC, May 22, 2019
天安门母亲:解决六四问题是“依法治国”的试金石 (Interview with Tiananmen Mothers: Answering for June Fourth is the touchstone for “governing country by law”)
Voice of America, May 21, 2019
HRIC’s “Unforgotten” project: profiles of June Fourth Victims
‐ Project subsite homepage
‐ HRIC statement
‐ Profiles of the “Unforgotten”
The Two Killing Scenes I Witnessed during June Fourth
Human Rights in China, May 22, 2019
六四30周年特辑之一:八九之春 学潮乍起 (June Fourth 30th anniversary feature: Spring 1989 and the rise of a student movement)
BBC, May 21, 2019
香港記者陳潤芝的六四記憶:「每隔二十分鐘,軍人就開槍,砰砰砰砰砰」(Memories of June Fourth from Hong Kong journalist Chen Runzhi: “Soldiers were shooting every twenty minutes”)
The Initium, May 21, 2019
30 years ago: Crowds keep troops from city center
China Digital Times, May 21, 2019
The high price of denial: The cost to China of sweeping the Tiananmen crackdown under the carpet
South China Morning Post, May 21, 2019